So Sick

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Bang Chan

*Your POV*

When you are sick, you love it when people care for you. People are making soup for you, giving you massages, long hot baths, and sweet forehead kisses. But when your boyfriend is sick... it's the complete opposite.

He hates it when people take care of him, put themselves out for him, and nurse him back to health when he is the one doing for his family and friends. Yes, he tries to hide the fact he is ill, but I and other people can see right through him.

Yes, I am talking about my boyfriend, Mr. Bang Christopher Chan. Father of 7 kids, and oh god, he is a good father or grandfather, as Seungmin reminds him, like every day.

But on this particular week, unfortunately, Chan got the flu; however bad he was, Chan never stopped or rested, and it hurt you; the fact you loved him so much, you kept reminding him to stop or take a break, but he didn't listen. What made things worse is that Chan had a Japan tour coming up in 2 weeks.

"Chan, please just stop and rest; you will collapse or worse, make yourself seriously ill, and you will end up in the hospital. The boys and I don't want that to happen, and certainly, all the STAYS will be heartbroken and worry about you", I spoke, entering the home music studio we had built in my new apartment, where he sat focusing on his laptop, typing away.

"I know, I know, baby. It's just that I need to finish this track. I can't keep asking HAN and Changbin to help; they need rest."

"As should you, Chan. You are sick!"

"No, I am not"

As on cue...ACHOO!

Chan sneezed into a tissue, nose all red, eyes heavy and bloodshot from where he wasn't sleeping properly at night, but that was nothing new to you. I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at him before he threw the used tissue in the bin, put headphones back on, and engrossed in the laptop, ignoring my death stare.

Giving up, I left the studio and went to the kitchen when a genius idea came to mind. Pulling out my phone, I dialed a new one before engaging in an entire blow conversation that lasted 20 minutes.

"Great! Thank you. See you in an hour," I said, putting the phone down, heading to the front door, and putting on my coat, shoes, and bag, "Chan! I am just heading to the store; I'll return soon!"


With that, I headed out the door and down to the grocery store to gather things for the soup I would make, Chan.

*Time skip, back home after the store*

"Chan, I am home," I spoke softly, putting the shopping on the kitchen counter before heading into the bedroom to change into something more comfortable. One final look in the mirror to straighten my clothes before returning to the kitchen.

After preparing parsnip, carrot, and coriander soup, I poured some boiling water into a cup of lemon and honey tea and placed it on the table. I grabbed my phone and sent a text before putting my phone down on the counter.

Chan, I made you some lunch, please come and eat it. Pretty please 🥺 xx

The text was sent and read. Pouring the soup into a bowl before picking it up and setting it on the table before grabbing a spoon. The sound of the music room door opening and closing, sniffles, and dragging feet entered the room, and the chair scrapped against the floor, indicating Chan had sat down.

"Here you go, baby Parsnip, Carrot, and Corriander soup to help your flu," I said, placing the spoon down for him and seeing him smile down at the food before looking up at me.

"Thanks, babe, you're the be-WHAT THE."

"What? Is something wrong with the soup? I can remake it or make you a different one. It's the best for when you are ill and-"

"I am not talking about the soup."

"Is it the Tea?"


I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion; I walked over to grab some water and soup before sitting opposite him, "Then what is wrong, baby?"

"You know damn well what is wrong...why are you wearing that?"

"Oh, this? Because I want to wear it."

There I sat, eating my soup while wearing a sexy nurse outfit that came to knee-high. My chest was slightly exposed; it was pure white, and so was the hat I was wearing, which I brought from a costume shop when I went out to get the groceries. If I couldn't get Chan to stop working and rest, hopefully, this will...

"What's the matter, Christopher?" finally looking to see Chan sitting there staring, brushing his tongue against his lick, making them wet, leaning forward, resting his hands on his thighs while trying to contain his breathing.

"I know what you are trying to babe, you look HOT."

"Oh, thank you, it's worth a shot. If this didn't work, then hopefully my backup plan will, " I said, trying so hard not to smirk, knowing that this was working, but Chan, being Chan, was acting like it didn't.

"Backup plan?"

With that, the door burst open, revealing an angry Changbin and Han, who knew where the spare key for our apartment was; all the boys did. Sometimes, it wasn't a good idea to tell them, as sometimes, we came home to find them eating food we had brought the other day.

"Where is he?" Han growled

"BANG CHAN!" Changbin yelled

A shocked and flustered Chan sat there staring at me. I continued eating now, finally smirking, not taking any notice, "He is in here, boys, finally eating!"

"What you guys doing here?"

"Taking over from you so we can finish that song while you finally rest and let your girlfriend look after you," Changbin said, turning towards the music room.

"I was resting-"

"Nice try, Chan. We all know you weren't resting or taking breaks. You never do; also, nice outfit, Y/n."

"Thanks, Han."

"Can I borrow it after you are done with it?"


"I said-"

"HAN!" Changbin grabbed him before dragging him into the music room

"I just wanna have it for research purposes.." Han mumbled before the door to the music room closed; I giggled before finishing up my soup and placing it in the sink to wash up. Chan stood up, finishing his soup, placing the bowl on the side before wrapping his arms around my waist, leaving small kisses and bites on my neck.

"What do you think you're doing, Chan?" I spoke, grinning from ear to ear, knowing my plan was working, small circles traced on my side.

"Giving my girlfriend some love as she needs it."

"Not while you are ill anyways; I should give you some love, Channie."

"You can show me some love, my sexy nurse."

"Why don't you bathe, and I will bring you some medicine?"

"Enjoy me?"

"Chan!" Rolling my eyes, smirking 

"Worth a shot"

I hope you enjoyed this one.

I got the inspiration from myself as I am unwell at the moment.

Yes, Han borrowed that costume for research purposes...not to try on for Minho.


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