Home Sweet Home

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Bang Chan

A Request by 
Long Story

In the studio, Chan works day and night with the boys on this new album and their comeback.

He has done so much in the last couple of years not only with the band and his career but also at home with our son Jae, who is four years old, who has, of course, picked up his Aussie Accent and is the spitting image of Chan so it was like having him home at all times.

But today is different. Chan was coming home after three months away on tour with the boys, so I decided to decorate our family home together to surprise him.

"Momma, I wanna bake cookies for Daddy!"Jae ran over, giggling before grabbing my jeans and tucking them slightly, giving me the most adorable pout ever.

"Okay, okay, sweetie, let's go bake some cookies for Daddy," chuckling and picking him up before skipping to the kitchen, making funny noises and making him giggle.

Placing the bowl, spoons, flour, butter, sugar, and all other ingredients on the table before wrapping an apron around my waist and rolling up my sleeves. Turning to put Jae's apron on him before pulling up a recipe on the iPad, I saw too much of Changbin's disgust on it, not being a Samsung tablet.

"What type of cookies do you wanna be?" Before I finished the sentence, Jae yelled, squealing happily, jumping up and down, getting rather excited. "CHOCOLATE!"

I smiled softly before grabbing the cocoa powder and chocolate ready, picked up Jae, set him on the chair before telling him step by step, and let him prepare it with my helping hand on tricky parts.

While Jae was happily shaping the cookie dough, while he was doing it, I preheated the oven before getting the tray ready; we placed the cookie dough on the tray before placing it in the oven.

"Okay, while they are baking, why don't you go to your room and make Daddy one of your special cards?" I said, undoing his apron before he ran to the stairs, stopping at the first step

"Momma?" I popped my head around the kitchen, smiling at him. "Yes, sweetie?" Seeing his smile drop slightly made my heart sink.

"Is daddy gonna stay home this time, or will he go on the road again?" It hurt my heart, but I was thankful. Jae knew what Chan did for work, but it got more challenging every time he left for a tour, leaving our son behind for a little while.

It was a little easier when Jae was a baby, but once he reached 2, it got complicated. He would cry when Chan went out the door, and it took a while to settle him down. At 3, he got used to Chan going on tours, but it still hurt him slightly.

"We will see, sweetie, we will see." I flashed him a smile for reassurance before he went to his room. I washed up all the baking equipment before doing the housework, making Chan's return home magical.

I walked into the living room, putting up the welcome home banner and blowing up some balloons, 5 to be exact, but that was enough as I always joke it was Chan's unique number. I put on my favorite record while finishing off cleaning the living room

*12 minutes later*


The timer went off in the kitchen; I hurried into the kitchen, putting on the oven gloves before taking out the baked cookies, placing them onto the counter, and fanning them slightly to cool them down.

"Are they done now, momma?!" Jae called Oyt before hurrying into the kitchen, holding his homemade card for Chan, placing it on the table, and grabbing his little stool over to the counter where I put the baked cookies.

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