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The Zurich Bank of Deposits was a 24-hour gold safe
It provides a large number of integrated modern services to people without needing to name them in a slanted manner to Swiss numeric accounts. The bank has opened new offices in Zurich, Kuala Lumpur, New York and Paris, expanding its services in recent years to include computerized code services and digital support beyond identities and names
The basis of those services was the same old and simple method summarized as the services
Isdal star ", also known as boiling deposit cabinets. Customers who want to deposit anything, whether it's fiduciary bonds or billboards, can deposit their belongings without making their identity public, using a series of high-tech security systems that enable them to take back anything they have deposited at will and without identifying themselves. When Sophie stopped the taxi in front of the bank, Langdon stare at the bank.
He felt that the Zurich Bank of Deposits was strict but had a little sense of humor. The building was in a rectangular form completely devoid of Windows but was poured entirely of dark steel. Its facade lit up as an equal cross; the ribs with 15 peaks made it look like an enormous metal rectangle Switzerland's reputation in bank secrecy has become one of the country's most important exports. As well as the fact that
These facilities became controversial in the art world as they provided the place with hope for the art thieves to hide their stolen works and for many years until the frenzies had abated over the stolen works. The deposits were safe in police investigations, in addition to banking secrecy laws, and were accompanied by account numbers rather than names of individuals
Sophie stopped the taxi at a large gate blocking the way to the bank entrance
That had a concrete barrier going down under the building.
There was a surveillance camera pointed directly at them, and Langdon felt that
Unlike the one in the Louvre, this was real.
On the side of the driver's seat, and there was the liquid crystal screen that had
Instructions interpreted in seven languages, headed by English.
Insert the key
Sophie took the gold key with the laser fingerprints from her forehead and went back to focus her attention.
On the wall, I found a triangular vault right under the screen, and my intuition is that the key will match that vault, Langdon said.
So Sophie lifted the key up to the level of the triangular dome, tucked it in, and slipped it in
Even my sister has a whole column, no need to turn the key in the vault. Immediately the gate began to overrun. So Sophie took her foot off the brake pedal, let the car slow down, and she got to a second gate and another wall. When I closed the first gate and trapped them as deserters in the trap of Langdon's hatred, it felt trapped within that narrow distance. Hopefully you'll open this.
The gate, too.
The second panel bore the same familiar instructions as the key.
As soon as Sophie entered the key, she opened the second door.
A few moments later, they overcame the barricade and went down into the building.
The private garage was small and dark, accommodating about a dozen cars.
On the other side, after Langdon glimpsed the main entrance to the building. A red carpet stretched over the concrete floor welcoming visitors and leading them to a large door that seemed to have been poured of metal
Mixed hints. Think, don 't tingle, you' re welcome, and get out of here
Sophie stopped the taxi in the parking lot near the main entrance and turned off the engine.
You better leave the gun here.
Happily, Langdon thought and hid the gun under the seat. Get off Langdon and Sophie from
The car walked on the red carpet toward the steel door. The door was not equipped with a handle, but there was another triangular drill on the wall next to the door, and there was no instruction board. This time
Langdon said I laughed, and I was nervous. We got close to Gaeta and she let the key in.
He watched the door open from the front, and a chirping hum sprung from him, and he looked and walked in. Close the door with a sounding board behind them.
The foyer of the Zurich Bank of Deposits had the most luxurious decor Langdon had ever seen when she met
Most banks with shiny marble and granite that we're used to, the designer effect of this. The metallic pattern of alloy that permeates everything in his decoration Who did these designs? Langon Enlightenment, Global Steel Union?
Sophie looked as nervous as he did while she searched the place with her eyes. The gray metal was in
Everywhere on the floor, walls, tables, doors, even the benches seemed to be shaped from molds of iron, though all the impression it left was dated. And the message is so intense... It was like entering an enormous safe and being spotted by a large man sitting behind the counter as they entered, flashing a small television
Watching them live with a nice smile. And despite his macho appearance and the weapon visible on his side, his decorum was quite typical of the politeness for baggage holders in Swiss hotels.
Good evening, he said in French. How may I help you? Stick English.
Greeting the blind was the last thing the European host found.
