chapter 9

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Bizu Fash hung up a mobile to ensure no one interrupted his conversation with Mr. Langdon, but
Unfortunately for him, his phone was a very expensive type, equipped with a radio - no - wave radio feature, and contrary to his orders, one of his men used it now that you were with him, Captain
Fash felt his teeth squeaking, so he didn't think that anything, no matter how much
It's important to interrupt the covert surveillance that he's conducting now, especially at this critical juncture.
He looked at Langdon calmly and apologized for just one moment, please."
"His belt and then he hit the radio to say 'Yes'? "Sir, a decryption agent has arrived.
Fury temporarily subsided. An agent from decryption? Despite his bad timing, he has
He's got good news. After Fash discovered Sauniere's encrypted text on the ground, he filmed it and sent it to the decryption department, hoping that one of the agents there could tell him what Sauniere was trying to say.
The message Sauniere left behind.
I'm busy right now, "Fash said in an accent," Leave no doubt to the client that he has bypassed anyone.
The red lines. I asked the agent to wait at the precinct, and I'll come back to him when I'm done, get back to her.
Fash's discontent grew with each passing moment of the call. Sophie Novo was one.
One of the biggest mistakes of the Judicial Police Directorate. She is a young Parisian scientist working in cryptography, which she studied at Royal Holloway University in England. Two years ago, Sophie Novo had stepped into Fash's nose as an attempt by the Ministry to integrate more women into the police force. This incursion, which the ministry was increasingly pursuing in the direction of correcting its policies, was weakening the department, according to Flash. They are concerned not only with the physical structure necessary for police work, but also with
You're witnessing the work of a brilliant instructor, Lieutenant Collet said, reflecting as he was adjusting.
The higher-level police officer knew it was because of what the captain did in these circumstances.
Fash will do what no one else would do.
The art of exerting gentle pressure on the defendant, gently and nobly, was a skill lost from
The system of modern security forces, an art that needs to bind an exceptional gash under pressure. Few men have the cold blood to do this kind of operation, but Fash looks like he's created. They do. The only emotion that Fash showed that evening was intense determination, as if it were a process.
This arrest was more or less a personal matter for him. The orders his men had given an hour earlier were unusually brief and specific. I know of Jack Sauniere, who was Fash, who said, You know what to do, no way to blur the line, and yet he has made no mistake.
Collet still didn't know the evidence that made Fash certain the defendant had committed this.
The crime, but he knew he couldn't question a bull's intuition. It was a crude prediction of events. It seemed supernatural at times.
God whispers in his ear, that's what one of his men confidently said once after an incident arose.
Has an astonishing sense of political fash. Collet had to admit that if there was a god, Bizu Fash would be voted closest to him.
The priest attended the service regularly and regularly - much more than
Mandatory attendance at holidays that some other officials are entitled to in pursuit of what they call useful public relations.
When the Pope visited Paris a few years ago, Fash used all his influence to be among
To attend to His Holiness. And today in his office is a picture of him with the Alba, the papal bull, thats what
His men snapped on her.
Collier 's fate is that it' s ironic that one of Fash 's positions in recent years is
Who rarely gives his opinion in public, he reacted openly to the Catholic scandal in the case of child sexual harassment. These priests should be hanged twice, that's what Fash says, once for their crimes against the children, and again for their reputations
She said she met and spoke quickly to confuse him and left him no room to respond.
"I hope your district is ruined, but I blew up Fash in Farsi saying: This is not a good time... In the afterlife.
I tried to call you, but...
The mobile was locked.
I'm talking to Mr. Langdon, and Sophie Brod said, "Langdon has deciphered the code." Langdon felt a wave of pressure, did she decipher it? Fash seemed unsure of his reaction.
Sophie said, "I have an urgent message for Mr. Langdon.
"Langdon's expression changed to a growing interest in Mr. Langvedon?
She shook her head positive, turned back to Langdon Should you call the embassy
"The American, Mr. Langdon, they have a message addressed to you from the United States.
Langdon was amazed and his sense of cipher excitement turned into a sudden wave of anxiety.
A letter from the United States? Try to imagine who's trying to find him. A number has been reduced.
From his colleagues who know he's in Paris.
Did his wide jaw come up with this news at the U.S. Embassy?" Sal.
"And he seems suspicious: how do they know that Mr. Langon is here? Sophie sighed, Looks like they called Mr. Lankhon's motel.
"The receptionist told them that he had been accompanied by an agent of the Judicial Police Department.
No, Sir, Sophie said in a strict manner, "When I called the department's telephone department,"
The police, trying to get to you, had a letter to Mr. Langdon and they asked me to get it to him." In case I could find you.
Fash stitched his eyebrows in apparent confusion and opened his mouth to speak, but Sophie had turned to me.
Langdon, Mr. Langdon, with a Walgae accent, she takes a little piece of paper out of her passport. This is: "The message service number at your embassy, they asked you to call them as soon as possible, and she gave it a meaningful look in her eyes," You have to make that call while Avester is me." This code is for Captain Fash
Langdon looked at the scrap of paper very carefully, and it had a phone number in Paris and a switchboard
Right next to him. "Thank you," said Langdon, feeling right now, "Where would I find Haga here? Sophie PALS Hanga out of her jacket pocket, but Fash tells her to stop.
It now looked as if Vesuvius was about to explode, and without blinding Sophie, he took his mobile phone and gave it to Langdon." This line is safe, you can use it, Mr Langdon."
Langdon was very surprised by the anger that Fash showed towards Sophie.
He took the phone from the captain, confused. And immediately pull up Sofia's cash.
He steps back and starts chastising her in a low tone. Langdon turned away from the Western confrontation, distressing Fash as he got older, and opened the cell phone, examining the scrap of paper
And he started beating the number.
And the line at the other end starts ringing.
... And one... Rutton, I'm not going to let you go. Three rings.
Finally open the line.
Langon expected to hear the switchboard public voice at the embassy, but instead he found
He listens to an answering man, and the strange thing is that the voice on the tape was fulfilled. It was Sophie Novo
Tom Saabda, you called Sophie Novo, and the French woman's voice said, "I'm not in."... Home now, but...
Langdon turned again to a confused Sophie, "I'm sorry, Miss Novo? I thought you might
You gave it to me.
No, that's the right number. "Sophie quickly interrupted him, as if she expected confusion
Landon, "The embassy has an automatic message response system, you just have to click on a code to get your message." - Langdon stare: But
It's the three-digit code on the paper I gave you.
Lagdon opened his mouth and tried to explain the strange mistake, but Sophie threw it out with an angry look
Her silence lasted for moments, and her green eyes sent a message clear in the sun.
Don't ask any questions, just do it.
Stunned, Langdon struck the switchboard on the paper, and the continuous message was imbued with a mystic voice. Langon heard an electronic voice saying in French: "You have one new message." 454 was clearly Sophie's access number to
Android came to pick up her messages when she was out of the house.
Am I listening to the text this time?
Langdon could hear the tape now going back, finally stopping and catching fire.
The machine. And Langdon seemed to listen to the message, and again the voice was Sophie's.
"Mr. Langkhon, the letter begins with a frightening whisper.
"Listen quietly, you are in danger now.

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