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Lagdon was almost unbelievable about the assumption he just made, but with whom
He gave them the stone cylinder, and how he gave them that cylinder and now this rose. Engraved on the box, Lagoon could only find this one crown! You hold the key stone of the fraternity
The legend's words were specific.
The key stone is a cipher stone that lies beneath the rose mark.
Sophie was watching him. What's going on?
Langdon needed a few moments to gather his thoughts. Did your grandfather tell you that?
About something called a counting key? Langdon said in French. Key to the safe?" Sophie answered in English.
No, not a key to a safe, that's literal translation. Count key or Stone key
French does not mean voute is an architectural term known. The word Clef de Voute is French
In some architectural sense, vault dishonors you in English, blaton aut.
"Vaulted ceiling.
"Be sorry, the domes have no keys.
The shape at its top breaks other stone pieces on each other and holds the weight of the dome completely. And this architectural stone is the key to the dome. In English we call it the key stone or the key to the contract." Langdon watched her eyes, trying to see any glimpse that she knew what he was talking about
Sophie shook her vomit and looked at the Kreticus. But it's clear that this is not the case.
The key stone.
Langdon didn't know where to speak from, the keystone being an architectural construct of domes
And the Stone Contracts was one of the most important secrets of the First Masonic Brotherhood, the royal knot, the architecture, the key to the knot, were all inextricably linked, the secret knowledge of how
The use of key stone to build an arched contract was part of the wisdom that made the Freemasons seductive craftsmen, and it was a carefully guarded secret. Contracts keys have always enjoyed a traditional veil of secrecy. But the stone cylinder in the rosewood box was clearly a different China
The key to the fraternity contract - assuming that what they carry is really the key
Brotherhood - It was not at all what Langdon imagined The key to the Brotherhood contract is not within my purview of Lathgon, "If"
My interest in the Holy Grail is only symbolic. So I'm inclined to neglect the moans, and the traditions and knowledge of how to find them have done. "Find the Holy Grail?
Oma Langdon worried his head, and cautiously sounded his next words. Just Sophie.
Information about the brotherhood, the key stone is a coded map... "A map reveals the brains of the Holy Grail."
Sophie's face pale at the sound of those words. You think what's inside the Tex
Is that the map?
Langdon didn't know what to say, even for him it seemed incredible, but
That the key stone is the only logical crown that his mind could bring back, a stone with a code, hidden under the sign of the rose.
The former fraternity of Sion, shined as shining evidence that this is indeed the stone key to the design of a former Grand Master. He was revived several centuries later by another member of
The brotherhood. The link was too strong to ignore or be overlooked For the last ten years, historians have been searching for the key stone in
French Churches. The Grail culprits, who were familiar with the "la clef de voute" history of sisterhood with symbolism and dual meanings, finally came to mean that the node - that is, an architectural wedge - literally meant a stone inscribed with a blade that was inserted into a barred node in one of the brackets. Under the rose mark... The rose was one of the most common motifs in church architecture. There are pink Windows, pink-shaped sculpture, and, of course, the fivepetals that are common as architectural ornaments, placed at the top of the contracts just above the key. To hide the key, it seemed simple and ironically clear. The map leading to the measured lime was hidden on top in a key.
An arch in one of the forgotten churches is a mocking Canon of churchgoers who walk around every day and pass beneath it completely blind. "This Kretx could be the stone. The key." Sophie objected, "He's not that old. I am sure he was created by my grandfather." So he cannot be part of any ancient myth about the Holy Grail in fact, "replied Langdon, with a slight twinge of excitement running through
His body. The key stone is believed to have been invented by the fraternity sometime in the last 20 years."
Sophie's eyes opened and she was amazed by what she had just heard. But if this cryptic is revealing
I don't know how to open it and what's wrong with it." I'm supposed to do it with him. I don't even know what the holy Alex is, and Langdon suddenly realizes she's right. You haven't even had a chance to explain.
For Sophie the true nature of the sacred cup. But this was not the right time. At that moment, they were interested in the key stone. So that was really the key.
Langdon was telling Sophie on the noise of bulletproof tires everything he had done.
