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Sophie felt a crazy excitement as she hugged the Kreticus, and she started to write letters.
The required ones are in place on the disks. An ancient word of wisdom liberating this manuscript seemed to Langdon and Tying to have stopped breathing while seeing it.
"Be careful," alert Ting. Please be very careful.
I put the last letter in place. Now, Sophie whispered, and I looked at them. I will
By opening it.
Remember the vinegar. Be careful
Sophie knew that if this is all the cricket she used to open in...
They have to be zeroed, and all they have to do is play the cylinder from its end a little away from the stacks, and zip it folded and continue in opposite directions. If the strand is lined up in a straight line according to the password she has placed, then she will slip one end and open as a woolly cover, and then she will be able to hand her in the direction of the exits the papyri wrapped around her vinegar gummy, but her sister's password is incorrect, her outward force will be reduced to an elaborate bug that turns down an axis in the recess and compresses the glass bottle and breaks it if she pulls woolly
Both ends are strong.
Pull gently, she said to herself.
Lagdon and Ting leaned forward while Sophie grabbed my foul end.
In the excitement Sophie felt when the code was deciphered, Tse almost saw what they expected to find inside. This is the key heat of the Brotherhood and, according to Tipping, it contains a hill map of the place of the holy limestone and reveals the mausoleum of Mary Magdalene and Kinzer.... Royal blood.
The greatest curtain to reveal the secret truth.
Now I've silenced Sophie with the stone cylinder and tucked once that all the letters
He lined up correctly with the pointer, and then he raised his egg. Nothing happened, so I applied a greater force. And all of a sudden, the stone slippery and the telescope is made with incredible fidelity. The end of the cylinder was released, and it was left by a mystic hand, and Lagoon leapt from their position. PULSING THE WOOLS HEART. HARD AS IT PUTS THE END OF THE CYLINDER ON THE TABLE AND STRIKES THE CYLINDER GENTLY TAKE A LOOK INSIDE ITS A SCRAPT
And when Sophie looked at the space inside the wrapped paper, she saw that the manuscript was
Surrounded something cylindrical which I assume to be a flask of vinegar, the strange thing is that the paper that surrounded the vinegar was not a familiar papyrus leaf, but a thin leaf. This is really weird. I thought, Sophie, that vinegar couldn't melt sheep's grandpa, and I looked back at the cavity, inside the line, and I noticed that the thing in the middle was not, after all, a vial of vinegar. It was a completely different thing.
"The problem grew?" Sal Tobg. Striped pull
I grabbed Sophie and the handkerhead of the parchment and the thing surrounding it, and I took them out
Together from the attic.
"This isn't papyrus," said Ting. "It 's too much less papyrus." I know this. It' s a lint
No." Sophie turned the manuscript back and revealed what was wrapped inside. For this...
When Langdon saw what was inside the slavery, his heart almost stopped.
The RRA, the LI, was sent to your grandfather's house.
In the womb.
Langdon stared in astonishment. Sauniere clearly has no intention of making this easy.
It was on the table for their mother. But he was younger. It's made of black vinegar.
Preserved within the first Kretex, Saunir was a cynical fetish. Kretiksin. Everything is pun, meaning to break meaning into the heart of meaning, deny and come. Black is within metabolism, hair, Address, a laryngeal web, black is born from metabolism, every man is created from a woman.
I'm, uh, black, male.
Langdon approached and raised the smaller Kretx, which seemed to be only half.
Its size and black. He heard the familiar murmur, apparently the vinegar murmur in the flask. And Sophie, who had heard it, was actually coming from the smaller Tex. "Asna Robert," said Tig, passing him the parchment manuscript
I think you'd be happy to hear I'm going to eat to the right place.
Langdon examines the thick parchment on which decorative handwriting is written a verse of
Four rains. Once again, it was at the weight of the sea. The text was symbolic, but Langdon didn't need to read beyond the first line to realize that Tying's plan to go to Britain was right.
So... A knight lies buried by a Pope.
The rest of the poem clearly indicated that a password could be found
He exterminates the second Tex by visiting the tomb of this knight who is buried somewhere inside the city.
Langdon met enthusiastically to Ting. "Do you have any idea what horseman urges?
The poem?
It's Ting. No, not at all. But I know exactly what crypt we should be in.
A local Kent police force is pushing lightning into Bigging Hill Airport for businessmen across raining roads.

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