When She Loved Me Pt2

822 11 17


Requested by From_Heaven666

Hi, this is Y/n.

I am sorry I can't get on the phone right now.

Please leave a message, and I'll get back to you.


"Y/n, it's me again. Please answer the phone. I am such an idiot, I know, but please. I beg you...talk to me. Let me make things right." Sighing, running my hand through my hair, I sat in traffic, awaiting the green light.

Eight times.

Eight times I have called her.

Eight times, she hasn't picked up the phone.

The light suddenly turned green. Pressing my foot down on the gas pedal, I drove through the city. Going down the side roads, pass the playpark and a big convenience store, all in aid to get to her apartment.

I was parking just outside the apartment complex. I turned off the engine, took a deep breath, and gathered my thoughts before exiting the car. 

The glass door to the complex swung open, and a man in his 20s walked out carrying a trash bag. Throwing it in the dumpster before walking away, probably heading off to work.

I walked up the significant pathway before pressing the intercom. I stood there awaiting an answer but got nothing, so I tried again. After five minutes, there was still no answer.

Walking backward just enough to see that one of her windows was wide open, that had to mean she was home as she never leaves her apartment with the window wide open.

"Y/n, I know you are in there; please let me in," calling out loudly so she could hear me. Time froze as I stood there waiting and watching her window for movement.

"Hyunjin!" The intercom of the complex echoes my name. Rushing over and pressing the button once again.

"Y/n, thank god. I knew you were home. Hear me out, please. I am-"

"Do I sound like Y/n to you, Hyunjin?" It was Mae, her best friend. Mae moved here from England a few years ago to study while working as a receptionist at the local gym.

"I am sorry, Mae, I didn't know you were here. Is Y/n with you?" I crossed my fingers in slight hope that she was there and hoped she would forgive me.

"Yes, she is, but she doesn't want to talk to you, Hyunjin; she is seriously hurt by what happened." The guilt washed over me. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions about her and Minho.

"Mae, please. I beg you to let me in to speak to her. I fucked up" there was a moment of silence that you could hear the wind whistling.

"Hyunjin, I don't know...she-"

"I'll do anything. I'll set you up with one of my friends." Once again, silence. Did she hang up on me?

A buzzing noise erupted through the intercom before the door clicked.

The door was opened.

I smiled widely, pulling the door and opening it more before rushing inside towards the elevator.

Pressing the third-floor button, the doors shut behind me. I was slightly disappointed that there was still no elevator music played in these things.


The doors opened. Walking out, turning right, going straight to Number 20. Staring at the door, taking a deep breath to slow down my heartbeat (LISTEN TO MY HEARTU BEATU. Sorry, carry on) before knocking.

What was I going to say to her

The door opened, revealing Mae standing there; she opened the door, further allowing me to enter. Thanking her, once inside her apartment, I looked around, taking in my surroundings.

"Y/n is in her room on her bed crying," taking in a deep breath, turning my body towards her bedroom. Once at the door, I gently knocked on the door.

"Go away, Mae." My heart shattered hearing her small, soft sobs. I twisted the doorknob, opening the door.

There she sat on her bed, head buried in her hands while her shoulders shook gently. She was wearing light green joggers and a grey tee shirt.

"I am not Mae..." my voice made her quickly jump off her bed, wiping her bloodshot eyes and straightening her hair.

"Hyunjin, why are you here? Have you come to accuse me of other things? Tell me I am dating Chan instead of Felix. Whatever you got to tell me, tell me now and leave," Her voice cracked, holding back her tears, but it didn't work.

Reaching my hand out, gently wiping her tears with my eyes. She didn't move away from me; she just stood staring at the ground.

"Y/n, I am so sorry for saying everything back at the house. I didn't mean anything; I was just jealous and broken that you chose Minho over me..." I kneeled in front of her, trying to look into her eyes.

"But you shouldn't have. Minho loves Jisung, and I am madly in love with you, Hyunjin, and have been for quite a while." A smile appeared on my lips, taking both her hands in mine, still on the floor.

"Y/n, I have been in love with you too."

"But...after what you said. I have my doubts now, Jinnie..." my nickname. I knew she still loved me, but she was just scared. I understood why, and I was willing to prove her differently.

"I'll make it up to you. We can go to a nice restaurant or a walk in the park." I got up, letting go of her hands.

"Hyunjin, I don't know..." My heart raced. I wasn't going to back down. Even if she never loved me or returned my love, I needed to prove to her that I was sorry.

"I know you are scared. But I was an idiot, but please give me a chance." She looked at her, her bloodshot eyes showing some life back in them.

"You can bring Mae with you to make you comfortable. You know what?! We can make it a double date." The corner of her lips raised, giggling softly at my excitement about double dating.

"I guess that be okay." A small amount of excitement rolled off her tongue. Biting my inner cheek, trying to contain my happiness

"I'll pick you up at 7 pm this Friday," I spoke, walking out of her room, her following behind me.

"Who will you bring?" I stopped in my tracks, smirked, and turned toward her.

"I know someone who has liked her a while. He even has some hobbies and interests just like hers," she chuckles, making the smile on her lips wider.

"Can I have a hint?" she gave me the same puppy eyes she knew I couldn't resist, but I held firm.

"Nope, not even a little hint," I spoke, taking her hand in my gentle kiss on the back before opening the door.

I said goodbye before heading back to the dorms to find him. Will kill me for setting him up on a date, yes.

He would kiss my feet, thanking me because he was just as shy and scared as me.


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