One Corner Is All It Takes.. Pt 2

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Minho's POV

Hospital waiting rooms. Don't you hate them, but even more so when it's your loved one who is in a critical condition, and you are not allowed to be there in the room with them holding their hand to telling them everything is going to be okay? Still, instead, you have to sit on these uncomfortable seats anxiously.

The sound of patients coughing in nearby hospital wings is similar to the sound of the medicine cart wheels rolling on the floor as the nurse goes around doing her duties. The phone kept ringing behind the reception after every time the receptionist put the phone down. I kept pacing up and down in the corridor near the operating theatre. My fingers fumbled with the helm of my dark black jacket while my head spun with millions of thoughts.

How will I ever live without her?

She will survive.

How have I not been arrested after beating the shit out of that creep?


"Mihno!" Felix shouted at me, making me turn my head to look at him only to see my beloved Y/n lying on the floor with blood rushing out of her head when it hit the rock. My fists balled up tightly, making my knuckles turn white before turning to this creep, grabbing his collar, and pushing him back against the wall as his head smacked the wall.

Hearing sirens speeding through the city heading in our direction. I kept this creep pinned up against the wall, moving him out and back in every so often to try and knock him out slightly but not entirely, as I wanted that scumbag to get what was coming for him. The sirens came to a halt as car doors slammed shut, and the sound of their feet got closer as they jogged over to where the commotion was.

"Don't move! Take your hands away from the man and slowly step away!" one of the police officers spoke. Turning my head slightly to the left to see one hand of his taser threatening to use it if I didn't obey, but I didn't want to let go after what happened.

"He sexually assaulted my girlfriend! Fuck no, I am not stepping away until he pays the price!" I shouted as my jaw clenched together, trying to keep my anger under control. My left fist squeezed together, balling up, lifting it above my head before hitting square in the jaw as hard as I could.

He was releasing my grip from his collar, watching him fall back against the wall, sliding down as he went, grabbing his jawline and groaning in response. Before I knew it, handcuffs were placed and locked around his wrists.

After a few minutes, the Detective Inspector approached me, touching my shoulder. That creep was finally getting what he deserved, being put in the back of the police unit as the vehicle drove off into the distance—turning entirely around, he faced the man as he pulled out a notebook and pen from his pocket, flicking to a fresh new page and looking up at me. Handcuffs dangled from his belt while his weapon wasn't too far away.

"Son, I'd like to ask you some questions about today's incident," the DI spoke. He was an average-built man. She looked behind him to see the paramedics approaching Y/n before assisting with her needs.

"Look, maybe another time, officer, but right now, I got to get to my girlfriend," pushing past the officer, only getting stopped in my tracks. Paramedics started loading Y/n into the back of the ambulance. Felix followed them, waiting by the vehicle, looking at me in aid of me coming to her.

"Son, I need you to stay and answer these questions. I know you need to get to your girlfriend, and you will soon, but first, I need to ask these questions. For now, someone else can go with her". I knew I had to stay and obey the police law despite not wanting to.

She looked at Felix with pleading eyes, giving him a slight nod and telling him to get in the ambulance to go with her. He was the first to get to her while I was dealing with an inconvenience. Felix climbed into the back, sitting beside her, holding her hand, knowing she would want someone to have her. The doors shut behind him. Watching the Ambulance speed through the traffic towards the hospital was painful enough as I wasn't going with her.

Now I knew she was off to the hospital and that someone was going with her. I relaxed just a little bit, ready to answer some questions. Bang Chan and Changbin drove the rest of the members to the hospital, knowing I would need their support.

End of Flashback

"Minho, please sit down and relax, mate. The doctor will come out within time". Jisung spoke softly, touching my shoulder and snapping me out of my thoughts. Placing my hand on top of his for reassurance, I then halted in my tracks and turned around to see all the boys sitting there looking at me with sad and worried looks on their faces. They all looked tired as well; they sent their partners back to their houses and told me they would stay with me until I heard word of Y/n.

I was nodding at Jisung before taking a seat between him and Jeongin. Jeongin placed a hand on my lower back and gently rubbed small circles. I put my hands on my head to hide the tears in my eyes. Yes, I know; I rarely cry in front of my hyung and makes because I always want to try and be the strongest for them so they have someone to look up to

But, right now, I felt so vulnerable that I was losing control.

Soft, faint sobs as my body shook. Jeongin pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arm around my waist while Hyunjin handed me some water, which I accepted. Time passed, and the longer we sat there watching the clock tick by, the worse things became.

4 hours!

It has now been four hours, and still no word on how the love of my life was doing. I started growing more impatient and reckless, constantly bouncing my leg. Standing up from my seat, shaking my head in frustration, storming towards the reception desk, ready to scream at someone, but the operating theatre doors flung open.

The head surgeon walked out, and his gown showed small blood. He took his mask and gloves off before disposing of them. He returned after washing his hands and taking the clipboard off; the nurse read over the notes before looking up.

"Lee Min-"

"Yes! Is she okay?!"

I sprinted, virtually standing on top of him, waiting for him to begin talking after hours and hours of waiting as I demanded answers. Seungmin grabbed my arm, pulled me away from the surgeon, and gave him space to breathe.

"The rock that hit her head when being thrown cut the back of her head badly. While she did lose a lot of blood. We had to keep stopping and starting over and over again to amend the head".

"Did. You. Manage. To. Save. Her." my jaw clenched, speaking calmly but harshly; he took too long to get to the point. All I wanted to know was if she was alive.

"Yes. We saved her life. She is resting now in the recovery room. You can see her in a few moments once we have observed." I bowed to the doctor, shaking his hand and thanking him for everything.

Sitting back down, back on those uncomfortable seats, sighing in relief that they saved Y/n life. After a few moments, we went into her private room to see her peacefully sleeping as her chest rose up and down. The heart rate monitor beeped now and then, showing her steady heartbeat.

The boys stayed for a few more minutes before returning home to their loved ones, leaving me alone with Y/n, grabbing a chair, bringing it up to the side of the bed, sat down, taking her free hand in mine, rubbing the back of her hand, reassuring her that I was now finally nearby.

I felt so bad that I left to go to the bathroom with Jisung, but I thought she was with the boys, so I thought she was safe. Looking back, Changbin told me she acted differently on the dance floor. I should have put two and two together, but I didn't, and it was too late.

I could have prevented all this from happening. Looking at Y/n lying in bed, a single tear fell. I quickly wiped away, knowing if she woke up and saw my state, she would break down, so I needed to be strong for her.

I stood up from the chair, leaning over the bed, analyzing her hair before brushing the strand behind her ear. Her lips looked so dry the color of her skin had disappeared. Letting go of her hand, pulling the hospital blanket to cover her more, planting a small, soft kiss on her forehead.

"I am so sorry, Y/n. This is no one but that big massive pervert's fault, but don't worry, my darling. He is now behind bars. I have no idea what will happen, but I can promise you, from now on, I won't leave your side. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I promise"

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