Picture Perfect 18+

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Warning: Smut (18+)

Watching Hyunjin paint with his top off was mesmerizing; he was a work of art. Whenever he stroked the brush up and down, his muscles would flex, and yes, it was a massive turn-on for me. Hyunjin and I have never had sex with each other, nor have we spoken about it, as we have only been together for ten months.

Everybody dreams of their first time with their somebody, and for me, I know Hyunjin was my somebody, but telling him about it was scary because what if he regrets me or isn't ready for that stage of the relationship yet?

"Stop staring at my sexy body; I know you like it," Hyunjin spoke with a smirk appearing on his face, of course snapping me out of my thoughts and making my cheek flustered; he turned around and gestured for me to come over to him which I obliged.

He was pulling me onto his lap, holding me firmly there, placing the paintbrush in my hand before guiding every stroke.

His warn breathe left shivers down my spine as he got relatively close to my neck, letting out a shaky breath when sloppy but soft kisses began from my jawline down my neck while his left hand traveled down to my inner thigh, biting down on my lip trying so hard not to moan.

Hyunjin kept his lips firmly on my neck before sucking on my sweet spot, letting out a soft moan, and dropping the paintbrush onto the painting mat below us; his lips formed into a smirk before drawing a circle on my thigh.


"Want me to stop?" he spoke slowly, pulling away from my neck, shaking my head, moaning, "N-n-no.."

"You sure, my sweet?" still tracing circles on my inner thigh. Tipping my head back on his shoulder, humming in response, a chuckle left his lips before forcing me to stand up.

Once he stood up, his hand glided under my ass before picking me up, instantly wrapping my legs around his waist when our lips attached before heading upstairs to my bedroom, where he often spent his days off.

A hard slap came across my ass before he threw me onto the bed, bouncing a little, giggling softly. Pushing me down and hovering over me was a whole different side of him to see, but I liked it.

Playing with the helm of my shirt before attaching his lips back to my neck, marking it. Arching my back in pleasure, I allowed him to pull my shirt up slightly but stopped waiting for permission.

"Yes, Hyunjin, I give you my full consent to everything," I said, sitting up and lifting my arms as he pulled the shirt over my head. Hands held my waist before planting snap kisses on my breasts while hands traveled to my back, unhooking my bra before throwing it across the room.

"God, you are picture perfect, my sweet," grabbing both of my boobs and giving them a handful of squeezes and kisses. My hands slowly played with the belt on his pants before undoing it, unbuttoning his pants, and teasing him.

Growling against my lips, pinning me down roughly, kissing my bare chest and neck, showing control, he got off the bed and took his jeans off before pulling down my shorts, leaving both of us in our underwear before hovering over me.

His growing bulge brushed against my thigh, sucking and kissing my neck, my hands tangled in his long locks of hair, gently pulling on them.

The kisses started trailing down my body, stopping at my panties before he gently pulled them down, throwing them behind me. Pushing my thighs together was a no-go as Hyunjin pinned them open before gently licking my heat.

Gasping, gripping the sheets, while his tongue kissed the life out of my folds, his hands kept a firm grip on my hips to stop me from moving them up in pleasure.

"Hyunjin...stop teasing me", I cried out with tears streaming down my face; feeling Hyunjin smirk against my clit made me crazy, "It's NOT FUNNY, HYUNJIN!" he chuckled, sitting back before reaching into the drawers and pulled out, a condom smirking at me.

"Being impatient, are we? You need to be taught a lesson, my sweet", he spoke in an intense low voice before removing his boxers and rolling the condom over his erect dick, using his saliva for lube before gently teasing my entrance.

Slowly pressing one digit in and pulling it out, crying out in frustration, he repeated the action multiple times. It was driving me crazy, not getting attention. I reached up to touch him, but he pinned my hands above my head and continued teasing my entrance.

"I'm sorry!", crying hot tears streaming down my face trying to get free from his hands for only him to chuckle, keeping them above my head before slamming his dick deep inside me, "Is this what you wanted, my sweet?", I gasped arching my back trying to get my words out but nothing.

"To cock drunk? Not so vocal are we now?" his thrusts started out rough, instantly finding and hitting the g-spot with every thrust he made. Bucking my hips up with every moment he did, growling at my movement made him release my hands and pin my waist down, holding it still.

"Don't do that, my sweet, and keep your hands above your head!" this side of Hyunjin was scary but erotic. I was glad to see this side of him, and it was only for my eyes.

His thrusts started becoming sloppy after a while, indicating he was very close. I was holding back cumming to finish at the same time as him; he noticed this before bringing his hand on top of my clit and gently rubbing circles, stimulating my high, making both of us come at the same time before collapsing on each other.

After a while, he pulled out, took the condom off, tied it up, throwing it away before dropping a blanket over both of us, pulling me close, kissing the top of my head, and rubbing circles on my back.

"I love you so much, my sweet."

"I love you too, Hyunjin"

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