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After a fierce fight with the transporter, Langdon managed to defraud the taxi
The hijacked leads to the end of Boulogne Forest Park, where the engine only stopped spinning twice. But the sound of the operator calling the driver on the transmitter overshadowed the irony of Langdon's leadership. Funny
Car number five, six, is stalled. Where are you? Answer?" When Langdon reached the park exit, he abandoned his manly pride and put pressure on me
Brake bugs. You better drive.
Sophie was relieved to jump into the driver's seat and sit behind the wheel. And through
Seconds, the car was smoothly humming, heading west along the Dolonshan machine, leaving behind the garden of worldly pleasures.
Which way is Aksu Street?" Langdon asked while observing the speedometer, which was
Over a hundred miles an hour.
Sophie remained focused on the road ahead of her. The driver said it was near the Tets stadium.
"Roland Garros. And I know the area.
Algadon took the key out of J again, feeling his weight at ease. An Epiphany.
It was our young man of great importance who may be the key to his freedom as well.
He had a shenaniah that cleverly linked him to Sion, as well as an inscription that represented the Brotherhood's motto.
The equal-cultivated cross was a symbol of balance and harmony, but it also belonged to
Templars. All saw paintings depicting the Templars with their long white robes decorated with evenly armed red crosses. It's true that the arms of the Knights Templar crosses were a little flattened outward in the shape of a trumpet, but they were ultimately of equal length. Just like the cross on this switch.
Lagoon felt that his imagination was beginning to wander away as he began to imagine what they might find there. Alex.
Sacred? He was about to laugh loudly at the absurdity of the idea. The Ghril was believed to be somewhere in England, buried in a secret chamber under one of the Knights' cabins, the temple, where, from 1500 AD, he hid the truth of Grand Master Da Vinci.
Members of the fraternity had to change the location of their important secret documents several times in
Historians estimate that it was replaced six times since it was moved from Jerusalem to Europe. The last "sighting" of Greel was in 1447, when several eyewitnesses described the real Yeltm being brought to safety in large boxes that required six strong men each, after which no one claimed to have ever seen the Greel again, and all that remained were the hindsight of Ted that the rig was hidden somewhere in Great Britain, the home of King Arthur and the Knights.
There are two important rights that no one can deny.
That Leonardo da Vinci had known all his life where he hid the mushroom.
And that that same secret stash may not have changed from then on to the present day.
And that's why the grill enthusiasts and the cause keep pondering even today.
Davshi's works and memoirs have found hidden evidence to guide them to the present location of the grille, "some of them claim that the rock background in Madonna of the Rocks, Lady of the Rocks, matches the tauger of a group of cave plateaus in Scotland. Others insist that the bizarre arrangement of Warren's Last Supper was a key to some code; some claim that an X-ray photograph of the Mona Lisa revealed that she had originally painted on her neck a zord necklace depicting Isis - a section that Davashi is rumored to have later decided to paint on top of. Langdon, however, saw no evidence of the alleged necklace and could not imagine how she would uncover the hideout. However, the grape-eaters constantly discuss it over and over the Internet.
And in the newer rooms of the science web.
Everyone likes to tie everything to a conspiracy theory.
The last of these intrigues on the scene came the resounding discovery that said that the painting
The famous Dafchi "cult of the Magi" was a mysterious secret. He just blew his brains out.
Italian Mauritrio Seracini's alleged truth was highlighted by The New York Times Times." Highlighting it in a story entitled The Da Vinci Conspiracy, Spracini has unquestionably revealed that although grey subtlety
The greenish cult painting was already painted by Da Vinci, but the painting itself was not. The fact is that a converted painter completed Da Vinci's painting by number-drawing method many years after Da Vinci's death. But what's even more bizarre is what's hidden behind the con artist's painting. Images taken by both infrared and X-rays show that this trickster painter, while completing the initial Da Vinci painting, spelled out vague points in the constructed painting... It's as if he wanted to deliberately sabotage Da Vinci's true purpose and the idea he wanted to get to people in this painting. But whatever the truth was hidden in the initial Da Vinci painting had to be publicly revealed to the public so that they would know. However, the employees of the showroom and Fitzie of Fornas, who were embarrassed by this construction, immediately discarded the painting by throwing it into a warehouse across the street. Today a visitor finds the Davshi Hall in the exhibition room, the place of the Magi worship tablet, a deceptive metal plate: and the sacrament of your next scripture
This work is undergoing diagnostic testing preparing the restoration by Whitey Leonard da Vinci, the greatest mystery in the world forbidden to modern researchers.
