Gym into Date

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Sweat dripping down my forehead, back arching, toes curling up, moaning and groaning, escaping my mouth while struggling to hold my position while holding the barbell on my shoulders, trying to finish my full squat.

I was squeezing my eyes tight, taking a few deep breaths in, using my core strength to push myself up, gripping tightly onto the barbell, keeping it secure on my shoulders.

"Ten!" I breathed out, lifted the barbell over my head, placed it back on it, stood back up, grabbed the towel cracked from the rack, and patted my forehead before taking my water bottle.

The gym was my escape from work and reality. I have been at the gym for 2 hours, so I decided to finish my treadmill workout. I walked over to the last available, and just as I was about to get on, I collided with someone, knocking me over.


"OMG, I am so sorry. Here, let me help you up,"

A thick voice spoke, extending their hand for me to take it. After expecting it, bringing me to my feet and brushing myself off, I looked up at the person. He had big muscles, slick black hair, pierced ears, and beautiful brown eyes. He was also aiming to get on the only available treadmill left.

"No, I am sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No, no, no, it's my fault. I was busy on my phone and wasn't paying attention... God, you're beautiful."

My cheek flustered, looking down at my feet, chuckling at the sudden compliment from whoever he was, but I shouldn't get to draw in as I probably wouldn't see him again.

"Thank, see you around."

I turned my heels and walked in the other direction, letting him have the treadmill, so I decided to call it a day and head home after 2 hours at the gym.


I stopped in my tracks before turning back and seeing the same man running over to me. Before I could open my mouth to speak, the man handed me a towel that seemed to drop off my shoulder.

"You dropped this,"

"Oh, thank you..."

I took my towel off him, smiling, holding it in my hands

"Changbin, my name is Changbin. You are?"


'Well, Y/n, it was nice meeting you and seeing you around. "

*Time skip*

After I showered and changed in the locker rooms, I decided to pack my gym back. Grabbing the towel, undid it, and fold it back up when something falls out.

Furrowing my eyebrows, noticing it was a piece of paper, "What the -"I bent down to pick it up, opened it up, and revealed a number and a note.

'Thought you looked pretty and just like a dumbbell, I wanna pick you up?

Do you want to go on a date sometime?
Call me

My cheek flustered, chuckling at the cheesiness. I pulled out my phone and texted the number.

'Hi Changbin.
This is Y/n from the gym; I got your number and note. It's very cheesy, but who can't say no to an offer like that?

Call or text me a date and time

I headed out of the gym and towards my car, putting my bag in the back when my phone went off.

I smile from ear to ear, text back before jumping in my car, and drive off to enjoy the rest of the day. Would you like me to say the date?

Changbin: Tonight at 7 pm, sushi restaurant. I know it quite well. Could you send me your address, and I'll pick you up?

It was date time for me, driving home as soon as possible, as it was 3 pm, so I had 4 hours until the date, and so many questions ran through my head.

What shall I wear?
Will a dress be okay, or will that be too much?
Do I wear makeup?
Do I even have any makeup?

Ugh, I need my best friend for advice and severe help.

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