The Last Text

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Hey baby. I hope you are doing okay. I am doing alright. I am heading to the gym with Channie Hyung, and we are all meeting for dinner. You're favorite, of course, but you won't be here for it.
I love you ❤️ xxx

I got my gym bag and protein shake and was out the door. I wanted to know when she would text me back, but I knew she would wait to reply.


Good morning, sweetheart. Are you doing okay? Today is our first day back to rehearsal, a two-week vacation. I don't know how I will cope after a short break, but as you always tell me, 'push on and make me proud,' I will do it.
I will talk to you later on, baby.
Love you xxx

I grabbed my keys and backpack. I got into my car, turned on the radio, and drove to the Seoul JYP building. Today, we were doing a few interviews, knowing they would bring up things, but I tried to wait to answer them. I just couldn't.


Good morning, my angel. Happy Birthday! I can't believe it's your birthday! Felix said he helped me make a cake for you to celebrate. I am sad you can't be here on your birthday, but we will celebrate it anyway.
Love Binnie xx

"Can I decorate the cake, Felix?" smiling wide as he nodded. I ran over to the cupboard, standing on my toes to reach the sprinkles, placing them on the table before scrolling through my phone for the perfect design.


Hello Y/n, my sweet. Today was hard for me. I heard a song that reminded me of you and cried in my car. I have no idea how long I was there, but Hyunjin came and found me, bringing me into the studio before holding me tight.
Binnie x

My Universe by Coldplay and BTS played on the radio. We danced and sang to this song when we first met in the rehearsal room. I remember watching you try to learn Korean. It was so funny but sweet at the same time. Can you believe that it was two years ago?


Seungmin asked if I wanted to drink with the lad, but I refused. They think I am crazy for not going out to meet new people, so I text you instead, although you can't answer me.
Am I crazy? Maybe I am, but it is tough for me

It was 8 o'clock, and the boys were out chilling while I stayed home. I Sat on the shared bed, waiting for your company. Your perfume still lingered. I didn't dare touch your clothes or anything you left behind. Maybe the boys are right. I need to move on.


Hey Y/n.
We did it! We won another award! Are you proud of me? What am I saying? Of course you are. We are going out for a meal to celebrate, so I'll make this text quick as I want to keep your sleep healthy.
Talk soon

I can't believe we won another award, and our last award was two weeks ago. Chan always knew we made it big, and sometimes none of us thought it either, but Chan and Y/n believed in us if it wasn't for Y/n pushing me to continue doing this. Who knows where I would be?


Hey Y/n...
How are you?
I am not coping well as it's been one month since you left. How could you do this to me, To Us?
I try not to let this get to me, but honestly, I am hurting. Putting on a brave face for the world is painful because they always see a Happy Changbin, not a sad Changbin.
Please get back to me. I miss you.

"Mate, she isn't coming back. You got to stop with these texts." Jeongin patted my back as Minho knelt before me.

"Yeah. She won't reply and never will. Time to move on from her," Minho spoke, placing both his hands on my knees.

Looking up, I saw my band members' eyes, which were built with sorrow. I shook my head and stood up, ready to leave the room.

"No! She will reply to me! She promised she would!" trying not to choke on my words, biting down on my lip.

"Changbin...we all know she isn't going to text back. Time to delete her number and move on," Chan spoke, holding his hand for me to pass over my phone.

I was shaking my head, finally crying, and dropping to my knees. Jeongin and Minho clung to me to give me moral support and let me know they were there.

Chan took my phone out of my hands, opened my contacts, and was ready to delete her number forever.

"Wait!" I managed to splurge out. I'd grabbed Minho's arm, standing up and wiping my tears away. Taking in a deep breath to regain myself.

"Let me send one final text to her," I pleaded. Chan looked at the boys, who nodded their heads before handing my phone back to me.

I took a deep breath and opened my message before typing one final message to her.

The boys think I should stop texting you altogether; maybe it's for the best...

Losing you is hard enough, but I never knew the grieving stage was the most difficult.
You were taken from me two months ago, and I have texted you every single day to cope with it instead of moving on.

I know you wanted me to move on, but I couldn't do that; from now on, I will try. I promised you I would, and I will keep that promise.

I am going to finish this text quickly. After this text is sent, I will delete your number completely.

Y/n... so that you know. I love you very much. Look over me and the boys, especially Jeongin, as he is typically still our baby despite his being 23 now. Haha!

Goodbye, my love.
Fly high and sleep tight
Your Binnie

❤️ xxx

With the text sent, I closed the messages and opened my contacts. I was pressing down on her contact, taking a deep breath before deleting her number...forever.

"We are proud of you, Changbin. Let's go out to the bowling alley." Hyunjin smiled and patted my back as we all left the building.

"Yeah! We can be in teams again. I am going to beat all of you at it," Jisung laughed, jumping on Minho's back and grinning from ear to ear.

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