Pregnant Days Finale

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Lee Know

Two days

Y/n and Kwan have been in the hospital for two days now, but that is natural after childbirth. Today is the day they get to come home.

I left her and Kwan in the hospital with my parents while I went home to prepare everything, only to be greeted by the boys.

"Hello, fellow members," I spoke, shutting the front door before entering the kitchen and grabbing some water.

"Hello, Father Minho; where is my nephew?" Jisung said, bouncing up and down excitedly, looking around for Y/n and Kwan and chuckling before hugging him and patting his back.

"Calm down, Jisung. They are still at the hospital but came home today, so don't worry, now excuse me. I got to get the house prepared", I said before opening up the cupboard under the stairs.

"For you to propose to Y/n?" Changbin bluntly blurred out, shoving a donut in his mouth. Wipping head around to all of them smirking at me.

"How did you-"

"I opened the box and saw the ring. It's gorgeous, may I add?" Hyunjin shrugged, holding up the box. I walked over, extending my hand for him to pass it back, but with it almost dropping on the floor, I quickly took it before shoving it in my pocket.

"Okay, yes I am gonna propose to Y/n, yes I am gonna do it today if you must know," sighing, grabbing the box I hid from her for months with loads of balloons, rose petals, candles, etc.

"Do you have a plan? Do you need us to help?" Chan spoke, but I shook my head; they had already help built Kwan's nursery, "No, no. You lot to go home and rest. Thank you so much for building Kwan's bedroom; both of us appreciate it", smiling widely before they hugged me.

"If you still want a babysitter, I am always open to help." I chuckled at Jeongin's offer, patting his back and thanking him.

They stayed with me for a little while before all left to go home and rest, which gave me time to prepare the living room. I am hoping she says yes after four years together.

*Y/n's POV*

A few hours passed, and I walked in, holding Kwan with Minho's parents behind her. After two days in the hospital, I was finally home, looking around to find Minho, only to be greeted by rose petals. "Minho?" I called out.

His mum carefully took Kwan out of my arms, rubbing my back before she and his dad went upstairs to settle Kwan down. I followed the trail of roses into the living room, where I was greeted by Minho standing there in a black suit, smiling widely.

"There, the light of my life." he extended his hand towards me, a blush flustered on my cheeks, stepping further in, taking his hand in mine.

"What is this, Min-" a finger was pressed against my lips.

"Shh, let me do the talking, my love." Minho took a deep breath, kissed my hand, and stepped back slightly.

"My love. You have brought joy into my life. People call me cold-hearted and show no emotions, but you know that isn't true. Not only do you make me happy, but you and I have brought new life into this world, and I am hoping Kwan will bring more siblings shortly. Right now, at his very moment, it is just you and me. I want to see you walk down that aisle in a beautiful dress and then go on a honeymoon where your heart desires. What I am saying is that"

My eyes widened, and my hand flew over my mouth with tears in my eyes as Minho got down on one knee, pulling out the box with the ring inside.

"Will you marry me?"

"Oh my god...minho....YES!"

He slipped the ring on my finger, smiling widely, standing up, and pulling me closer before sharing a sweet kiss.


Thank you so much for the 800 reads!

~Mae 💚

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