chapter 23

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Sophie the goddess of avas has arrived at the huge wooden doors of Al Hall - room
That embraced the Mona Lisa. Before she vacated, she reluctantly gazed far down the hall, about # yards away, at the place where her grandfather was still lying under a flashlight. Her remorse was intense and intense, and she was grieved
Mired with a feeling of guilt, the man has endeavored to her many times over the past ten years, but Sophie has remained emotionally cold - she has left his letters and parcels untouched in a sloppy staircase and has refused to tell them. I was spelled? And keep some good secrets from me? What was I supposed to do? And now her grandfather was dead talking to her from his grave.
The Mo Na Lisa.
Her hand reached out to the large wooden doors and pushed it and it opened. She stood up for me.
On the doorstep for a moment, I checked the large, rectangular room that she was about to enter.
The one in the middle of the Grand Gallery, but separate from it. And this door, the only entry point into the room, faced a magnificent 15-foot painting of Boticelli hanging on the far wall. Below it, in the middle of the room with the wooden floor, an octave was used as a welcome point for thousands of visitors to rest their feet as they meditated on a price. A piece of art in the Louvre
Even before she went in, Sophie knew she had forgotten something. Black light. She stared at me.
The hallway is far away where she was lying under the lights, surrounded by electronic equipment. And if her grandfather had written something here, he must have used a water ink pen.
Detector. Unable to look at her grandfather, she focused on forensic research tools. When I found a small light pen that detects ultra-phosphorous rays, I dropped it
Sophie turned and stepped over the threshold, but as she came in, she heard a line running towards her unexpectedly from within the room. There's someone on the inside who wants to talk to you.
The room! Suddenly, the imagination of a man came out of the red cloud, and Sophie spilled back.
"Langdon's gruff whispering interrupted the silence of the night as it stood right in front of her and Sophie was temporarily relieved. Robert, I told you to get out of here! If he finds out
Ellen Cat?
I had to bring the red light, and Sophie whispered it with her hand up.
If my grandfather had left me a message.
Sophie, listen, "Langdon caught his breath while his blue eyes focused on it. Does that mean
Together, anything else for you? Anything at all? ..P. Sophie was afraid the sound would echo in the hall and I dragged it into the States Hall.
She silently closed the two large double doors and locked the inside of the door. She told you."Princess Sophie, the two letters mean Princess Sophie I know that, but are you told you've seen anywhere else? Did your grandfather ever...
Use them any other way? In a game of words like that? Or maybe he was tailing letters or his personal papers.
Robert amazes her by asking him. How would he know that? She's already seen Sophie.
Once, symbolically, it was one day before her ninth birthday, the P.S. letters, when she was walking around looking for hidden presents for her birthday. Even at an early age, she could not tolerate anyone keeping a secret from her. See what Grandpa got me for my birthday this year? She rolled closets and galleries looking for gifts. Did he get me that toy you wanted? Where did he hide it?
And when Sophie couldn't find anything in the whole house, she summoned her courage and asked me
Her grandfather's bedroom. She wasn 't allowed in this room, but her grandfather was Nanma on the sofa downstairs
She got in on her tiptoe so the wooden floor beneath her wouldn't creak and open.
His locker doors. Sophie took a look at the shelves behind his clothes, found no Sheena, and then she searched below.
Bed. Nothing else, so she went to his office, opened her garage one by one and looked carefully with her hands. There has to be something in there. When she got to the bottom drawer, she couldn't find any trace of the pill, so she felt good hope, opened the last drawer and threw aside some black clothes that she had never seen before her grandfather, and as she was about to close the stairs, she glimpsed a glimpse. He went down the stairs, looking like a pocket watch chain, but she knew he didn't have a pocket watch. Her heart beat when she realized what it sure was! It must be a contract
Sophie carefully pulls the chain out of the stairs, and is surprised to find a shiny gold key
Most of the keys were flat and had rough teeth, but this was a triangular column with many small arches and its golden ball head was a cross, but it was not an ordinary crucible, but it was equilateral as a sign of the extra. And in the middle of the cross is engraved a strange symbol - two intertwined letters linked by a design of some sort of flower
And Sophie whispered, "What are you gonna be?" "P.s.
Sophie? Call her grandfather from the hallway."
She was surprised, and the key fell to the ground. I stared.
I was afraid of looking at her grandfather's face. "Looking for my birthday present," she said with her head lying down because she knew.
That she betrayed his trust.
