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Sagria... Holy blood... Holy Alex... The measured baskets. They were all inextricably linked.
Mi Maryam Mi Maryam. Mother of the royal line of Jesus Christ, I felt Sophie.
The more Robert and Langdon explain, the more unexpected this puzzle becomes.
You see, my dear, "said Tipping, barely walking to a bookshelf. The
Leonardo is not the only one who was trying to tell the world about Alex. The history of the royal dynasty of Jesus AlSayah is recorded with tedious detail by many historians. He passed his finger on a shelf of dozens of books: Sophie tilted her head and read the list of titles.
Reveal the secret of the Templar Knights:
Guardians of the Sacrament of Christ's True Identity: The woman bearing the alabaster jar, Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Grail Gods in the future restore the Holy Anti
And here's the most famous volume, "said Ting, pulling out a big old book with a cover.
Thick from among the stack of books, gave it to her, and wrote on its cover royal blood, the Holy Grail, the bestselling magnificent book in the world.
Sophie looked at Tipping, the best-selling book? I never heard of it in my life.
I was young then. The book was published in the 1980s. And if
I wanted my personal opinion; they exaggerated a little bit of their analysis, but the basic idea was
"True and preferably, the idea of the line of Christ was finally raised and put to the king.
How did the church react to the book?
Extreme indignation, of course. But that was predictable. In the end, it was a secret I tried."
The Church, with all its might, buried him in the fourth century. This was one of the reasons for the Church's violent campaign to gather information on the subject and get rid of it. The danger posed by Mary Magdalene to the men of the first church could be dangerous because she was not only the woman entrusted by Christ with founding the church, but also had physical evidence proving that the person designated by the modern Church as a distraction had left behind a line of mortal men. In return, the Church, in order to defend herself against the power of Magdalene, demonized her She's a prostitute, and she hid evidence that tainted her marriage to Christ. He silenced any claims that Jesus had a line after him and that he was a mortal prophet."
Sophie Blangdon stared at who Oma said yes. DESCRIBE, THE EVIDENCE TO PROVE THIS IS
Real and very important
I admit, "Tipping said," These allegations are serious, but what you have to understand is
Strong motives led the Church to spread these canines. The Church could never withstand the reaction of the people if they knew that there was a line of Christ. The existence of a son of Christ downplays the importance of the divinity of Christ, and hence the importance of the Christian Church and its role as a path." Only through which humanity can contact the Lord and grant the crowned crows to the kingdom of heaven. The rose with five axes, Sophie said, suddenly referring to one of Ting's books."
It's the same shape carved into the lid of the rosewood box. Ting looked at Langdon and then smiled. It's really a snobbish." Then she met Sophie
For the sacrament of Mary Magdalene was forbidden even by a male."
"Name her, so I gave her many code names, like mug, lime and rose.
- Ting's silence was a moment, then a moment. "The symbol of the rose is associated with the five-star Venus and the compass Compass Rose. And by the way, rose is the same word in English." French, German, and many other languages.
Its the shape of the word Rose with Langdon on it, if you change the letter order of the word rose
"The Bonnese god of sweet love, Frs Eros"
Sophie looked at Tying in amazement as he continued. The rose was always the same.
The basic symbol for the physical activity of the catharsis. In the ancient religions of Anchie worship, the fertilised petals of the rose filled the five stops of female birth, menstruation, death, hopelessness, and death. In modern times, the fading rose has evolved as a symbol of heresy and has become more visible." He looked at Robert. Perhaps the Symphologist could explain it better. Robert's hesitation. He hasn't said a word.
Oh my God :" Tibbing bullying. "Since you Americans are always so modesty." And look.
Again to Sophie. "What Robert is ashamed to say to you is the fact that a flattened flower resembles a venerable female organ, the greatest rushing from which all the human beings emerge to enter the world.
And the key idea here, "Langdon, referring to the bookshelf again, said," is that all of these
"The books make the same historical claims.
Jesus was a father.
Yeah, he said it. Mary Magdalene was the womb who gave birth to his royal baskets. And brotherhood.
Sion, to this day, still hails Mary Magdalene as the gods and the holy lime.
And the rose and the holy mother.
The weather I witnessed in the basement sparked Sophie's memory again.
According to Sion's fraternity information, Ting continued, Miriam Magdalene was pregnant when
Christ was crucified, and in keeping with the goodness of the unborn Christ, she had no choice but to flee the Holy Land. With the help of Christ's uncle Joseph of Arimaia, she secretly traveled to France, which was known as Belad Gaul. There I found a safe haven.
"In the Jewish community, I congratulated you in France.
They really know the baby's name?
And more than a dozen, the Jewish mothers-in-law recorded the life of a mother and her father every day, every day, every day.
She recalls that Magdalene's daughter belonged to the basket of the Jewish Kings David and Solomon. For this reason, the Jews in France considered Mary Magdalene to be a measured queen and bowed down in respect for her by her words
Directly descended from the line of Kings.
Many researchers in this pill have confirmed the days spent by Mary the Magic in
"France includes Sarah's birth and the crowbar tree that followed her." Sophie was stunned. There's a mage family tree too?
Of course, it is said to be the most important document of the Sanreal Pact. It contains the family tree
"Complete to the line of Christ."
But what is so good about the fencing family tree?" It's not enough evidence.
"It cannot be authenticated by historians." Teague laughed faint. Nor can they validate the truthfulness of the Gospel.
And meaning?
