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I've been set up. Lay, "Langdon said, trying to keep him calm. Oh, you know me.
It's not me who's committing a crime.
You didn't tell Ting's tone. Robert Lane, your picture's on TV, for chrissakes. Do you know
Are you wanted by the authorities? Yeah, yeah.
Then you betrayed me. I'm surprised you put me in an awkward position by coming here.
To ask me to gossip about the grill so you can hide in my house.
Sunir is dead now and the police say it was you." Ting seemed so sad. What a loss for the major contributors to art, Sir?" Now the servant came and stood behind Ting with his eyes tied to his chest. "Do you
Show them the way out?
"Come a little while, please.
A set of glass doors leading to a side garden. "Please get to your car and get out of here now."
Sophie hasn't moved. We have information on the key to the contract. Private key
In sisterhood.
Tipping stared at her for a few moments and then mocked, Desperate ruse... Robert knows how much you've searched.
About him folded up.
Langdon said, "That's why we're buried to come to you tonight."
Let's talk to you about the key stone. Leave, or I'll call the police."
Lay, Langdon whispered. We know where he is.
Ting Na seemed to have reached his equilibrium for a moment.
Langdon walked towards them and said bluntly, "Get out of here immediately! Or I'll be lame.
Remy shouted at Ting and rose in the face of his handler, leaving us alone.
A valet opened up, Sir? My son objected. These two people are...
You take care of that. Tipping pointed to the lobby and after a period of astonished silence, Remi quietly disappeared like a dog
The cold night breezes were coming through the open doors when Tynch met towards
Lagdon and mystical features on his face are still wary. That better be right. What do you know about the key stone?
Just a few moments ago, he walked around the house and saw Langdon and the woman talking in the big office room and before he could get close, a man leaned on crutches walked in, shouted at Langdon, violently opened the doors, and then, at his guest, asked him to leave. Then the woman mentioned Sheena about the key stone, and all of a sudden everything changed. Their tension subsided, and the glass doors closed quickly.
Now Silas perched in the dark and peeked out what was going on inside through
The glass.
The key is somewhere in the house. Silas was feeling you.
Silas lay down in the dark and came a little closer to the glass, anxious to hear the action
It's spinning inside. Silas will give them five minutes. And if they don't tell where they're hiding,
The key stone will have to break in and persuade them by force.
Inside the office, Langdon was astonished to continue hearing Sophie's words.
Grandmaster?" I got punched in Ting's throat, while he was staring at Sophie. Jack.
Sophie died, and she saw the shock in his eyes." But there's no way you can tell." Jack Sauniere was my grandfather.
Teague took a back seat from the horror of surprise and knocked Langdon out with a look.
Fuma's recent resignation, confirming Sophie, caught Ting back at Sophie. Miss Novo, I am speedless. If that's true, I'm very sorry you lost your grandfather."
I admit that in my research I wrote a list of men in Paris who could be members of the fraternity, and Jacques Sauniere was on the list among others. You say he was the Grandmaster? This is really hard to believe." Ting silently for several moments, then shook his head unbelievably. But it doesn't make sense. Even if your grandparents are the Brotherhood's Grand Master and even if they make the key stone with their hands, they can't tell you how to find it. This key reveals the path to the fraternity's greatest treasure, whether you are his granddaughter or not." I am no longer qualified to receive such information
Mr. Sauniere was dying when he passed on that information, Langdon said, "He didn't have any
Another option.
He didn't need any choices, Ting's evidence. Here are three associate members that are aware of
With this secret as well, this is the hallmark of their system, because of the death of the most prominent teacher, one of the three senior members is promoted to the rank of Grand Master and another is promoted to replace him as one of the three assistants. The key stone is shared with them
I think you haven't seen the whole newsreel, Sophie said, "Three of the highlights have been said.
Parisian characters today plus my grandfather. They all said the same way. And everyone looked like they'd been questioned.
"... You think they were
"Car organs, tell Langdon.
Be a paw! There's no way whoever's gonna know who the four top members are.
Look at me, I'm the one who spent decades looking for them, and I still can't figure out the name of just one member of the fraternity. It seems very tempting to me, is it possible that "the identity of the big trouper and the big teacher was discovered and killed in just one day?" "The suspicion that all that information was collected in one day," said Sophie.