Her grandfather stood silently at the entrance, thinking it would never end. Finally, calm down.
With obvious annoyance. Dot poppers, Sophie.
Sophie got the key back.
Her grandfather came into the room. Sufi, you have to respect others' privacy." "And bend gently... This key is especially important if I lose it and her grandpa's happy voice made Sophie feel worse. Fact
"I used to be able to get it for my birthday and stared at it for a few moments.
Learn to respect people's privacy.
"Yes, Grandpa.
We 'il talk about this later, but now you' re gonna have to mow the weeds
"The harmful from the garden.
I let Sophie go, but another one who didn't have any pompous soles to do.
The next morning, Sophie got no gifts from her grandfather for Eid
Birth. She did not expect him to give her anything, especially after her guilt. He did not even wish her a happy birthday all day, and the night she drowned to sleep. Sadly, however, as she climbed into her bed, she found on her pillow a card with a simple riddle written on it. She smiled on her lips even before the puzzle was solved. I know
This one! Her grandfather did the same thing last Christmas morning.
It's a butcher hunt!
She hooked on the puzzle until she did. The solution led her to another section of the house
There she awaited another card and a riddle. This puzzle is also solved. She rushed to find the next card, and so she ran around the house fervently from one guide to the next, until finally she found a guide that drove her back into her bedroom. Sophie ran and entered her room in a hurry. Suddenly, her tongue caught in the middle of the room, there was a bright red bike with a ribbon attached to her leash. Sophie screamed.
I know you wanted a toy, say "Grandpa's smiling in the corner of the room." I thought about you.
This may come more often." The next day, her grandfather taught her how to ride a bicycle as he ran alongside her along the walk in the park. When she was riding her bike on the thick meadow, she lost her balance. They fell into the grass together and they rolled over and laughed together." Grandpa said, I'm really sorry about the key.
I know, honey. I forgive you. I can't be mad at you anymore. Grandparents.
And the unbelievers always forgive each other.
Sophie knew she should not be asked but could not shut up. What unlocks?
"I've never seen a key like this in my life, it's so beautiful.
Her grandfather didn't speak for long, and Sophie could see that he didn't know how.
Get it. Grandpa never stops. "He opens a box," say last, "where I have so many secrets."
I hate secrets.
We 'il talk about this later, but now you' re gonna have to mow the weeds
"The harmful from the garden.
I let Sophie go, but another one who didn't have any pompous soles to do.
The next morning, Sophie got no gifts from her grandfather for Eid
Birth. She did not expect him to give her anything, especially after her guilt. He did not even wish her a happy birthday all day, and the night she drowned to sleep. Sadly, however, as she climbed into her bed, she found on her pillow a card with a simple riddle written on it. She smiled on her lips even before the puzzle was solved. I know
This one! Her grandfather did the same thing last Christmas morning.
It's a butcher hunt!
She hooked on the puzzle until she did. The solution led her to another section of the house
There she awaited another card and a riddle. This puzzle is also solved. She rushed to find the next card, and so she ran around the house fervently from one guide to the next, until finally she found a guide that drove her back into her bedroom. Sophie ran and entered her room in a hurry. Suddenly, her tongue caught in the middle of the room, there was a bright red bike with a ribbon attached to her leash. Sophie screamed.
I know you wanted a toy, say "Grandpa's smiling in the corner of the room." I thought about you.
This may come more often." The next day, her grandfather taught her how to ride a bicycle as he ran alongside her along the walk in the park. When she was riding her bike on the thick meadow, she lost her balance. They fell into the grass together and they rolled over and laughed together." Grandpa said, I'm really sorry about the key.
I know, honey. I forgive you. I can't be mad at you anymore. Grandparents.
And the unbelievers always forgive each other.
Sophie knew she should not be asked but could not shut up. What unlocks?
"I've never seen a key like this in my life, it's so beautiful.
Her grandfather didn't speak for long, and Sophie could see that he didn't know how.
Get it. Grandpa never stops. "He opens a box," say last, "where I have so many secrets."
I hate secrets.
I know that, but those secrets are so important, and one day you'll know and appreciate their value as well.
Read it, I'm fine.
I saw on the key letters and a flower.
That's right, that's my favorite flower, named lily, we have in the garden."
It's the white one. In English we call these flowers Lily." I know her. She's my favorite too.
Her grandfather raises a pilgrim with you, as Damla does when he's about to."
