One Corner Is All It Takes..

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Lee Know

Warning: This oneshot contains SA, so please don't read this if you are triggered or uncomfortable

Music vibrated throughout the nightclub; my whole body pumped with the rhythm while shouting and laughter coming from different directions, and cocktail shakers being thrown and caught, making the crowd go wild.

"Baby, come on this way," Minho spoke, gliding his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to his embrace while we walked to the VIP section. We were celebrating tonight as the boys just won another big award, which I couldn't be more proud of them.

Everyone scattered to different areas once we got comfortable in our VIP booth settling down. Changbin, Jisung, and Hyunjin went to the dance floor with their partners. Jeongin, Seungmin, and Felix chat with people they know and don't know, which is the social bunch they are.

Chan and Minho sat in the booth, watching everyone having fun for a bit of a while while being the group's parents. "I gonna get a drink, anything you two want?" I asked before kissing Minho's cheek and shimmering out of the booth, straightening out my dress, and looking at them.

"No, I am okay; Ana has given us some drinks, but thanks for asking Y/n," Chan flashed a smile before returning to enjoying the atmosphere. Ana was his girlfriend of three years, and she was terrific. I nodded at his response before Minho spoke up.

"I'll have whatever you are having, darling. I want us to match tonight", Minho gave me a flirtatious wink. My cheeks changed to a vibrant red in seconds, looking down at the floor, biting my lip gently, trying to be desecret about it, and turning my heels before making my way through the crowd and heading straight towards the bar.

"What can I get for you?" A woman in her twenties stood behind the counter, flashing a smile. She had red hair, freckles, and piercing blue eyes; she was breathtaking, making me a little jealous of her looks, like all girls when they see someone beautiful.

"Can I get two apple ciders, please?" my soft-spoken words made her nod, smiling before turning around and opening the mini fridge, grabbing them. My body swayed from side to side as the beat made my whole body move.

"Yes, baby! You go, shake it!" a loud voice called from afar, whipping my head around only to be cheered on by my boyfriend. My cheeks became flustered again, looking back to the bar to hide my cheeks as the bartender poured our apple ciders into two tall glasses in front of me.

"That will be $15, please, my love." I pulled out my money from my purse, handed her the exact money, and picked up the drinks before heading back to Minho, shimmering my way back through the booth. An arm flew over my shoulder, traveling down my side, wrapping its fingers around my waist, giggling softly before cuddling up into Minho's embrace, enjoying every moment around us.

A few hours later. Kisses, cuddles, and laughter went on throughout the night, and we still had more celebrating to do; everyone apart from Jisung and Hyunjin, who was having a break from social interaction, was on the dance floor.

Minho held me close with my back against his chest, gently swaying my hips from side to side. I was getting rather shy, not wanting people staring at me as I wasn't the prettiest, I wasn't beautiful, I wasn't thin, being curvy. I started to tense up as I felt some eyes on me. His hands held firmly on my hips, pulling me closer, pecking my ear softly.

"Relax, Darling. You are beautiful to me, no matter what. Don't let people inside your head," resting his chin on my shoulder, swaying us both. My whole body relaxed, and I sank into his embrace.

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