Pregnant Days

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Lee Know

"How about Irene for a girl?" Minho spoke, not taking his eyes off the baby name book. Currently eight months pregnant, getting closer to your due date, and you and your boyfriend Lee Minho of 4 years still haven't chosen a baby name yet.

"I like it, but what about for a boy?"

"Air Fryer"

"MINHO!"You slapped his arm playfully but glared at him, letting him know I was serious.

"What? I was only joking, Jagiya. Anyway, I think we have a girl. I can feel it. "

"Minho, you said that about Chan's baby, and it turned out to be a boy," you chuckled before returning to your baby name book.
(Yes, Chan is a father in this, so shhh 🤫)

Both you and Minho sat there for a while, flipping pages and agreeing to disagree about names minus the name 'Air Fryer.'

You carefully stood up, rubbing your lower back, before grabbing some herbal tea in the kitchen. After pouring water into the kettle, could you turn it on?

I carefully lifted the kettle once it boiled and poured water into the cups when a sharp pain came across my stomach, making me drop the kitchen, grabbing on my bump. Water poured out onto the floor, making it very slippery.


"Y/N?!'Minho rushed into the kitchen, almost slipping, but managed to stop himself, hold onto the doorframe, and get to my side before holding me up.

"It hurts Minho! The baby is due for another month, and we still have the crib to set up and get the nursery sorted."

"It's okay, baby, calm down. Let's get you into the car and to the hospital first." before I could protest, Minho scooped me up bridal style before taking me to the car.

*Time skip to the hospital*

Lying on a hospital bed while our midwife does her usual checks, holding Minho's hand, worried.

"Okay, Mr Lee and Miss (your last name), you are contracting, meaning baby wants to come out."

"What?! That isn't possible! They are not supposed to be here for another month and-'

"Y/n honey, shhh, calm, it's okay. How far dilated is she?"Minho turned to the nurse holding tightly onto my hand, rubbing small circles on the back

"5cm, so we are gonna get you into a private room and guide you through it,"

*Minho's POV*

While the nurse wheels Y/n off to her new room, I stepped outside, pulled out my phone, and dialed a number.

"Hey Lee Know, what's shaking?"Jisung cheered at the end of the other line.



"YES! You got to get to our flat and set up our nursery. Please, boys", I begged Jisung.

"What is happening, Quokka?"Chan spoke faintly.


"Oh shit,"



"Guys, stop shouting and help us! Please note that the nursery isn't done, and Y/n is panicking. All the set is in the room, but we haven't set it up due to the work schedule."

"Leave it with us, and we will sort it. Get back to Y/n. " Felix, who took the phone off, Jisung confirmed.

"Thanks." I hung up the phone and made my way back to Y/n. It's happening.

I am going to be a dad!

Would you like me to make a part 2?

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