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Driving home from the doctor's appointment after receiving some scary but exciting news scattered my veins and mind.

The doctor told me that I was 14 weeks pregnant with my and my boyfriend's first-ever baby. We weren't planning on having children for a while as we had only been together for two years, but that wasn't the issue; the bigger issue, I hear you say. Well...

The issue is that he is in one of the biggest bands in Seoul, Korea. Not only is he in the band, but he is also an idol. Their new album has just been released for their comeback, and things are starting to shape up for them. Of course, I didn't want to intrude or hold him back, but now I found out I am 14 weeks pregnant, I have a feeling it just might hold him back.

Parking up before hurrying inside as it was hammering down with rain, I unlocked the door to our shared apartment before being greeted by our adorable 5-month-old yellow labrador puppy Boe, who ran over, wagging his tail and barking at me, placing his paws on my leg.

Laughing, bending down, patting his head, and giving some kisses before walking further inside with him, trotting along by my side before sitting beside his empty food and water bowl, indicating it was empty; a soft bark escaped his mouth, making me chuckle, putting more water in his water bowl, and starting to prepare his lunch.

How was I going to tell him I was pregnant at this time? He hadn't been home for six weeks due to touring; before he left, we went out for drinks and dinner with the boys and their partners. Only both of us had a little amount of alcohol; we got home 3 hours later entering our bedroom. One thing led to another, and our clothes were on the floor, and things started to heat up.

But he was coming home soon, of course; I was excited for him to go home but nervous at the same time as my bump had gotten quick, prominent for a small bump. I placed the food into Boe's bowl when my phone went off, indicating I received a text message.

Minnie Love: Hey love, how are my babies doing?

Me: Hey darling. Babies?! You know?

Shit, how did he find out I was pregnant? I haven't told anyone as I wanted to tell Seungmin first. Did the doctor ring him and let him know? He couldn't do that, as that goes against the patient's confidential information. I started to panic and quickly replied when another message popped up.

Minnie Love: Yeah... you and Boe... Wait? Know what?

Me: Oh, Boe and I are fantastic. Both of us miss you so much and can't wait for when you get home. Oh, I thought you knew about him falling over and hurting himself, but he is fine now.

Minnie Love: Oh, thank god he is alright. I miss you both, and I will be home soon. Got to go, talk later, babe x

'Oh, that god' was all that came to my mind; I managed to escape quickly. Lucky Boe hurt himself, but it was not prominent. He just fell off the first step, yapped, and then played with his toys.

Later that evening, sitting on the couch with Boe curled up on my lap, his head resting on my tiny bump, he was the first to notice something was different about me, so I made the appointment with the doctor. Before that, after two weeks, when Seungmin left for tour, I went out with friends to a chicken restaurant and then began sick the next day for a few days, so I thought I ate something wrong, but that all changed yesterday when Boe kept poking my stomach with his nose gently wagging his tail.

I thought he wanted to go for a walk, so I got up going to our shared bedroom, put on my jeans, and then noticed how they weren't fitting, raising an eyebrow as they did a couple of weeks ago; I know I couldn't have put on that much weight in a few weeks then I noticed my stomach is an unusual shape and firm.

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