Spilled Coffee

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"AH SHIT!" I spilled coffee everywhere and all down my clothes, grabbing a wet cloth before patting it on my white top to remove the stains, but I just made it worse than I suddenly remembered I could have a fresh, clean top upstairs in Changbin's room.

Changbin and I have been together for four months. Yes, Changbin is the idol rapper from Stray Kids. We met six months ago through my younger brother Seungmin, and we immediately hit it off.

I stayed at Changbin's place last night but couldn't fit my fresh, clean spare top once I got to his bedroom and dug through my suitcase. Cursing under my breath, I tried looking for something to wear.

I opened his closet and pulled out one of his black tops. Luckily for me, I was slightly taller than him, but it was big on me due to his muscles, so it fits like a glove.

"I hope he won't mind," before heading back down to the kitchen and cleaning up the mess when the front door opened and closed, "Babe? You here?"Changbin spoke, taking off his shoes

"In the kitchen, Bin," I panicked. The kitchen was clean, and he would flip. Once he entered, stopping in his tracks, his eyes tracked up my body and stopped at the top I was wearing.

"I am sorry, Binnie, I spilled coffee everywhere and down my top. I thought I had a clean top but couldn't find it, so I hope you don't mind me wearing it."

I looked up to see Changbin biting his lip softly before stepping closer, grabbing me by my waist, and pulling me closer, "you look adorable in my clothes, and it's okay that it's a mess. Accidents happened, " brushing a strand of hair out of my face before leaning in.

"Oh, the guys are on their way over to a movie night," he said, getting closer to my lips. We have kissed plenty of times before, but it still made butterflies in my stomach.

"Then we better finish cleaning the kitchen, and then I'll head out," I said, giving a quick peck on the lips before returning to cleaning the floor

"You are staying with us,"

*Time skip brought you to the Pineapple in Chan's burger*

Once the kitchen and the rest of the flat were finally clean, I walked into the living room where Changbin was setting things up. I set down the movies he asked me to get.

"There you go, Binnie," I said, smiling widely when the doorbell went, heading and opening the door to all the boys walking in and greeting me, but Seungmin ruffled my hair.

I punched his arm playfully, rolling my eyes before joining them in the living room, cuddling up to Changbin's side, who kept sneaking kisses on my neck and cheek.

"Hey, that's my sister. Come on, dude. Not in front of me..."

"Oh, come on, Min, I love her, plus get used to it," Changbin laughed, pulling me closer and rolling my eyes. I kissed his cheek before breaking away from his grip.

"I am gonna get you boys some drinks," As I walked away, Changbin slapped my ass playfully, making me squeal. I turned, facing him, seeing the biggest grin on his face.

"Seungmin has left the building," and the front door closed afterward.

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