When She Loved Me

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"I don't understand why she doesn't want to dance with me."

I threw my hoodie onto the couch, talking loudly, thinking no one was in the dorms, and returning from the JYP building with a wave of emotions after seeing Y/n and Minho dancing to Don't Stop The Music by Rihanna in our practice room.

Seeing them two holding each other, my heart sank, so I came home. I picked up the nearest pillow, screaming in frustration. I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink, pulling out a can of coke and cracking open the seal before swigging it back. I felt utter betrayal, especially in Minho, as I have been in love with Y/n for eight months since she came into our friendship group.

"Mate, you have to tell her about your feelings instead of complaining," Felix spoke, pouring flour into a bowl, making me jump out of my skin, not realizing he had been here all along.

"What feelings? Don't know what you are on about." Felix laughed, cracking three large eggs into the mixing bowl, cocking my eyebrow up, watching him. The front door opened, revealing Seungmin and Changbin carrying in groceries.

"I don't understand why she doesn't want to dance with me," imitating my voice. The side was eying him when the front door opened, revealing Seungmin and Changbin, who just returned from the convenience store.

"Oh god, not this again." Seungmin groaned, setting the bags on the counter and pulling out packages of ramen noodles. 

"Why don't you just tell Y/n you like her? Everyone knows it." Changbin suggested stealing some chocolate from Felix's ingredients and shoving it in his mouth before helping Seungmin unpack the groceries.

"I don't like her." I threw my now empty coke into the trash, only gaining chuckles from the three other people, clicking my tongue in annoyance.

"No, of course, you don't like her...YOU LOVE HER"

Felix laughed. My whole face turned red, turning my heels to walk away, only to gain more giggles from the boys. 

"See, you are not denying it. I am sure he is dancing with Minho to get you to wake up," Seungmin laughed, closing the cupboard. I was beyond angry and jealous, all because of Minho. He has the perfect girl right in front of him, and all he has to do is woo her, and he has her.

"Oh, someone is jealous of Minho being Y/n's dance partner," Changbin chuckled and patted my back, walking past him to his room.

"I am not jealous of Minho," Felix burst out laughing, kneeling on the floor and holding his hand up, signaling me to wait for him to calm down.

"Yes, you are hyung. You are jealous because she is dancing with Minho," Seungmin laughed, running to his room quickly.

"So what? She could have come to me for dance lessons. I am her closest friend and part of dancer acha too," clicking my tongue again. Y/n and I became close friends, almost attached at the hip to some extent.

I fell in love with her so much that I decided to try to move on from her, so I went on dates. I distanced myself to help shake away this feeling. But it never went away, so when I returned to the dorms to confess, I saw her and Minho dancing in the living room.

Seeing them hold each other, I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces. She never came to me for dance but goes to Minho instead. I would happily help her. Even have the chance to kiss her. 

"Maybe she got shy to ask you, or maybe because you started to distance yourself from her." I rolled my eyes, not wanting to admit that Felix was right. I head back to the living room, grab my hoodie, walk to my room before climbing on my bed, headplant my pillow, and stay there for a few hours to rethink everything.

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