He challenges her, "If you can keep this unpleasant thing a secret and never talk about it or remember it." For me or anyone else at all, I will give it to you one day." You wouldn't believe her, would you?
I promise, when the time comes, it'll be the key for you. And my name isn't P.S. It just popped Sophie. No, my name isnt on it. Its engraved.
Her grandfather kept his voice down and looked around as if he wanted to make sure no one heard them.
It's a cipher. Those are P.S. initials.
Your secret name.
Sophie's eyes widened in wonder. I have a secret alphabet? Of course, granddaughters are always letters for secret names only known to their grandparents.
"Princesse Sophie hie. Princess Sophie said, "I am not a princess. You wink at her, my princess."
And from that day on, I never had to deny the key, and she became Sophie.
Inside the Hall of States, Sophie stood silently and felt deep bitterness at his loss.
Langdon, looking at her, whispered, "Have you seen them?"
Sophie sensed her grandfather's voice whispering in the corridors of the museum. Don't hate that key for any...
No one at all Sophie, even to me. She knew she had disappointed him because she didn't forgive him.
Her grandfather wanted her to help her, Lomat Sophie.
With her head. Yeah, I saw these two letters together once when I was very young.
"Sophie hesitated to something to which he was very illiterate.
Langdon looked her right in the eye Sophie, that's very exciting. Can you tell me what it is?
To me if the letters appear with a symbol? A lily?
Sophie lost her balance and went backwards in astonishment. But... How could you possibly know that?
". That is
Langdon breathed a long breath and lowered his voice, I'm sure to once your grandfather was a member
"In a secret compound, a very old fraternity working in secret, Sophie felt her stomach take hold. She was also troubled by this. It was a long time ago.
For years, she has been trying to put an end to an incident that assures her of this terrible truth. What
His appetite was terrible.
Sheena was unforgivable.
Together, the P.S. symbol forms a tulip, Langdon said, "If I come together with the two letters
How do you know that? Sophie wished in her heart that Langdon didn't tell her that
He's a member of it.
She wrote about this group ", he said and his voice trembled with enthusiasm. Study and research in
Symbols of secret societies are my specialty. They call themselves the Association Sion, headquartered here in France, and shun influential members from all over Europe. They are one of the oldest secret societies in the world still active today, but Sophie has never heard of them.
The tones now speak with speed and violence. The membership of the Assembly included the highest representation
The characters in history, including: and Tishley, Sir Isaac Newton, and Victor Hugo, stopped talking for a moment, and then, in a soothing voice, with academic enthusiasm, and Leonardo da Vinci. You gazed at Sophie, da Vinci was a member of a secret society?
This may help you to understand your great grandfather's fondness for Leonardo's work. And all of this is entirely in line with their glamour with female ICONS of deity and the reverence of nature." The goddess woman and the contempt of the church, the Society has a documented history of veneration of the divine theology." Are you telling me this group is an Athi worshipping theology?
It is the pagan cult of the female gods themselves. But more importantly, they are known as protectors.
"An old nag, the secret that made them so strong despite the firm faith that shone in Langon's eyes, was still Sophie.
She feels like she can't believe what she hears. Secret theology? Was it ever headed by Leonardo Dafshi? That was all totally ridiculous. However, even after she refused, she felt that her sister's memory was set back ten years and was diverted to a machine where her grandfather was surprised and she saw Shabna as unable to carry him even today. Could it explain your guilt? The identity of the surviving members of the fraternity is a secret." He said"
And that tulip you saw when you were a kid is a solid clue. Nor P.S. Angdon, "but the letters." can be associated only with the association
Sophie now realized that Langdon knew much more about her grandfather than she ever did.
You imagine. Clearly, this American has a lot to tell her about this, but this was not the place, "I can't let them catch you, Robert, we have to talk more." Things. You have to go.
Langon heard a feeble murmur for her voice to speak. And he wasn't going anywhere.
Her next one was now somewhere else where ancient secrets, once buried, had come to the surface and where the forgotten events in the depths of history had come to life and emerged from the darkness into the light Langdon turned his head duck, as if moving underwater and looked away gazing through the light
To the little red to the monalezer.
The lily flower. Lisa Flower... The Mona Lisa.
It all got together and became clear, like a silent symphony, with a deeper resonance.
Secrets of Sion and Leonardo da Vinci.
A tow truck and a trailer, at gunpoint, lurking at the captain of the judicial police who snapped a terrifying rage and threw a bar of soap into the Seine.

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