Heard of the Fattah Stone: It is said that the greatest secret of brotherhood, the Holy Grail, was never written down for centuries. For security reasons, he is passed on to the senior member, Senishal, in secret detention. However, at some point in the last century, they released rumors that the Brotherhood had changed that policy. This may have been caused by modern electronic eavesdropping technologies. But the fraternity has been named since then. Don't you mention the place where the Holy Grail ever passed? But how can they pass the secret?" Sophie asked him.
Here comes the key stone." Langdon began to explain it to her. When someone dies.
The other three select one of the members of the lowest rank as a candidate for promotion to the highest rank. Instead of telling the new Senishal where he has hidden the grail or the Holy Grail, members test him to see if he can." Proves that he is worthy of your promotion
Sophie seemed nervous when she heard it, when Langdon remembered that she had told him how
Such tests were very common among secret societies. The most famous was the Masonic Brotherhood, whose members were elevated to higher degrees after they had just been said to be able to keep a secret, perform special rituals and perform multiple merit tests over many years. Tasks become progressively harder until they culminate in the candidate's 32nd grade success.
So where's the key stone's merit test, I said Sophie. "If a rising Senishal manages..."
"Open it, it turns out to be worth the information inside the Oma Langon.
Not just because of my grandfather. In cryptography, it's the same as the Protestant language.
That if you are competent enough to read that language, then you are allowed to know what it says."
Langdon responds for a moment. Sophie, you do realize that if this is really the key stone,
It means that your grandfather's knowledge that he was Tel is that he was very influential in the Sion, and that he must have been one of the four great members."
She converted Sophie, a prominent figure in a secret society. I'm sick of it. And I can't.
Except to assume this is the fraternity of Sion, Langdon will go down. "You knew he was a member of a secret society?
I just happened to see some things I wasn't supposed to see ten years ago.
We'll moan and we've never talked to each other since that day." A little silence. Not only was he a senior member of that group, but I think he was the highest-ranking member Langdon was unable to attach what he had just been, the Grand Master, but... There's no way I'm going to be able to help you.
You could have known that.
"I prefer not to have this conversation.
Design and mother at once.
Langdon sat silent and was stunned, eh Sauniere? The Grand Master? Even though
From Tang the spectacular might have had in whether this was true, but Landon had a mysterious strong feeling that it was entirely logical. Evidence of this fact was uncovered several years ago in the Paris National Library in papers that became known as secret files.
And every historian of the cell, every researcher and every interest in the measured limestone read these files.
It was classified as 249 C4 after being documented by various specialists; these files have been indisputably suspected by historians over the years that he was among the top teachers of the Brothers Leonardo da Vinci and Boticelli, Sir Isaac Newton and Victor.
Langdon is even more suspicious that he had a date with Jalk Sauniere tonight. The teacher has
The eldest set an appointment to meet me. Why? To gossip on technical matters with me? Suddenly, it seemed completely illogical, and eventually, if Langfon's hunch is right, when Sion's elder master has just taken the stone, the fraternity's legendary key, to his granddaughter. At the same time, he ordered her to find Robert Langdon!
Langdon's imagination was unable to conceive of any sequence of events and circumstances.
Sauniere's behavior. Even if Sauniere was afraid of being reduced, he kept the members safe. How big are we to keep the Brotherhood and its security? Why would Sauniere take such a serious risk giving his granddaughter the key stone?
Especially since they're behind Langdon's back... And he's the complete stranger? There's a piece missing in this puzzle, Langdon thought.
The answer to these questions seems to be a long one.
The other arranged and exchanged eyes of expectation as the engine faded. He heard a voice.
The gravel as it crushes under the tyres. Why am I handing out the car now? Langdon, having told them that I was taking them out of town to a safe place, tied the truck's speed to a large heel and made its way to harsh ground. Sophie looked anxiously at Langdon. Nervingly, she slammed the box of the latex and let it go, and Langdon quickly put on his jacket, and when the truck was completely timed for a Eurodrive, the glove box was in the truck compartment.
The background is peeling. As the doors opened wide, Lagdon was surprised to see that they had longed in a forest area just off the main road, Vernet walked up and looked at them. Potter adult
He had a gun in his hand.
I'm sorry... I have to do this, Vernet said. I have no choice.

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