Thoughts and Actions

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Warning: Suicide Thoughts & Attempt Suicide

So, she is a bigger lady?

Did he choose her?


She is using him for the money and fame!

She is the most ugliest person I have seen



Comment after comment, hate after hate. I could avert my eyes away from the comment session. Yesterday, my boyfriend posted a picture of us from months ago. I didn't change much, only my hair color, which is now slightly lighter.

He got permission from his manager to do it. We have been together for a year now, but we had to keep a low profile for a while for his idol image before he could announce it to the STAYS. When he finally showed me off, I was excited, thinking there would be so many positive comments, congratulations, and love, but no, that never happened. All the comments were...well, upsetting.

The fans hated me, and I hated myself even more after the Instagram post. Tears and drops fell on my phone while scrolling through the comments; the more I did it, the more it hurt, and the more I didn't want to exist.

I was choking on my breath to try to stop myself from crying. I'm locking my phone before throwing it down on the king-sized bed, dragging myself out of bed and towards the full-length mirror.

Wearing black shorts and a white crop top as I was having a lazy day today, I just stared at myself and analyzed each aspect of my body.

Despite exercising and eating healthy, I was more significant than other girls, but I wasn't skinny. I had a few scratch marks on my stomach and thighs, my teeth were slightly crooked, and I had a few acne scars. No matter how much I had to cover up with makeup, it was still there...the list goes on.

The fans were right: I was hideous, I was ugly, and he didn't deserve me. He deserves someone prettier and won't bring his image down; my thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off.


Turning around to my bed, where my phone lit up, indicating a text message. Walking over, unlocking my phone.

Baby: Date night tonight. I made reservations at 7 pm, the same place where we had our first date. Wear something stunning, not like you need to, as you are attractive enough 😘

Me: Ok 😘

I sighed; I had canceled the last date night due to work, and before that, he withdrew because Chan called him into the studio to re-record his part due to a technical issue they were receiving, so we both agreed to do a date night again and attend it with no expectations.

Despite every comment I read and the fact that he knew who I was and could stalk me, I didn't want to let him down—checking the clock at 5 pm, giving him two hours to get ready. I opened the closet, and choosing an outfit should have been easy, but it wasn't.

After about 10 minutes of choosing and putting it back, I finally decided on an outfit. A light purple dress and a pair of plum wedge heels. I did my hair, curls, and waves that came to my shoulders; I put on a tiny bit of make-up as he hates me wearing so much make-up, hiding my true self. I grabbed my bag and keys and headed to the car.

*Time skip*

7 pm came around. I walked into the restaurant and headed straight to the waiter.

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