Grail. Da Vinci's work seemed to reveal secrets that remained hidden, refusing to tell what they really were, which might have been hidden under a layer of colours or a code embedded in a scene, or even no secrets. And maybe Da Vinci's collection of clues is just an empty promise he left behind to offend curious people.
Paints irony on his wise monalise.
Is it reasonable..." I asked Sophie, and she got Langdon back from his sleeper, "to be the key."
"What do you hold is the key to the beaker of the measured chalice?
Langdon seemed a contrived laugh until he felt it. Actually, I can't imagine.
That's it. Moreover, he believed that the grill was hidden somewhere in the UK and not in France. "He gave her that quick overview of history.
"But the grill seems to be the only plausible resort.
Fully refereed with an inscription bearing the seal of the fraternity of Sion, given to us by a member of the fraternity of Sion, the fraternity which you have just told me is the holy protector of the Ghril
Langdon knew that the two visions were logical, but his mind could not accept it. And he...
Rumors have reported that the Brotherhood has vowed to return the grill one day to its final resting place in Feminine, but there is certainly no historical evidence to suggest that this has actually happened. Even if the Brotherhood were able to return the grill to France, 24 Axiue near the stadium of Tetus was far from the secret hiding place of such a precious nobleman. "Sophie's truth, no." I believe this key has anything to do with the gril." That's because the gril is supposed to be in England?
Not only for that reason, but because the site of the Klim is one of the most kept secrets in the world.
The members of the fraternity wait for decades and claim to be worthy before being raised to the highest ranks of the fraternity to know the location of the grill. This secret is protected by a complex system of knowledge divided into separate parts, and although the number of fraternal members is very large, only four of them know where the grill is hidden, the Grand Master and his three followers. And your grandfather could be one of those big four.
It's a very low probability.
Grandpa was one of them, and Sophie thought as she hit the accelerator hard. Lost
There was an image imprinted in her memory confirming her grandfather's place in the fraternity. An image that disproves all suspicion.
And even if your grandfather was the top man, he would never let him say.
About anything that might have happened to you. It doesn't make sense to bring you into the inner circle."
I'm already on the inside, and I thought Sophie was remembering that weather in
She included whether this was the right time to tell Langdon what she had experienced.
That night at the mansion of Normandy. The sheer shame she felt prevented her from revealing what she saw to anyone, and just reminding her now was chirping at police sirens somewhere from afar. She felt exhausted.
The grumpy one is killing her.
There!" Langdon was so excited to see this huge complex."
It housed the Roland Garros stadium to the front of them, and Sophie made her way to the stadium. And after several attempts, we were able to identify the intersection
It was on Aksu Street and they turned in a direction, and they went to the parents' numbers with the immediate numbers. The street became a little louder as it was full of work We have to get to 24, Langdon said to himself. Realizing that it was secretly happening in
The horizon from church towers. Don 't be silly, do you expect to find a church of the Knights Templar here in this neighborhood?
Oh, there it is, "Sophie said, with her hand pointing forward, Langdon looked at the building that was there! Oh my God! Does that make sense?
Construction was recent. It looks like a low castle with a neon light on its facade as an equal cross
: Arms. Under the cross, the words Zurich Bank of Deposits were written.
Langdon was happy that he didn't share with Sophie his hope of finding a church for knights.
The chassis.
As great a career as Symbols was the constant attempt to derive subtle meanings.
In this case, Langdon, in his enthusiasm, completely forgot that the cross was the only way to make a difference.
Switzerland had adopted it as an appropriate symbol of its flag as a neutral country.
Sophie and Langdon had a key to a Swiss bank safe.

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