Gone Away

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The way her lips lingered on mine left me craving for more. Her touch against my skin was like heaven but sent shivers down my spine. Her smile intoxicated the atmosphere and drew me closer to me; her laugh filled the room. God, how I miss all these things.

How I miss the things she did with my best friends.

Bake brownies and cookies with Felix, play video games with Jeongin, who ended up beating her in them, try to do rap battles with Han and Changbin but stumbling her words then laugh afterward, watch anime with Lee Know, make jokes with Seungmin before running away and playing UNO with Bang Chan which she does manage to beat him in. It's the only game she ever wins at.

She played tug of war with Kkami, curled up on the couch while Kkmai curled up in a ball on her chest. The car rides had while blurring out music and singing until our heart's content. Spontaneous moments where we did things at random but made them memorable, like when we decided to paint our bedroom when we first moved into our shared apartment, and you decided to flick paint all over me, then we turned it into a massive paint fight, laughing and screaming the place down. The neighbors hated us for a month, but we didn't care. Of course, who could forget our unexpected date nights, like the one before you left?

We sat by the fireplace in our apartment with a mini picnic I made rustled up. Sandwiches, strawberries, and chocolate, and some sparkling wine. Soothing jazz in the background while the fire sizzled before us, keeping the room warm. I remember you were wearing a baby blue dress covering your knee. You looked stunning, and what happened afterward was magical.

Our first-ever argument was the day after our first anniversary. Everyone was shocked we had been together that long and not one single fight. Our faults caused that argument over something so silly but meaningful to us both. I painted both of us together on our first date, which I wanted to take away with me as I was heading on a 3-month tour away from her, but Y/n wanted that picture to remember me or have me near her bed. Ultimately, I took it with me, leaving my favorite necklace with her, which she wore daily, only taking it off to shower or go to the gym.

I remember every little bit of these details after six months since you left. I was angry when you left. I had never experienced this emotion before, nor did I know how to control it. I had to have the boys help me deal with these. It took a while to get used to, but it still hurts and angers me.

"Hyunjin, let's go. We got rehearsals to get to"

"Yeah, just give me five more minutes, please, Felix."

I turned back to Felix, who just smiled, nodded, and got into the car before turning my attention back to where I was. My heart was still hurting due to the fact I still couldn't get over you, but I must. I promised you I would move on; I remember that promise like it was yesterday, but it was only six months ago...

Promise me, Hyunjin, that you will continue to live your life to the fullest. Never look back and keep pushing forward.

I will try, but it will be hard, darling...

I know it will be, but you have the boys and Kkami around you. It will be okay, I promise you. Promise me, you will try.

I promise

Those were the last words we spoke to each other. These are the words that ran through my head daily. The sound of the car horn letting me know that 5 minutes were up turned in my heels. I took a deep breath and walked to the car where Felix awaited me. Climbing in before fasting up the seatbelt as Felix drove away from the Graveyard.

The graveyard was the place I hated coming to but also liked to visit...

The graveyard where you lay for six months...

The graveyard where you were taken from me by a car crash.

The graveyard where I visit you once a month.

"It will be okay, Hyunjin; we are all here to support you," Felix said, snapping me out of my thoughts while patting my hand, which I was clenching on my leg.

Smiling to myself before relaxing a little bit, Y/n was right. I did have the boys there with me through these tough times; I was happy to go home some days to be greeted by Kkami. Damn, I hate the fact she was right about this...things were going to be okay; it will take some time.

"I know Felix, thank you."

He smiled before turning on music from the car radio to drown out my thoughts and help me as we drove away towards the JYP building to get on with life.

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