She does not borrow knowledge of a specific language and allows a guest to answer in any language that he or she is comfortable with, but Sophie does not answer in either language.
In front of the man.
The man looked at the key, and as soon as he saw it, he adjusted his time. Well, your elevator's at the end.
"Hall will let one of your aides know you're coming." What floor?
The man gave her a seductive look. "Your key will point the elevator to the required floor.
"I snapped or... Yeah, of course.
The guard watched the two new arrivals walk to the elevator and get into it
Selective; As soon as he closed the elevator door, the guard quickly grabbed the handset. He did not intend to call anyone to notify him of their arrival, as there was no need to do so. I already know.
They are responsible for storing it automatically when the customer released the key at the exit at the entry gate.
The guard, however, contacted the bank's night manager. And when the phone rang at the other end,
The guard turned on the TV again and started staring at it. The news he was watching was about to end, but that wasn't important now. Take another look at the two faces that appeared on the screen, "the manager replied. Yeah?
We're having an awkward situation here.
What happened? "The manager asked him anxiously.
French police are looking for fugitives.
And what did we smoke in that?
Both just came in to the bank.
"The manager cast curses softly. All right, I'll call Mr. Vernet right away.
The guard dropped the line and made another call. This time call Interpol.
Langdon was astonished to feel that the elevator was speeding down instead of
He goes up, he has no idea how many floors they take under the Zurich Bank of Deposits and finally opens the elevator door. He didn't care anyway.
From the elevator to the elevator.
There was a host standing in their eyes with admirable grace. He was a very old man.
A great deal of kindness, dressed in an elegant woolly suit, made him look like he didn't belong here in a seductive way. He's an old world banker in the modern world with a high channel of bad luck." The man said in French. "Good evening. Can you follow me, please? He said"
In English, and without a response, he rushed to a narrow metal lane. Langdon and Sophie walked through a series of passages and passed several large rooms filled with large computers, flashing on and off.
"Here it is," the host said and he reached a steel door and opened it for them. Come on in.
Langdon and Sophie entered another world, and the little room in front of them looked like one
He sat in a very elegant hotel, and there was no sign of Aden, which was replaced by Oriental carpets, dark oak furniture and strapped chairs. And waiting for them were two glasses of crystal with a just opened beer and any coffee.
Sell it to the hookstrap, insert the key again, and the process will reverse. And since everything is automated here, it will guarantee complete privacy away from even the employees of this bank. If you need anything at all, just press the call button on the table that is occupying
In the middle of the saloon.
Sophie was about to ask him a question when they were interrupted by the ringing. The man seemed to be in a hurry.
Surprisingly and embarrassingly, "I beg your pardon," he walked over the edge of the table, side by side. Power and berries.
Yeah, the guy says,
His eyebrow jealous, and he listens to the caller. Yes... Okay." Hang up and look at them.
"Ivory panz and smiling paw. I'm sorry, but I have to leave you two alone, act like you're home, and he rushed to the door.
Sophie called him, "Can you explain Sheena to me before you go? I mentioned
That we should enter an account number?
The man stopped at the door and looked pale. Of course, our safety deposit boxes
This is the case in most Swiss banks, where you have a key and a personal account number that no one else knows. Your key is only half your ID and your personal account number is the other row. Because if you lose your key, then anyone else can use it
"Sophie hesitated. And if the person who left me the key didn't provide me with an account number?
The employee's heart beats so hard. It's obvious there's no sense in you being here.
Smile at them calmly. I'm going to order a pizza. He'll be here soon.
When the staff member walked out of the room, closed the door behind, and turned around, they were detained in
At the other end of town, Colle was standing in the north train station, Gare du Nord.
When his phone rang.
The caller was Fash. "Interpol has reached word," said Fash.
Langdon and Nu have just entered the Paris branch of Bank Zurich to say goodbye. I want you to send your men there immediately."
Has there been any evidence of what Sauniere wanted to say to Agent Novo and Robert Langdon?
A cold note replied, If I sane, Lieutenant Collet, then I can.
"I raise this question personally.
They understand what he meant. "24 - Aksu Street ". Drop the line and send over.
Signal of his men heading there.

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