chapter 25

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The U.S. Embassy in Paris was damaged from a series of buildings located on Avenida Gabriel north
Exactly, this three-acre complex is American territory, which means that everyone who stands on it has the same laws as the United States and is protected by Tomin as if in the United States she was a switchboard operator on the night shift reading Time International Edition.
She was interrupted by a ringing phone.
"Good evening." The caller spoke English with a French accent. We need your help.
Despite the obvious literature in the man's words, his tone was dry and formal. I was told there was an SMS for me on your message system, and the message is in my name, Langdon, but unfortunately I forgot the third access code that got the message. If your mother were my assistant, I'd be very grateful."
I'm sorry, Sir, your message seems old.
Kind of. That system was terminated two years ago for security reasons. And the access code was composed of five digits, not three. Who told you there was a message for you in travel? "You don't have an e-mails system?"
Yes, Sir, and any letter of yours will be hand-recorded in our service section. Can you give me a call?
You tell me what your name is again? But the man had hung up.
Bizu Fash felt stunned, moving up and down the Seine.
Langdon says to dial a local number, pick up a three-digit number, and listen to an audio recording, but if Langdon hasn't called the embassy, who has? He didn't realize at this point that all the answers were in his hand until he looked at me.
The transporter... Langdon used my phone to make that call.
Fash pressed the contents list key on his cell phone and looked at the list of numbers
.1 E was recently contacted and found the number that Langdon dialled.454 It was a fake number in Paris followed by a three-digit code
Fash called back that number and waited for someone to answer the phone that started ringing.
And they told him, a woman's voice answered, Good day, you're calling Sophie Novo's house, "he said... The answer is that I'm not home now, but.4... 5.. 4 Blood Fash starts boiling, multiplying numbers.

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