Sleepover Games

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*Your POV*

It was a Saturday evening at my apartment, and my best friend Seungmin's when he invited his band and best friends for a sleepover.

I have known Seungmin since school and reminded best friends. I met every one of the Stray Kids 2 weeks after Seungmin got into the band, and I instantly became friends with all the boys.

Seungmin always teases me, but what friends don't tease each other? He has also made it his mission to get my long-term crush, Lee Felix Oy, and me together because Seungmin knows I won't tell Felix or make a move on him.

It was 4 pm, and you were in the kitchen preparing some drinks for everyone when-

"TRUTH OR DARE TIME," Seungmin shouted.

Playfully rolling my eyes, I continued making the drinks before heading into the living room, where all eight boys sat around in the circle, smiling widely.

"Here are the drinks, you crazy kids," I said, setting them down before sitting between Bang Chan and Lee Minho.

"So, who is going first?" Jeongin spoke, showing off his braces, and it was adorable.

"I suggest Seungmin as he came up with the idea," you grinned, leaning back on my hands.

"Well, the oldest should go first, and since we have someone who is half-52 this year and a grandfather, they can go first."

"Oh, come on!"

Bang Chan glared at Seungmin but looked around the room, and his eyes fell on Changbin.

"Truth or Dare Changbin"

"Dare, come on."

The room fell silent for a moment until Chan grinned.

"Dance to Love Me Like This WHILE blindfold"

"Piece of cake"

Changbin stood in the middle of the room while Hyunjin found a cloth before covering Changbin's eyes.

"Get ready to be amazed," Changbin spoke. The music started, and so did Changbin, and to say....he didn't miss a beat!

I couldn't help but smile widely at Changbin dancing and clapping to the beat to encourage him.

After a few turns, it was Seungmin's go, and he had a giant smirk on his face.

"Y/n, truth or dare."

I was frozen in my spot as Seungmin always has something up his sleeve. I glared at Seungmin, but he just continued grinning at me.

"Um, truth." his deep, thick Aussie accent sent shivers down my spine.

"Is it true you had a massive crush on Felix and refused to tell him?"

Felix choked on his water before looking at me in shock.

"You fancy me? Like really?!"

My eyes started to become watery; I looked down at the floor and nodded my head.


" liked me back-"


I only saw Felix rubbing the back of his neck and cleared his throat, quite embarrassed.

"NEW GAME!" Chan spoke, trying to ease the tension between us.

"Yeah...7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN! Off you go, Felix and Y/n, into the closet", Minho said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the closet while Han Jisung pulled Felix over before shoving both of us in and holding the door.


The next thing is that Felix and I were locked in the cupboard. I sighed before turning to Felix.

Our bodies were close together due to insufficient room to move, so we were squished. My cheek flustered severely as I had never been this close to Felix.

"Y/n, I didn't mean to sound so shocked earlier. I was just surprised, that was all."

I just nodded and looked at the wall, feeling awkward and like I had just ruined things between us, but I had to ask him what he meant earlier because Seungmin always teased me for making a move; I had to do this to find out if I had the slightest chance.


Felix hummed in response before looking at him, taking a deep breath before asking.

"What did you mean by, "liked me back'?"

Felix went to open his mouth but was interrupted.


Minho shouted just outside the door. I looked at Felix, who started laughing awkwardly before rubbing the back of his neck once again.

"Yeah...what he said."

" like me."

"Hey, don't copy me."

There was a long pause before we both laughed for a while. I looked down at my feet until I felt warm hands take my waist, pulling me even closer to me.


"Yes, Felix?"

I looked up at him, and his eyes were melting me inside.

"I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Felix, yes."

"KISS DAMN IT," Changbin banged on the door.

Felix pulled me close before our lips connected, wrapping my arms around his neck while his hands stayed firmly on my waist.

After 7 minutes, Felix and I were still in the closet making out when the door sprung open.

"Times u-nvm," Chan closed the door all red as Felix and I were in the heat of the moment. Felix and I stopped making out...after 21 minutes before exiting the closet.

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