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Sophie's Smart Carr flew through the Delumasi neighborhood, leaving behind the embassies.
And the chandeliers, and then you finally arrived on a side street, and then you took a right back to the big, chandelier street.
Langdon sat in his front seat, frozen in fear, then turned back with his eye
On the way behind them to see if there was any sign of the police, and suddenly he wished he hadn't decided to escape. You didn't, he mentioned himself. It was Sophie who made the decision when she threw a tracer disk out of a bathroom window, and now, as they hurried away from the embassy and descended among the few cars in the Chanelysees, Langdon felt his options were fewer and more. Although Sophie seems to have misled the police, at least for the time being. Langdon suspected that luck was a long sword, and from behind the wheel Sophie was looking in the pocket of her coat for something and
I pulled out a little metal China and gave it a whiff, Trobert, you should take a look at this thing."Madonna of the Rocks" My grandfather left me behind a plaque Langdon took that thing and poked it with a twitch of anticipation and enthusiasm. It was a gossip.
Weight and a cross. He had a hunch that he was carrying a funeral-miniature version of a huge monumental nail that was designed to be planted in the grave. He noticed, however, that the torso coming off the cross had a prismatic, ornamental shape. The shape that seemed to have been thoroughly etched and scattered at random is a laser drill key, "said Sophie, and these hex notches are fined."
And recognize it with an electric eye. Langdon has never seen a key like this in his life.
Look on the other side, she said that as she changed course and crossed an intersection, and when a template
The key to the other side, and his mouth opens in astonishment. She was there at the center of the cross Sophie, this is the P.S. seal. "A mercurial flower engraved in a complex and elegant manner and with its two literal sides," which I told you was the motto of the fraternal scion.
As I told you earlier, I saw the key years ago.
It's long enough for me to stay away from you.
Langdons eyesight was still nailed to the engraved key. His factory was so high-tech.
His ancient symbols stirred a frightening mix between the ancient and modern worlds." He told me that the key opened a box in which many secrets were hidden.
Langdon felt a thirst just to imagine what secrets a man like Jack might have.
Saunir. What's an old fraternity doing with Fatah like it's coming from the future? Langdon had no idea. The Brotherhood has only one purpose: to keep a secret "and to protect it. A secret of unbelievable power. Could this guy be the one that killed him? She was... This idea is awesome. Do you know what opens?"
She had hope on her face. "I was hoping you would know this. Langdon remained silent as he turned the cross in his hand and examined it." Sophie insisted, it seemed like a Christian cross
Landon was not sure of that. The head of this key did not have the traditional shape of a cross
The Christian, who had a long leg but was a square prayer-four arms of equal length-had made his appearance as a Christian by 1,500 flags. This type of cross does not have any Christian connotations to indicate the crucifixion associated with the Roman cross no long leg created by the Romans. The mother that Langdon always wondered "is that very few Christians who contemplated the word Crussyfix" of the cross realized that the violent history of their symbol is reflected in the name itself: the word Cross or Crussyfix is derived from the Latin cruschard. Sophie, Langdon said, "All I can tell you is that crosses of equal arms, like this cross, are peace crosses, their equal lineage does not serve as a vasculature, and their balanced horizontal and vertical elements show the union." You have no idea, do you? ".. We wouldn't count his forehead if it weren't for any idea.
"We have to go somewhere. Sophie took a look in the front mirror to see if
Someone was following them. We need a safe place to figure out what that key opens.
Langdon thought very eagerly in his comfortable room at the Ritz. It's obvious that this
Was not the choice they had. "What do you say we go to my guests at the American University in Paris?
It's going to be so obvious that Fash will be reviewing them.
Fash will review the numbers in my Hanfi Manuals and email addresses
He's going to talk to my coworkers. So let go of my contacts. We can't find a hotel." All hotels require ID cards
Langdon again brokered whether it would be better for him to let Fash arrest him in
The Louvre. Let's call the embassy. I can explain to them what's going on and ask them to send someone to meet us somewhere."
Malata?" Sophie met him and stared at him like he was crazy."
Roper, you must be dreaming. Your embassy has no authority outside its own building. And in case
Sent someone to meet them would be considered fugitive assistance from the French government. That is not going to happen in any case. Admitting you to your embassy to seek temporary asylum is acceptable, but asking them to take action against the French police while they are deactivated?" You call your embassy right now and they'll tell you to avoid any more losses and turn yourself in to Fash. Then they will promise you a fair trial through the diplomatic channels." I looked in the mirror and I saw it.
"The stylish facades of Chanzelysees. How much money you got? Langdon opened his wallet to make sure. A hundred dollars and some small coffins of euros. WHY
And credit cards? Of course.
When Sophie rushed, Lagdon felt she had made a plan. And forwards at the end of
Sophie's eyes were on the rearview mirror again as they approached
The turn. We have managed to mislead them so far, but that won't last another five minutes if we stay in this car."
Ben, let's steal one more, hope Langdon, since I'm a criminal." What are you going to do now?
"Sophie was speeding towards the vertigo. Put your trust in me.
Langdon didn't get a good response this evening.
On His Hour - a classic clock, a special version of Mickey Mouse's watch was a gift from his parents on his tenth birthday. Despite her boyish disk, which was always the subject of mocking looks, Langdon had no other hour in his life. Disney's animated images were his first entry into the charm of shape and color. And Mickey today is the one he remembers every day to keep his heart young. But considerate of Mickey at that moment, they were tilted at an Angle.
They also refer to a Western Clock.
2:51 am.
"What an hour," said Sophie, looking at his watch and the tower Smart Carr about. The wide counterclockwise roundabout. It's a long story." Langdon said, and he's put his punch back down.
She must have, and she had a quick smile, and then she came out of the vertigo and headed for...
North away from the city center. It barely passed two green light signals and when it reached the third intersection, it turned right to Malzerib Avenue. Here they left the rich wooded streets of the Delumasi neighborhood and dived into a darker industrial neighborhood. Sophie quickly turned left, and moments later Langdon realized where they were.
And for them, it was the glass-roofed train station, like you're from.
Plastic houses and airplanes. European train stations were never complete, and even at this late hour, taxi cabs were a bulkhead near the main entrance and commuters stood in front of their sandwish-metal water carts as ragged boys walked out the door rubbing their eyes and looking around as if they were trying to deny what city they ended up in. At the top of the street were two policemen standing at the turn, directing some of the lost tourists in the right direction. Sophie stopped behind a row of taxis and then parked the car in a no-stop area, even though there were many regular stops at the other end of the street. Before Langdon could ask what was going on, Sophie got out of the car and ran into the window of the taxi that
She was in front of them and started talking to the driver.
When Langdon got out of the car, he saw Sophie give the leg a huge pack of
Umma had the leg on his head and went off without them.
What happened?" Langdon insists. He joined Sophie at the turn.
You got the cab out of sight.
Sophie was going towards the main entrance of the train station. "Come on, we'll buy.
"Two energy on the next train that leaves Paris.
It was a flight to the U.S. embassy that...
It was a mile away and now it evolved into a full evacuation from Paris. Langdon's remorse for having met him was growing more and more.

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