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Hoist Schwa Baiting has been steadfast and then met towards Langon. "Holy Lock is." Someone? Omma to take, in fact it's a woman. "Under the Longdong of the mind of the stone that has been spreading on the face of a roof that the insurgent has held its tongue. He kidnapped his reaction that he was similar to the answer to him when he was sentenced to the first time. He did not explain him until the embarrassment of the grill was only. When he understands the symbolic lie behind the cup obviously that the teenage was thinking the same thing," Robert, maybe this is the right time to make the world of symbols? Tipping was from his place and went towards a side table. A small paper and had taken a small sheet and took place in Langonon, leaving Langdon's deadline. "Sophie, Do you know the newly derived to the dermint to the donor and the feminine. The name of the niche and the feminine is the most important of the people of the parties who have taken the shape of the parties, which are not a matter of the shares of the parties, which are not a matter of the parties who are taking place from the form of parties, which are not a matter of the shares of the parties, which are not the most important of the two-phase of the nerve. The silence of the planet is the most important one," said. Drawing on the paper on the other form of
the symbolic symbolic this code is the original form of the male, "said Langdon. It is a primitive form." For the man's rod. The referral to the idea directly. "She said she wrote

 "She said she wrote

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Exactly, Ting added.
Go to Langdon. This shape was formerly known as the sword. It boring violence and manhood.
In fact, this particular penis symbol is still used today in military attire."
It's true, the more your officers, the higher your rank... There's no hope, no fear.
They will remain men and not change."
Don't get confused, let's talk about the female code. You can imagine what he looks like. He is
The opposite of the male symbol." He drew another shape on the paper. THIS SYMBOL IS CALLED CHALIS, OR ALX
Sophie looked at the shape, and she looked bizarre.
Langdon was able to see that Sophie was able to link the shape to the symbol.
A chalice, or lime, resembles a mug or a mug and more importantly, it resembles a woman's uterus as it represents "this symbol of femininity and fertility ". Langdon looked her in the eye right now. Sophie, legend tells us that the holy cups are a mug, but the description of the grill as a mug is actually a figurative term used to protect the secret of the true nature of the holy lex. So the legend
"She borrowed the word mug or Alex to express something more important than a cup with a major.
Symbolizing a woman.
Of course, this meaning has been lost because Sepp has been completely and practically erased by the Church. The power of women and their ability to produce offspring and give life was once sacred, but it threatened the establishment of the patriarchal Church. So you glued the demon traits to the sacred Athenian and discredited her.
It was man, not God, who invented the concept of the original plan, where Eve ate.
From the slut and Sabbath expel the human race from heaven to earth. "The woman who once gave life is now the enemy of humanity.
I must add, interrupted by Tipping, "The notion that women are given

I must add, interrupted by Tipping, "The notion that women are given

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It is the basis of ancient religion. The birth process was a magical and influential event. It was unfortunate that the Christian philosophers decided to steal the creative power of the woman by denying the truth. Biological and making man the creator, Genesis tells us that Eve was created from Adam's rib and that woman became a branch of man and worse, she made a sin for it. Genesis was the beginning of the end for the Athi gods that the Grail ", Langdon said, "is the symbol of the lost gods. When Christianity bounced, she did not die."
Easily hereditary entities. Legends of the Knights' search for the Holy Grail were in fact stories that tell the tale of the forbidden invasions of the Holy Athenian. The knights, who claimed to be seeking Alex, spoke using a code as a means of protecting themselves from a church that enslaved women, banished gods, burned atheists, and forbade heathens to worship the female."
Sophie shook her head. "Excuse me, but when I said that the holy grail was a person, I thought
.. He was a man of flesh and blood. And he is." Langdon said
And anyone...." Tying said without thinking, and he leaped with enthusiasm from his place. "She's a woman
"! She carried with her a sin that would destroy the very foundation of Christianity if it were revealed." This woman, is she known in history?
"When Tieng held his cane and pointed to the room at the end of the hall.
If we meet at the office, my dear friend, I would be honored to show you the painting that Davshi has painted for her."
In the kitchen, two rooms away, the servant Remy Lugalodik stood silently in front of the television
He watches the news, where a picture of a man and a woman... They're the same people who served, Remy's tea just now.


ieutenant Collet stood outside the Zurich bank of deposits, wondering why Fash was late with him.
The warrant is not to be found. It's clear that bank employees are hiding something inside. They claimed that Langdon and Novo had purged but were not allowed in because they did not have the correct number to access the account
If that's true, then why wouldn't they let us in to look around?
And finally, I want to talk to you. It was from a command post in the Louvre. "Do you
You got a warrant for an inquisition? A collie.
Forget about the bank, Lieutenant. The client told him." New information has been received. We're on the line.
"The exact location where Langdon and Novo were hiding. "You are joking.
I have an address here in the suburbs of Paris. Somewhere near Versailles.
Does Captain Fash know about this?
"Eat, not yet. He's on an urgent mission.
I'm on my way there. Let him call me as soon as he finishes his assignment." Collet's register address.
He got in his car in a hurry. Upon his departure from the bank, Collet noticed that he had forgotten to ask who had told them the information. It didn't matter anyway. What happened was lucky for him because he had a chance to right his past wrongs. He was about to make the most important arrest of his career.
Collet sent a signal to the five cars that were with him. Sound the sirens."
"Men, we must not let Langdon feel that we are 40 kilometres from Paris.
Rural and stopped in the dark on the edge of a green field. Silas got out of the car and peered through the openings of a steel fence that encircled the vast complex in front of him. And he looked up at the top of the cliff, which was lit by the moonlight, where the palace was visible from afar, all the floor lights were on. It's unusual at this hour. Think
Silas and a smile on his lips. Looks like the information the teacher gave was true. I will not leave this house unless I have the key stone. Silas took a vow. I wont let down the priest and the teacher
Silas confirmed the number of rounds he had in his hacker shack, then pushed it out of...
The bars and let him fall on the green ground inside the fence. He grabbed on the top of the fence, raised his body up, peaked to the other end, recovered his gun, and started walking the long way up the mansion, ignoring the belt that was cutting through his body.

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