This means that history is always written in the hands of the victor. When there is war between two civilizations, exile
"For the loser to oblivion and the winner makes books of history, books that glorify his cause and despise the opponent," said Nabulyonmra. "History, by its very nature, is on one side and not the other. Sophie never thought about it this way."
The Sanerial documents tell the other side of the story of Christ. And in the end,"
You believed one side of the story without the other in a matter of faith and personal discovery, but on eating, information was communicated. The Sanerial documents contain tens of thousands of pages of dangerous information. Witnesses who saw the treasure of the SanReal describe it being transported in four huge car boxes. These boxes are rumored to have carried the finest of documents-tens of thousands of original, unperverted pages from the pre-Constantine era, writing "Q hand sold the first menace, whom they respected and revered as man, teacher, and prophet. A legendary document is also said to be part of this treasure. It is a manuscript that even the Vatican recognizes." It is said to be a book that holds the teachings of Jesus, who may have written with his own hands."
Of course, Ting said. Why would Jesus not have recorded his priesthood? Most people
They kept a diary at that time. Another very dangerous document is believed to be in the treasure as well. It is a manuscript called The Magdalene Diary, her personal account of her relationship with Jesus and the story of his crucifiance. These large boxes of bonds areThe kennar the Templars found under Solomon's temple? Exactly. These are the documents that extended the Musketeers a great bug. They are the documents that were
"The goal of the dredging campaigns throughout the ages, but you said the measured chalice was Mary Magdalene. And if the people are looking for documents,
"Why do you still call it the holy search for Alex? Tying looked into her eyes, and she had a nicer face. Now is the sanctuary of lime.
Containing a coffin.
It was raging trees outside.
Tipping spoke softly now. The search for the measured cup is precisely desire.
In front of the remains of Mary Magdalene. It's a journey of prayer at my expelled, female feet.
Holy waste.
"Vaughn Sophie, the holy cup is really... Graveyard?
Tig's sneaky eyes were covered with a touch of diving. "That's right, it's a vault that contains
On the survival of Mary Magdalene's body and the documents that tell her true life story, the true purpose of the search for the holy Alex was Danma purely for Magdalene, the Queen who was not injured by
"Her throne, and buried with the evidence of her right to power, waited moments for Sophie to gather his thoughts. There are still a lot of things to do.
That seemed so mysterious about her grandfather. "Have the fraternity members, Sophie said," through this
Many years are responsible for protecting the Sangraal documents and the tomb of Mary Magdalene? You know, but the members of the fraternity also had to do a much greater task, which was to protect the very mission of Christ, which was always in imminent danger. The Church was feared.
AlSayah has been suspended by the Magdalene, which leads to a challenge to the very foundation of the Catholic faith in Christ.
A god who had no relationship with any woman and never did anything physical." I was silent for a moment and then I went on. "Yet the line of Christ flourished in secret and under names left over in France until...
She made a bold move in the 5th century when she was mixed by marriage with the royal blood.
"The French defeated a basket known as Merovingia."
This news has astonished Sophie. Merovingy was a term learned by every
"A student in France, it was the Mervgians who created Paris that generalizes, so that is one of the reasons the story of the grail became famous in France, and many
Of the Vatican expeditions sent in search of grills, secret expeditions were in fact intended to get rid of the Royal Priests. Have you heard of the angel Dagobert? Sophie barely disguised the name because she heard it during a history class.
Talk about a shitty story. "Dagobert was king of Merovingia, wasn't he? Who said in his sleep, "Stab in the eye?
It was done by the Vatican in conjunction with the Derestel Manifesto, late in the century
Seventh. As Daguepere, the Mervingen strain is on the verge of extinction. But luckily Dagobar's son Sisspere secretly survived the attack on the family and continued. The family grew up with him, and later gave to Godefroid de Boeun - founder of the fraternal Sion Oho - the same man, Langdon said, "who ordered the Templars to recover and trust
"The Sangraal, from her chamber under the Temple of Solomon, brings the evidence of the blood connection that links the Merovingians to Jesus Christ."
Oma pisses, and pleads deeply. "The fraternity of contemporary Sion has been entrusted with a dangerous mission
Very. It's a threefold responsibility. She must protect the documents of the Sangraal, she must protect the tomb of Mary Magdalene, and finally she must look after and guard the lineage of Christ, individuals."
Words hung in vast space and Sophie felt a strange echo, as if there were
A new truth unknown to Dutt in her bones, the descended family members of the lineage of Christ."1 Live today
I heard her grandfather's voice again whispering into her. Princess, I have to tell you the truth.
She ran goose bumps with royal blood.
... She couldn't imagine you... Princess Sophie.
Going to Leigh?" I cracked raw words over the intercom, which was
It hangs on a loop, and it holds Sophie in place. Would you come to my house?
"I allowed?
Ting frowned and he got out of the county that never came back. And he got up and headed towards
Etracom and press the button. Timmy, you know I'm busy with my guest here, if we need anything.
"From the printing press, I'll get it out of us, thank you and good night.
I'd like to say a word to you just before I leave, Sir, if that's possible.
Tipping had had enough of his insistence and the press of the button. "Come on, talk fast, Remy.
It's a private household matter, Sir, and I'm afraid we may disturb your guests.
"Tipping didn't believe his persistence, and couldn't wait until morning?
Eat up, Sir. It will only take a minute for my question.
Ting turned his eyes and then looked at Langdon and Sophie, "Sometimes let's get fed up with the servant and the master.
Venna?" Push the button again. Ill come right away Remy, would you like me to get you a China in
"My way?
"Freedom only, Sir."
She works for me.
"Don't tell me what danma says. That's what you say to me when I say that to you.

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