Pregnant Days PT2

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Lee Know

*Back at the house*

"Right people! Y/n is Labour, and Minho is with her; we must assemble the nursery quickly. We just got under 24 hours to do it!" Chan spoke, entering the empty room painted by Hyunjin 2 months ago.

There was the crib, shelves, toy box, changing table, etc., literally everything.

Chan started building the crib while Changbin started building the changing table. Seungmin and Hyunjin began to hang up pictures and drill into the shelves in the wall, thank god both tall. Felix was baking and cooking for the new family while sterilizing bottles and equipment for them, while Jisung and Jeongin were putting baby clothes and toys away neatly in the cupboard and the toy box. Chan and Changbin built the box.

This was going to take a while-

*A few hours later, At the hospital*
*Minho's POV*

Hours passed, and Y/n continued to have contractions, good and bad ones; I felt terrible for her. Creasing her hand while rubbing her back was all that I could do. I felt hopeless.

"I am sorry I can't help as much, darling."

"Awe, it's okay, Minho. You can name and hold the baby first, I promise."

A smile formed on my lips; I got to name our baby and hold them first, even though she carried them for nine months.

The nurse came in and examined my beautiful girlfriend; a smile appeared on her lips before telling us that Y/n was 10cm and full term, so she was ready to go to the delivery room.

The doctors came in before wheeling her there. I kept behind them a reasonable distance. I pulled out my phone and texted the boys that she was about to give birth; after they said congratulations, some even screaming in the WhatsApp messages, I put my phone away before entering the delivery room.

Putting in the hospital gown as Y/n lay there with her legs spread, I stood by her head, holding her hand before planting a soft kiss on her forehead. The midwife told her to breathe in and out at a nice, steady pace before pushing on each contraction.

Screaming while squeezing my hand tightly was painful and made me feel guilty at how much women go through in pushing a baby out of them. How they have the strength to do it is unbelievable.

After a few pushes, the baby's head started crowning and coming out. I didn't want to look at the blood, but I wanted to see my child before; I let go of her hand and got a better view of the head. A complete set of hair and eyes still weren't open, but they were beautiful.

"You are doing nicely, Miss; the head is out, so on your next contraction, I need you to make the biggest push you can."

"I can't...I am so tired."

Hearing her say that made my heart drop; she was exhausted and giving up. I rushed to her side, taking her hand back into mine and creasing it, which made her look at me. Her eyes were heavy, smiling weakly at me.

"Darling, listen to me; you are doing fantastic. Just one more big push and our little bundle of joy will be with us before we know it. Can you do it for our family? Just one more big push."

She just nodded at me, sitting up, taking hold of her arm before screaming, pushing at the next contraction. The midwife kept encouraging and praising Y/n; when screams erupted in the delivery room, the midwife and nurses stepped into action to cover up our baby.

"You did it, baby. I am so proud of you."

I smiled, leaning down and planting kisses on her forehead, making her smile and giggle softly before we shared a quick, passionate kiss. The midwife cleared her throat and turned to see her holding a baby.

"Congratulations, a healthy baby boy weighing in at 7lb 7oz", the midwife spoke, walking towards us and holding our baby.

"He is beautiful. I can't wait for his siblings to meet him," I grinned

"Oh, you have other children? I thought this was your first?"  I was baffled.

"He is our first child," Y/n spoke tiredly.

"What about Soonie, Doongie, and Dori?" I was putting my heart over my heart in shock she forgot our three children.

"I didn't push cats out of my vagina Minho."

"Ah, a cat dad, so, who will hold this human child?"

The midwife laughed softly at our conversation. After that statement about my babies, I glared at my girlfriend, but I looked at her, waiting for permission, and she nodded at me. Stepping forward, letting the midwife place my son in my arms as I held him close to me.

"He is perfect."

His little hands, feet, button nose, cute plum lips, tiny body wrapped in a baby blue blanket, and a hat covering his head. I gently swayed him back and forth as the nurses attended to Y/n before wheeling her back to the private room with our son and me following behind.

Back in our room, I gently laid him in Y/n's arm before taking out my phone, taking a photo of her and the baby, and sending it to the boys via WhatsApp before putting my phone away, admiring the two lights in my life.

"Do we have a name for him yet?" the midwife said, holding the birth certificate ready to input his name before we signed.

"Minho?" Y/n spoke, looking up from our son at me, smiling wide. I took a deep breath in before turning to the midwife and telling her our son's name; after she signed it, she left us alone.

My phone kept going off with messages; I left the room to read them while Y/n and baby rested for a little while.

SKZ 🐱🐱

Chan: Congratulations! I can't wait to see him!

Changbin: He is beautiful, Hyung; what is his name?

Hyunjin: A work of art, a spitting image of you, Minho. Yeah, tell us his name!

Jisung: OMG 😭😭. I am already in love with him, and he has two wonderful parents and 7 Sam Chon (Uncle in Korean) who will spoil him so much, his little hands! OMG 😭😭

Felix: Congratulations, Hyung, mate. We can't wait to see him and hold him

Seungmin: No, I want to hold him first! But he is beautiful, Minho

Jeongin: I think the baby should hold the baby first, so that be me, but I agree, he is gorgeous

Minho: His name is Lee Kwan Jisung

Jisung: OMG AFTER ME?! 😭😭😭 Minho, why?

Minho: Because you, my brother, you were there when I couldn't get to Y/n at one point, and we both love you

Jisung: MINHO 😭😭😭

Seungmin: Here comes more waterworks

Chan: Beautiful name

Minho: *send a photo with question marks*

Hyunjin: Wait-

Jeongin: Hyung-


I was walking back into the room where Kwan lay perfectly in his hospital cot, fast asleep. Of course, I snapped a picture of him like that without the flash or sound before turning my attention to my beautiful girlfriend, and I stoked her hair before kissing her cheek, making her stir a little before smiling weakly at me and drifting back to sleep.

She is perfect; she brings light into my world and makes me happy. I love her, and of course, she brought new life into this world, our beautiful son.

I can't wait to ask her.

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