chapter 2

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A mile away, a giant gecko named Silas is trailing through the gate.
The pageant for the proud old on Brewer Street.
Even though the spiny hairbelt ripped through his thigh and ripped out his flesh, his soul was...
She is pleased with his service to God. The pain is good
I had access to the dorm, he looked red and watched the lobby. Empty. He went up the stairs.
The door to his bedroom was open, so it's forbidden here to enter his room and close the door behind him.
His bedroom was Spartan-style, hardwood floors with a closet of
Pine and in the corner a hemp mat is his bed he will sleep on. He was here. Zatra that week, but he had sanctuary like this in New York City. God gave me refuge and purpose.
And tonight it was just that Sillahs finally felt he was paying his debt.
The cellphone hidden in the bottom drawer and made a call. He answered a male voice.
Master, you're back.
Speak for him, and he looks happy to hear from him.
"Four dead, three assistants... And the Great Teacher himself was there for moments, as if to pray. So, I suppose the information
You have it.
The four of them confessed to each other and believed them?
"You agree with what they said was too much to be a mere coincidence." And with an excellent euphemism, I might have feared that the absolute secrecy of the fraternity would persist.
"Expecting death is a powerful motive."
"Here's what I have on his elbow.
Silas knew that the information he collected from his victims would shock his teacher.
"Pia Teacher, all four have confirmed that there is free contract... Line Contract Bikes
He heard his teacher on the wall take a deep breath and could feel his joy
And his pleasure." The keystone then, exactly as we expected.
According to information, the Brotherhood created a map of stone. Or... A Kindstone - an inscription that holds the final hideout of the Brotherhood's greatest secret, information so dangerous that protecting it was the primary pretext for which it was created.
The teacher said, "When we get the keystone, we're only one step away."
The stone of the contract is here in Paris.
Paris, unbelievable, it's almost too easy to tell Silas to the Evening Master... And how all of his victims in moments that
Prior to their deaths, they had revealed their secret in a desperate attempt to preserve their blasphemous lives, and they had each told Silas exactly the same thing - that the keystone was ingenious.
Somewhere in one of Paris's old churches - the church of Saint-Sulpice.
". Inside the house of the Lord, the teacher is impressed. How ironic they are.
"As they have done for many centuries.
Teacher's silence is as if he wanted to revel in the triumph of those moments.
In clarity. Finally speak, I have performed a great service to a Lord, who has waited centuries for this day. You must find this stone for me, at once tonight. Silas knew the stakes were incalculable, but what the teacher had now ordered had begun.
"Impossible. It is the Church, especially at night. How do I get it in? The teacher explained to him what he had to do, with the proper tone of a man of immense power.
When Silas hung up, he had a slight tingling in his skin when he expected
It's going to happen.
One hour, Silas said to himself, grateful that the teacher gave him time to get up
To atone for his SINS before entering a house of God. I must cleanse my soul of today's SINS.
The SINS committed by owls were a sacred purpose, for acts of war against the enemies of God were being committed centuries ago, so the trolls were certain
And yet Silas knew that forgiveness required sacrifice.
Silas drew the curtains, took off his clothes, and kneeled down in the middle of his room. He looked down.
All the true followers of the method show this gadget - a leather belt with sharp metal spines inserted into the flesh, a constant and constant denial of the suffering of Christ, the mute that the gadget causes
It also helps to suppress the body's instincts.
Although Silas had worn his belt for more than two hours today,
He knows today is an unusual day, so he grabbed the buckle and tightened the belt as much as one notch, then wriggled in pain as the thorns dug deeper into his flesh. Slow, clinging to sweetness, purgatory weather for his pain
Mother Jade, Silas whispered, echoing the sacred phrase of the master Jose Maria Eskriva
The greatest of all teachers, although Eskriva died in 1975, his wisdom continued to fail, and his words were still felt by thousands of faithful servants across the globe whenever they knelt down and carried out the sacred practice known as self-inflicted physical torture.
Silas has now turned attention to the nodal rope that was carefully wrapped on the floor next to it.
The whip. Eagerly for his mother, Silas recited a quick prayer, grabbed one end of the whip, closed his eyes and waved over his shoulder, beat him, felt his back stung, and then waved and whipped again
... Serious punishment for my...
Finally, I feel his blood agreeing.

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