It's Over

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Long Story

*Your POV*


'Hi, this is Felix. Sorry, I can't answer the phone right now-'

I was hanging up after hearing the answering machine for the 6th time; staring at my call log made me slightly more worried.

Six missed calls

Ten text messages

2 Voicemails

Felix has canceled on me three times in the past week, but today, he promised he would be home at 7 pm to have a spontaneous date night that I had planned for us both as our relationship is slowly drifting apart; it was now 9 pm, and there was nothing from Felix.

We have been together for two years, but I knew what I was getting myself into, with him being an Idol. His career and fans come first, and I respected him; we have been arguing, some were about not spending time with each other or over silly little things like not emptying the washing machine. He would come home from work and want to relax, play games, bake, or hang out with his mates, which is fine, but I also enjoyed my time with him.

Our last argument was three months ago, over him going on tour. I wanted to spend time with him, but when he said no, he wanted to finish it himself. I snapped and shouted at him, then quickly apologized for screaming. Annoyed, he stormed out of the house and came home the next day at 5 am... The last time we spoke about it was... We haven't kissed or cuddled since that day, either.

I was blowing out the candles on the table in the kitchen, turning off the stove before heading upstairs. Once in the bedroom, I threw my heels off and unzipped my dress, throwing it on the chair before getting into sweatpants and a top.

Once I was in comfortable clothes, I climbed into bed and redialed his phone, and with no surprise, it went to voicemail again...

"Hi, Felix. It's only me. I was checking in to see if you are okay and haven't gotten into trouble or seriously hurt. I know today was our date night, but you had to work. Please let me know if everything is okay... I am worried. I love you, "

The following day came, the sun shining through the blinds, groaning, rolling over to feel the empty side of the bed. I sat up and saw that the side of the bed had been untouched; I frowned, climbed out of bed, and headed downstairs to everything exactly where I had left it.

"Felix? You home?"

Searching our home from top to bottom, I found no sense of Felix being here or coming home last night, which was extremely worrying as he typically comes home or lets me know where he is.

I headed back upstairs to grab my phone, scrolling through my contacts before dialing their number.

BC: Hello, Y/n

Me: "Chan, where is Felix?"

BC: Hello to you too, Chan, how are you

Me: "Sorry Chan. Hello, and how are you?"

BC: "I am fine, thank you. Anyways, what's going on?"

Me: "Have you seen or know where Felix is?"

BC: "He left here yesterday at 6:30 pm, and I assumed to come home to you for your date night. Why?"

Me: "Oh, okay. Never mind then, thanks, Chan..."

BC: "Y/n...what's going on?"

Me: "No-nothing, Chan. I'll be sure to talk to you later. "

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