The Wingman

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It was a rainy Friday at your local cafe, 'The Nutty Café,' where I worked as a barista. Trained for three years, I knew my way around coffee. Also, I was known for my very famous latte, which had a squirrel-like pattern on the foamy milk on top. 

I've even entered the local newspapers as they boast about my coffee art. It even attracts more customers.

Fun fact: the squirrel on the latte represents Han Jisung from Stray Kids. Not only was he my celebrity crush, but he was also my bias. But he has helped me through so many things, like anxiety.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon. We had no customers for nearly two hours, so the number was slowly dying. My manager told my colleague Janey and me to wait until 4 pm to close down for the night if no one else walked in.

"Okay, guys, I'm going to head out. I will see you bright and early on Monday. Have a wonderful evening," Glenn spoke before waving goodbye to the pair of us. 

Glenn was a 52-year-old woman. Very friendly and always encouraging us to do our best. I learned my coffee art from her before broadening my skills.

3:40 pm

Twenty minutes to go. So, we both started slowly to clean things up, wiping down the counters and fridges, knowing that time would go quicker if I kept myself busy.

"Ugh! It's not fair that she gets to leave early before us. We probably won't get any other customers," Janey groaned, leaning on the counter with her chin nestled into the palm of her hand.

Of course, she went and jinxed it. The bell rang as eight young men in their early 20s walked in.

They were collapsing down their umbrellas, brushing their shoes on the mat, and getting off any access dirt and water before going to the giant table in the middle of the room.

"Oh, come on!" Janey groaned even more, making you chuckle slightly. My eyes widened instantly, and I recognized my favorite band, Stray Kids.

My best friend and I went to a Stray Kids concert and fan meeting a few days ago, where I held Jisung's hand and talked to him. He was so interested in me that he kept asking about what I studied at university and what I did for work.

 It honestly felt like I wasn't talking to a celebrity in any way. This is why he is my bias. It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget it.

"Okay, let's do this, Janey," I spoke, grabbing a pen and notepad ready to take their order. Straightening my uniform and making myself look more professional gave them time to review the menu before heading to their table.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to The Nutty Café. My name is Y/n, and I'll be your server today; what can I get for you boys?" I asked. Felix lifted his head, flashing his smile widely.

"Hello, yes, can we wait a minute? Wasn't you and your friend at the fan meeting a few days ago?" He asked, catching the other members' attention.

"Yes, Yes, I was there."

"Of course, I remember now. Your best friend wouldn't let go of my hand. You had to pride her away from me because she wouldn't let go," Jeongin chined, chuckling softly. I couldn't believe Lily wouldn't let go of his hand.

"Yeah...I am so sorry for her behavior a few days ago, Jeongin." he shook his head, reassuring me that it was okay, making him laugh.

"It's fine. What a coincidence we ran into you here, at your workplace."

"Well, Jisung asked about my work when I was holding his hand and chatting away with him; he asked me where I worked, so I told him," laughing softly, feeling slightly nervous as all the boys looked at Jisung, who quickly looked down.

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