Our Future

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I was sitting on the balcony of our shared apartment with a cup of tea placed on the metal table, enjoying the atmosphere, wearing my Alexander McQueen branded sweater on my day off.

It was a Thursday evening, almost sunsetting, and of course, I captured the moment before putting my phone away. Y/n and I usually sit out here and watch the sunset when we get together.

My beautiful girlfriend went out to get groceries for us, and we ran out of food the other day when we had the boys around.

Our apartment was casual and small, but it was perfect for both of us. We did talk about our future together, but the decision of children never popped up at all. Manly, it's because we are still relatively young and enjoying time together, but this needs to be discussed coming up to our one-year anniversary.

"Innie, I am home", the voice of the love of my life echoed through the apartment, turning my head to see her carrying two big bags full of food, heading straight to the kitchen to put them away; I grabbed my tea before heading inside.

"Hey, Y/nnie, let me help you," I said, setting my tea down before putting some groceries in the fridge and shutting the fridge before wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder, swaying us from side to side.

After the groceries were put away, she made herself some tea, and we both headed back to the balcony, wrapping her legs in a small blanket.

"There is something we need to talk about-"I blurted out, bringing the tea to my lips. Her head turned towards me, furrowing her eyebrows together, worried and scared. I shook my head, smiling, taking her hand in mine.

"no, no, it's nothing to worry about; it's just some things we haven't brought up with each other that I feel like we need to discuss," I spoke softly, making her relax before shifting her body towards me, giving me her full attention.

"What are your views on children?"

"What, like having our own or just children in general?"

"Our children"

"Aren't we a little young for this Innie baby?"I chuckled, kissing the top of her hand before looking at her. Her smile dropped slightly in fear, but I managed to reassure her.

"Yes, we are, but I was thinking about our future. Do you see us having children?"She removed her hands from mine, sitting back further into the chair, sipping her tea.

"Of course, I see us having children, Jeongin. I see a lot in our future, like us being married, having children and pets, having a car or two, and dying old together." a smile formed on my lips, and I finished my tea before standing up.

I moved my chair over to where she sat, sat down, and sat down, lifting the blanket, getting under with her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, and pulling her closer.

Watching the sunset slowly disappear behind the buildings of Seoul. I turned my head and watched the light reflection bounce off the building onto her face. God, she was perfection in my eyes.

"So beautiful," my comment made her blush before looking at me, my finger placed under her chin before guiding our lips together. The sun had finally gone to bed, but not for us, as we stayed outside for a few more minutes enjoying each other company.

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