Certain Word Spoken

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Bang Chan

"You're such a good girl," he likes to say when you're down on your knees, getting him some special attention, or when I am obeying him while not being a brat.

"You are beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you differently," Which is what he would tell me often whenever I was feeling low or when I felt ugly, overweight, etc. Chan would always bring me back to my senses and make me feel loved, even though he tells me he loves me daily.

"(My full name)" Is what he would shout whenever I messed up, pissed him off, or left something on. You name it. Angry Chan is scary to see, but it is also very sexy. Please don't let him know about that.

"Climb on my lap, and let's cuddle." Before pulling me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me is what he would say. Whenever it was in his office, back in bed, or on the couch, he was a cuddler, and I loved it even at random times or romantic times; it was always perfect and that warm feeling.

Lee Know

"You need to be quiet, Kitten," he would say when holding his hand over my mouth, mumbling against my chest while still thrusting his hips in action; I honestly find it hard to keep quiet. I want to let the neighbors know what Minho does to me during these times.

"I love you just as much as the cats, maybe a little more." he rarely tells me he loves me as he prefers to show his love to me instead of saying it, but he does tell me it is a sweet, romantic moment.

"Did you just smack my butt?!" Minho would scream while smirking, crossing his arms. He is known as the butt hunter, but now and then, I like to sneak up behind him and snack on his butt before running off giggling, which never ends well as he gets me back.

"Don't," he would say while giving a cold stare everywhere I did something wrong. His stare could kill someone, but honestly, it melted me. I felt weak and vulnerable at the knees. I would apologize and never do it again whenever he liked it.


"Get your ass out of bed, IT'S GYM TIME!" pulling the covers off me and shouting at the top of his lungs at 5 am-6 am before dragging me to get ready was a regular occurrence. I became his new gym buddy when we both moved in with each other, so I got sucked into his workout schedule; sometimes, it was a blessing. Other times, it was tiring.

"DON'T GET ME ANGRY Y/N." Never EVER get Changbin angry or annoyed as it was scary. It rarely happens in a relationship, but when it does, you don't want to be in the room or around him. An angry Changbin is not the sight you don't want to see.

"You like this, don't you, Princess?" The smirk on his lips, my moans, and name-calling telling him not to stop was music to his ears while praising everything. He knows how to find out what I like doing in the bedroom and will take a visual note to remember it for the next time.

"You're my everything," sweet kisses, and running my hand through his hair while he laid his head on my lap after a stressful day at work. He would tell me how much he loves me and what I do for him.


Nothing. Judging by his famous side-eye, he says nothing but stares at you slightly. Everyone had seen it, but his side eye and death stare were somewhat different, and the hairs on my neck stood up.

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