Tying The Knot

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White daisies and roses decorated the bush arch perfectly; the white carpet from the bottom of the entrance where I stood was perfectly in place.

Minho kept trying to fix my tie as I kept undoing it and redoing it back up; Seungmin and Changbin kept talking to me, making jokes to keep me calm; Felix straightened out my suit at the back. At the same time, Jeongin and Hyunjin took some pictures while the wedding photographer took photographs elsewhere.

"Don't be nervous, Jisung. Everything will be okay." Changbin patted my shoulder, but I just shook my head.

"I don't want it to be okay; I want everything to go perfectly," I groaned, stepping back after Minho sorted my tie.

"Jisung! Not everything needs to be perfect; I see she will love it, but she loves you more. Also, don't touch your tie!" Minho slapped the back of my head before walking over to Seungmin and Changbin.

"Ouch! That hurt, and I want things to be perfect! The guests are arriving in a few minutes. She deserves the best! I need to see her!" I turned my heel, but Hyunjin and Jeongin pulled me back.

"Oh no, you don't. It's bad luck, and besides, Channie Hyung is with her. She is in good hands." Felix rubbed my shoulder.

"You're right," I said, taking a deep breath before greeting all the guests who came into the church hall.

*Y/n's POV*

I stood looking in the mirror, trying to change my wedding dress, while my best friend and maid of honor started to zip up my dress. She was all smiles and almost was going to cry.

"I can't believe you are getting married and to believe I would marry before you, haha," she jokes, hugging me carefully before letting go.

Ava has been my best friend for years, and she stood by me through thick and thin; we battled the bullies together in school, had each other backs when other previous 'ex-boyfriends' caused us pain, and, of course, threatened to cut their dicks off - not literally, but that was our friendship for 15 years.

I was glad she stood by my side when Jisung and I got together four years ago, she stood beside me when we had our argument over something stupid, she stood beside me when he proposed to me last year, and yet she still stood beside at my wedding, the only person that was on my side that would be here.

My family didn't want to know or come to my wedding because I was not being Korean and marrying Jisung. They didn't support it, but I didn't care. I loved Jisung more than anything and would marry him whether they were here or not.

"I know, but your luck with men hasn't been the greatest," nudged her, giggling before sipping on my shoes and letting her put my veil on, draping it over my face.

Knock knock

"The savior of the hour is here," Ava chuckled, opening the door and revealing Chan in a black and white suit before bowing, walking in, and straight to me with a broad smile showing off his dimples.

Since my parents wouldn't come and no one would give me away, I went to the next person who took me under their wing, Chan. Since moving to Korea with my best friend five years ago and pursuing my career as a lyric writer, I have become friends with Chan and the boys at JYP working with them. That is how I met Jisung.

"You look beautiful, Y/n," Chan said, kissing the top of my hand before turning to Ava and winking at my best friend, who grinned, leaving the room.

"You don't look bad yourself, Chris," laughing before turning back to the mirror to change my outfit one last time.

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