This looks like a maximum head process, a technique we use to fight
Organized crime groups. If the judicial police want to eliminate a particular group, they covertly intercept and monitor it for several months, identify the main players in the group, then break up and eliminate all of them at the same time. So I cut off the ring. Without leadership, the group chaos, revealing all its secrets. So it's possible that someone has been watching the Brotherhood for a long time and then launching an attack on me.
It must have been a pleasure to her mother, but she didn't take an oath.
"Secrecy. Even in the face of death.
... Okay, say the Landon, what if they don't take time off?
Tipping sniffles. Then the towing place will lose the key forever.
With him, Langdon said, "The place where I hid the holy lime.
Tipping seemed to succeed at Langdon's words. And then you threw in your seat if you didn't
He could stand another minute, and he was staring out the window. Sophie walked up to him and said softly: Look at the back of the envelope, which was lying.
Grandpa's under it, and when he couldn't find any other way, he seems to have tried to pass the secret out to someone.
"Fraternity. Someone thought he could be trusted. One of his family pale into Tig's face. But the person capable of such an attack... And to find out all that
Secrets about the clubhouse. Teague silenced for a moment and was dominated by another kind of fear. That danger could only come from one force. And leaking Intel about the fraternity, no.
It can only be achieved through the oldest Capricorn enemy.
Langdon looked at him. CHURCH
And to this day,
Sophie was suspicious of that. The impression that the church was behind my grandfather's heart?
"If it is true," Ting replied, "this is the first time in history that it has been committed
The Church is a murder to protect itself.
"For the church which had long sought to get rid of her, Langdon found it hard to believe Ting's idea that the church would move people all around.
Landon had thrown the new door and many cardinals, so he said they were devout men who couldn't begin to commit crimes.
Say whatever the cuss.
Sophie seemed to think the same way. No one can be that bad.
The church who told the frat brothers? Someone who doesn't know what the Holy Grail really is? In the end, the saucy pussy is a truly tempting treasure. And I am convinced that treasure hunters would kill for much less."
My experience you know, Ting said, "Men would do anything to avoid something."
They fear him more than they would humiliate to get something they want. I have a hunch that Elias is the reason behind this attack on the fraternity
Eli, "he said," Do not become a clear paradox. Why do men present
Of the Catolic clergy, few members of the fraternity have attempted to find and destroy the trust, and they firmly believe that these documents contain
A melancholy certificate?
Tig laughed sarcastically. Robert, it seems the Harvard Ivory Tower has made you a sage.
Yes, the clergy in Rome are blessed with strong faith, so their beliefs enable them to resolve any problem, including the appearance of documents that contravene all tenets of their religion and belief. But what about the rest of the world? And the first are those who look at what is happening in the world and ask, Where is God in this time? And those of you who see the scandals of the Church and ask who are these men who claim to speak the truth about Christ while at the same time committing sexual abuse of children by their priests? Ting's silence is a moment. What will happen to you people, Robert, if there is convincing scientific evidence that the Church's version of the story of Christ is not true, and that the greatest story ever told is in fact a mere falsehoods?
Langdon didn't answer.
I'll tell you what will happen if those bonds come into the light, "said Tig.
"The Vikans will face a crisis as unprecedented as in two thousand years of history, after a long silence, Sophie said, but if it was the Church that did it,
Crimes. Why did she choose this time? After all these years? Besides, the sisterhood
She keeps the sanguineal bonds hidden in complete secrecy. It doesn't pose any immediate danger to the cyst, it's breathtaking Tying, and he's all blown up and looking at Langdon, Trobert, I think you know.
What's the last mission of the fraternity?
"Langdon's self-feeling is interrupted when he thinks about it. Yeah, yeah.
Miss Nofeh, Ting said, "Here's the implicit straw between church and fraternity that's been going on for years.
A fold. I will not be able to protect you." A little silence. "But her debunking from the Brotherhood's history has always included a plan of secret disclosure. On a certain day in history, the Brotherhood will break the silence and arrest its great victory by unveiling the sangril documents, showcasing them to the mullah, and dragging a story bomb
"The true Christ before the world.
Sophie stared at Tinach silently. She finally sat down, too, and she thinks this date
"Village"? That the church knows about this date?
