Forgotten Birthday

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beep beep

The light gleamed through the curtains at 5:30 a.m. My alarm kept ringing and groaning before rolling over and turning it off. Sitting straight up, rubbing my eyes before stretching before my eyes widen, giggling quietly, grabbing my phone off the bedside table, opening up my messages

Seungmin: Happy Birthday Elder! Another year closer to death x

Felix: Happy Birthday, girl! I hope you enjoyed the cake I baked for you. x

Jeongin: Happy Birthday Noona! x

Chan: Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day, and enjoy your time with Changbin! x

Hyunjin: Happy Birthday, Y/n! x

Jisung: Happy Birthday 🎂!! x

Minho: Happy Birthday, mini version of me. Have a great day x

I am smiling widely at the boy's cute but sarcastic birthday messages. Soft snores came from my boyfriend Changbin, who had his left arm flung over my waist and his face slightly buried into the pillow; he looked adorable. Carefully removing his arm from my waist and sliding out of bed, I got into my slippers, holding my phone before exiting our shared bedroom and heading downstairs to prepare breakfast for both of us.

I started to plate the bacon, sausages, eggs, and tomatoes onto two plates for Changbin and me. The sizzle of the eggs in the pan and the smell of bacon drifted around the kitchen, but I didn't realize how long I had been cooking until I heard familiar footsteps entering the kitchen.

"Good morning, my princess," his raspy morning voice traveled into my ears as he wrapped his arms around my waist, planting a kiss on my shoulder, swaying us side to side; I hummed in response.

"Good morning, handsome," I spoke with a joyfully excited voice, turning my head before planting a kiss on his cheek before he went to sit at the table.

"You are in a happy mood today. What is the occasion?" Changbin chuckled when I placed our food on the table, sitting opposite him before we tugged into our food.

"Occasion? Oh, like you don't know. Anyways, what do you have planned for us today, Binnie?" I asked, giggling, kicking my feet under the table, unable to contain my excitement in any way possible; he looked at me, raising an eyebrow before swallowing his food.

"I have got work today, babe. I told you a couple of days ago that we got to finish this album before our comeback, so that is where I am off today; I am sure you can find something to do today." those words came out of his mouth and made my heart sink. 

Did he forget my birthday? No, he couldn't; it's one of the pranks he pulls.

Laughing softly, shaking my head, and tugging into my food, "Nice joke, Changbin. What is the plan today?" I looked up, and he seemed plain annoyed and confused.

"I ain't joking, Y/n. I am going to work; we must finish it, " he said, finishing his breakfast and putting it in the sink when I followed him behind.

"But it's Saturday; I thought you booked today off to spend time with me, especially on a SPECIAL day today," I said, placing my plate in the sink and turning the water on, empathizing with the special.

"People work on the weekends, Y/n; just because you don't doesn't mean others don't as well. Special Day? What is so special about today? Of course, I wouldn't book today off when we are so close to finishing this al-AH SHIT, I AM GONNA BE LATE!" he yelled, running up the stairs to get dressed. I turned off the water, frowning, trying to hold back the tears ...he forgot?

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