Ripped Photos

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Bang Chan

*Chan's POV*

How can I be so stupid? Why did I even do that to her...I hurt the girl I loved for three years. I even watched her walk out the front door in tears, and I didn't stop her.

*Flashback 2 hours ago*

I was busy at the studio with Jisung and Changbin, trying to finish the edit when my phone rang, but I completely ignored it as I wanted to get this done and get home to my girlfriend, Y/n.

"Mate, maybe you should get that; it could be important, " Han said, sitting beside me with a pen and paper in his hands, writing down notes.

I sighed; I opened my phone to reveal five missed calls from Y/n and ten text messages.

Chan, can you ring me, please?

Chan, answer me, please!

It's important

Christopher Bang!

Please don't ignore me, can you answer the phone?

I know you are busy, and it's 9 pm, but I need to talk to you. Can you come home early?

Bang, Christopher Chan! This isn't funny. I have called you five times now. Can you please push away the laptop and answer the goddamn phone!

This is getting ridiculous, Chan! Please! It's an emergency, could you answer me?

Ugh, you know what? I will ring Felix or someone else because getting hold of you is impossible.


I took my phone off, silently rolling my eyes before placing my hand on my head and rubbing it slightly. I looked at the clock for it to read 9:10 pm; I saved the file on my laptop before turning to Changbin, who was falling asleep on the couch, and Han Jisung, who was barely keeping his eyes open.

"Okay, that is enough for today; we continue this another day. Let's return to our homes".

And with that, we all left the studio and returned to our homes.

While driving home, there was a police car outside of our house. I pulled up to the driveway and exited the vehicle; the policeman bowed to me before getting into his car and driving off. I hurried inside to find the house an absolute mess and my girlfriend standing there holding pictures.

"What the fuck happened?!" my voice caught her off guard, making her jump dropping the picture frame as it smashed on the floor. I was beyond angry at the sight of the apartment when Y/n spoke up.

"Oh, now you show up. I have been trying to get hold of you for the last hour, Chan."

"I was working at the studio, and my phone was silent. I would like to know this. Now why is this house a fucking mess? Have you done no housework?!"

"Excuse me? First of all, I have been at work; I came home 2 hours to this mess because we had a break-in, Chan. Secondly, you shouldn't have your phone on silent because of stuff like this".

My blood was boiling, so I dropped my bags onto the floor, shoved past her, and headed straight to the kitchen.

I sat on the kitchen counter sipping water when I heard glass smashing. I put my cup down, jumped off the counter, and exited the kitchen to find Y/n throwing the broken picture frames in the bin before taking out the damaged photos.

"Our photos are ruined. Our precious memories..."

"They are photos, Y/n; we can make more of them," I huffed, returning to the kitchen to drink. Being stressed at work and being an idol was hard work, but coming home to this pushed my limits.

"Just photos? How can you say that? What about this photo, the phone Hyunjin took when you first asked me out, or where you took me out on our first anniversary in Australia?"

"We can make more, Y/n. Could you stop overreacting now? Please step out of the kitchen. I need to calm down and think."

"Overreacting?! Chan, these photos mean everything to us and me. It won't be the same!"

"I said, please leave the kitchen, and I need to think; I had a stressful day and need to breathe."

"You had a stressful day? I couldn't get hold of you, Chan. I was worried sick. I had to call Felix to find out where you were and for help, and then I came home to this, so you are not the only one who had a hard, stressful day, Christopher."

I slammed my cup down, making her flinch, storming over to her, making her back away into the wall as I hoovered over her.

"Get. Out. Of. The. Kitchen", I gritted my teeth.

"Whatever, Chan, I ain't dealing with this. At least I care about these photos and this house ", she spoke as she walked past me, but I snapped the pictures out of her hand.

"FORGOT THESE FUCKING PHOTOS!" I shouted, ripping them up and throwing them on the kitchen floor. I looked up to see my girlfriend in shock and tears.

" really didn't care for those photos, and you don't care about anything right now", Y/n choked on her breath, trying to hold back the tears, turning her heels and walking down the hall.

"No, I don't care about the fucking photos, I don't care about this fucking home, and I certainly don't care about you!"

After 30 minutes, I had finally calmed down and come to terms with what had happened; my eyes widened.

"Y/n?! Baby, I am sorry, I didn't mean it!" I walked out of the kitchen to find my girl by the front door with a small bag and handbag in her hand.

"No, no, no, I am sorry. I was having a bad day, please."

"Everyone has bad days, Chan, but what you said and did hurt Chan. I need to breathe."

"Please let me fix it."

I reached out to her, but she moved away from me, shaking her head and opening the front door.

"No, Chan. I need to think...maybe I'll turn my phone on silent too."

And with that, she walked out of our apartment.

*End of Flashback*

I managed to clean up the rooms. I am sitting on the couch, staring at the photos I ripped up. Guilt washed over me as they were precious memories of me and Y/n.

On our first date, when I asked her to be mine on our one-year anniversary, the boys and I surprised her with a weekend beach trip for her birthday.

I need to find her; I need to get her back. I wanted to know if she was safe, but I don't know where she would have gone or where she went, but I knew who would understand and could help me.


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