Only conjecture, "said Ting, but it is certain that the church will launch a crusade
To find the documents before it was too late, Langdon had a feeling that Ting might be right. The tomb that
The Church may indeed be able to find evidence that confirms the date set by the brotherhood for revealing the Sacrament.
And why not, especially if we presume, arguably, that the Church has been able to reveal the identity of its members.
Sisterhood, so she must have been able to find out about their speeches. And even if they don't know the exact date. Surely their evil desire drives them even faster.
Obsessing them? I asked Sophie.
In terms of prophecy, Tipping said. We are now in the process of great change. She went through a lot of trouble.
The cauldron is modern and has ended with it two thousand years from the time of the Whale, which is also the Tower of Christ. As any astrologer would tell you, a whale nomer says that man must be dictated by higher authorities because he is unable to repeat independently. So this has been a time of prosperity for Lin, except that I am now on the threshold of the Aquarium, whose Twins claim that man will discover the truth and learn to think independently of others. This is a very large, qualitative, ideological surge, which is now causing Langdon's chills in his body, the horoscopes of the towers bore no credibility
For the dragon that he didn't pay any attention to. But he knew that the smell of men in the church." It was followed by Batam, the cyst clawing at this transitional jolt the last day. The apocalypse? Doomsday?
No, Langdon said. This is a common mistake, because it is the religion of the last days.
To me the end of the world, but the end of the era that we lived through, that is, the whale era, which began at the birth of Christ and died two thousand years, and now with the eternity of the bucket."
Many scholarly historians hold the holy grail, Ting added, God if
It is the intention of the Brotherhood to truly reveal the truth, the time in history is the best time to do so.
Ain't no one here, the pomegranate twist.
As everyone knows, it is not entirely consistent with fakian markings, so there is an unknown grey area in the spring. Whether the Church now gets confidential information that a looming date has been set, or whether she has been called terrified and confused by an astronomical blizzard, is something I do not know. Well, that's no big deal. Both episodes harden the Church's impulse to launch a pre-emptive attack on the fraternity. Ting stitched his forehead. Rest assured that if the Church finds the measured limestone, she will be rid of it and Mary Magdalene's excitement and the documents in any case. His eyes seemed strained. And then, my dear, with the royal blood documents lost, you shall be lost to truth forever. The Church will have won her eternal war and will rewrite history and will erase the past forever."
Then Sophie pulled out of her jacket pocket the cross key and gave it to her
For Tying.
Ting took the key and set it right. Oh, my God, that's the motto of the sisterhood.
My grandfather gave me the night before he died.
"Pass his fingers across the cross. Is it a church key?
I took a whack job. This key leads to the key stone.
Ting raised his head suddenly, and his face was astonished. "Impossible! You see what church I missed? Lost
You searched every church in France?
"This is not a broom key," Sofie said, "It's a Treasury key at a Swiss bank for a foreman. The enthusiasm in Ting's eyes died. "The key stone is in a bank? In a safe, Langdon volunteered an answer.
A bank vault? Tying shook his head. No, that's not possible. The key is supposed to be
"Being under the rose mark.
That's right, "said Langdon. It was stored in a carved rosewood box."
"Like a fivepetal rose.
Did you see the key stone? "Ummat, we visited the bank.
Closest two and we're terribly boring. My dear friend, we must do something.
The key stone is in danger! Now Gina and I have to protect him. What if there are other keys? They stole from the big three before he killed them? And if you can find out,
The bank, like you did.
They'll be too late, Sophie said, we've taken the keystone. You betrayed the keys from his hideout? Don't tell Langdon. The key is hidden somewhere safe now." Hidden somewhere very safe, I guess?
In fact, Langdon said, unable to hide his laugh, that depends on the number of
The times you clean the floor under your couch.
A moonlight near Lenanaa, although he could not hear much of the talk, the phrase "Key stone" had been amused through the glass several times. He's in there.
The teacher's words were still hesitating. Enter the palace of Vellette and take the stone. Harm no one.
Now, Langdon and the others suddenly moved into another room, and they turned off the lights in
The office room and they're coming out. Silas felt like a tiger chasing its prey as he crawled towards the glass doorman, which he found unscathed, and he slipped inside, hung the doors and followed quietly, and heard muffled noises coming from another room. Silas grabbed the gun from his forehead and stool and then walked lightly into the lobby.

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