Did You Ever Love Me?

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Do you think when you get into a relationship, both of you will be happy, going out, holding hands, kissing, and making memories together?

Well, for me, it's different as I am the girlfriend of the Stray Kids's Idol, Jeongin. Yes, the maknae of the group, but I was only a year older than him.

After ten months of being together, I was still hidden from the public, and honestly, it started to hurt. I couldn't go out with him on dates to restaurants and parks or anywhere outside; instead, we had to have home dates, which I love.

"Babe, when can we go out on a date?" I skipped over to him, hugging him from behind as he finished his breakfast.

"Y/n, you know we can't. I must keep you hidden from the public. Right now, I could even risk my career from being here, but I am making an effort, you know", Jeongin spoke softly, putting his bowl into the skin before turning around and kissing the top of my head.

It did hurt, but I could understand why he was doing this. Also, I was not too fond of the fact he was hiding me while everyone in his fanbase thought he was single.

Honestly, I got jealous of everyone flirting with him while he accepted it. I may not be with him at the meet and greets, but I can see the videos and comments online.

"Well, can I at least come with you to work? I won't interfere with anything." I asked for one last attempt to spend time with him outside my apartment, hoping he would say yes, but that wasn't the case.

"No, Y/n, I don't want to risk anything," he said softly. My eyes fell to the floor, sighing, knowing I didn't get to go with him and just expected it. I just nodded.

"Maybe another time, once we come out as a couple," a kiss was planted on my forehead. Before I knew it, an hour later, Jeongin left for work.

I decided to head down into the town as I had some things to do; when I went past the bakery, which Jeongin and the boys loved, I grabbed some pastries and cakes for them.

I know Jeongin said not to come to work and to keep myself away from him in the public eye, but I couldn't take it anymore. Plus, they have been working so hard lately.

I took the food to the building and waved at the security guard, who beamed brightly before letting me inside. They head into the elevator, pressing the button for their floor when the door shuts.

Once I reached their floor, heading to where there was, but it was strange. No music, no laughing, but the sounds of them talking.

I stood outside the door, holding the box of cakes and pastries in one hand before brushing my outfit down and grabbing the handle.

"I can't believe you and Y/n have been dating for almost a year, Innie," Seungmin spoke softly, laughing, probably teasing the youngest member.

I smiled softly, blushing as they constantly teased him about our relationship and that the maknae had a girlfriend other than the older members.

I carefully opened the door and stepped inside, shutting it behind me to surprise him; their backs faced the door as they all sat on the couch sipping their drinks.

"I know, two months to go," Jeongin said, setting his drink on the table and stepping closer to the couch, ready to surprise him and the boys.

"I know then you can finish this dare we made you do," stopping in my track just behind Jeongin when Hyunjin spoke.

"Yeah, then you can break up with her. This is the best dare we made you do, especially when I found out she liked you and you didn't fancy her." Minho laughed, and my heart sank. I stepped back but bumped into the chair behind me and dropped the box of cakes.

The boys whipped their heads around, and the color in their faces dropped. Jeongin stood up quickly, walking around the couch.


"This is why you didn't want to go out in public with me...this is why you don't invite me around here...this is why you won't announce our relationship because of a fucking dare?!" I choked, backing away from him and heading straight for the door with tears in my eyes.

"Please wait; let me explain, Jeongin grabbed my hand, stopping me from opening the doo, but I moved my hand away from him, crying.

"Did any of our love mean anything to you? All the kisses? Cuddles? Home dates? Any of it?!" yelled angrily, making him look down softly before turning to the boys whose faces were pure guilt and refusing to look at us.

"Look, Y/n, you know I-"

"Did you never love me despite me showing mine?" Jeongin sighed once again, looking down before looking up at me.

"At first, no, but-"

"Save it, Jeongin. I don't want you near or talking to me; we are over!" I choked with red, puffy eyes before opening the door and running out of the building into my car and off home.

Jeongin POV

"We are over!" was the last thing she said before exiting the door. Watching her leave me and the building was heartbreaking.

Why did I ever do this stupid dare at the beginning? Yes, I didn't fancy her, but I fell in love with him over time. I know I didn't tell her much and should have done it.

I should have been honest with her when we got together and told her the truth, but it was too late now. I regret it; I wish I could return to fix everything, but I couldn't.

"So the dare is over now?" Jisung broke the silence while Changbin and Felix, who didn't say anything, cleaned up the mess on the floor where Y/n dropped the box of cakes.

"Jisung! This isn't the time for that! Jeongin, you need to tell her the truth and apologize to her. You have fallen in love with her, haven't you?" Chan spoke firmly to him before walking towards me, touching my shoulder.

I nodded my head, looking down, ashamed of myself.

"You should have told us, but more importantly, you should have told her. Give her some space, then go get her." Chan patted my shoulder before taking the broken box of cakes away. After it had been cleaned up, I threw it away.

He was right...

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