Tying The Knot PT2

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"Then let's do something about it," his voice growled, vibrating against my neck. He was pulling away, removing his shirt, dropping it to the floor, pushing me back further on the bed, hovering over me.

His hands gently roamed every inch of my body, squeezing my thighs while his plush pink lips worked their magic on my neck, leaving purple marks claiming his territory, telling everyone I was his in case they didn't see my wedding ring.

Jisung gently pulled away from my neck, kneeling between my legs on the bed, before taking off his tie. His eyes turned dark and full of lust.

"Do you trust me?" my lips became dry, my brain became a puddle, and soft mumbles came out, making chuckles escape his lips

"Words, baby girl, I need your words," he said, kissing my lips and jawline, my back arching softly.

"Yes, Jisung, I trust you," I finally managed to say. He signaled for me to put my hands above my head. I knew where this was going, and I loved it.

The black tie was tied around my wrists and put around the headboard post of our hotel room as he gently pulled, not hurting me in any way but making sure my hand didn't break free.

He moved his lips down my body, trailing kisses from my neck, chest, and stomach before stopping just above my folds.

"Can I?" he was always sweet, asking for permission; I nodded, blushing bright red at my position.

"Yes" was all it took for him to spread my legs wider, sending shivers down my spine and goosebumps forming on my arm. His tongue gently grazed across my folds before sucking, working his tongue.

Arching my back, thrusting my hips up at the sudden contract only for them to be pushed down by his hands holding me there.

He removed his lips before brushing his index and middle fingers along my wet folds before pushing them in, thrusting them in and out, placing his lips on my nipple, and sucking.

My stomach knotted, and my lips started to tremble.

"I'm gonna-" As soon as I began to talk, Jisung pulled his fingers out, smirking before getting off the bed, taking his boxer off, and letting his erection spring free.

I whined as the sudden contract picked my head up, only to see Jisung crawling back on the bed, attacking my lips, aligning his cock that was pre-lube up from his pre cum.

Stroking his dick a couple of times before slowly pushing past my walls. Whining at his size and the fact he is going in raw got me feeling all kinds of things.

Jiaung started thrusting in and out slowly while both our moans echoed through our hotel room; he reached up, untying my hands before finding them back on my hips.

My hands tangled through his hair and back his neck, gently brushing my fingertips against his skin as he picked up the pace.

Our skin slapped against each other. His thrusts became sloppy, indicating he was close.

"I am close, baby. Can I come inside?" he grunted, trying to hold it back as much as he could. I dug my nails into his back, bucking my hips as the knot in my stomach started to unleash.

"Please Jisung"

"Together, baby"

It was all it took, some more sloppy thrusting when we both came at the same time, pulling his dick out. He collapsed beside me, pulling me closer, entangling each other in the sheets and bodies before drifting off to sleep.

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