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.. The Hawker was just a few feet from the conditioner.
Simon Edwards was taken by the Bigging Hill Airport Executive Officer
The Watchtower arms J and back, looking angrily at the runway, which was wet by the heavy rains. He hated having someone wake him up early on Saturday morning, and what made matters worse today is that he was summoned today to oversee the arrest of one of the most important airport customers as Sir Lai Tying was not only paying the airport a large amount for his car stop, but also paying landing fees at the airport for his frequent flights. The airport usually had a prearranged flight schedule, and careful preparations were made on arrival. Tipping liked it that way. A specially designed limousine Jaguar, which he was protecting in his own Hungarian, should be waiting for him to be cleaned, polished, and fueled, and put in the back seat of The Times. He must also be waiting for the airport officer at the Hangar to expedite the baggage inspection and paperwork check. Airport officers sometimes accepted large tips from the airport, as opposed to the fact that some harmless organic produce was often such expensive manna as French snails, fresh Rockford cheese of the finest variety and rare fruit. Most customs laws were absurd in any way, and if Bigging Hill did not provide comfort for its customers, it would certainly do so at other competing airports. BING HELL YUMEN WAS TING WHATEVER HE WANTED TO PICK UP HIS PEOPLE
The fruits of those services.
Edward felt more and more nervous now that the plane was approaching.
Prepare to land. The French police decided to arrest him, but Edwards still did not know what the charges against Elbe were, but they were clearly serious. Kent police, the traffic controller at Tepping Hill Airport, ordered, at the request of the French authorities, to send a signal to the Hawker pilot to go straight to the staircase instead of the customer Hengar, the pilot who agreed.
Although British police officers do not usually carry weapons, they are dangerous
The situation brought an armed team to the site. Now, inside the airport building, eight armed men watched the moment the plane's engines stopped turning, and when that happened, the runway officer would put safety wedges under the plane's wheels to prevent it from moving and then police officers would step in and tell passengers to stay put until the police arrive. Al Farzsiyi takes over
Cat the Hawker is flying low now, speedily over the treetops of
Right. Simon Edwards went down to watch closely as the plane landed on the causeway. Cops were standing by, out of sight, and a maintenance man was waiting to lay the wedges. The aircraft now appeared landing on the runway, with its bow up, and its wheels touching the ground, producing a smoke. Then the plane settled on the runway in preparation for slowing down its extreme speed as it crosses from right to left in front of the airport construction, and its white color glistening in the rainy weather. However, instead of lashing out and tending towards the building to stop at the passenger landing hole, she continued on her way, passed the corridor leading to the construction and headed for Hengar Tying
She threw all the police officers to Edwards and stared at him, and someone told him. I thought
You said the pilot agreed to park the plane at the passenger landing in the building? "Epwards was confused, he told me it was OK?
Moments later, Edwards found his nose in a police car speeding at
The runway towards the distant hangars. The police convoy was still about 500 yards away from the Hungar when a Tepinich jet was slowly graded into the private Hungar and then disappeared inside. And when the cars finally arrived and stamped out the door of the hangar, the police rushed out of them and pulled their guns out. And Edwards jumped out of the car, too.
The sound was deafening.
The Hawker engines were still buzzing as the plane completed its usual rotation in
The Hanfar Altov drove out to leave later, and as the aircraft turned 180 degrees and headed in front of the Hungars, Ewards saw the pilot's face which looked like a fault-out. To see this parapet from police cars in front of the aircraft, the captain stopped the plane and shut off the engines. The police rushed in
Taser's trapped from all directions. Edward joined the chief investigator who approached the airplane door with caution. A few moments later, he opens the door and Lei-Tinch shows up at the entrance after the carburetor gently descends on me
The land.
When he gazed at the sea of weapons directed at him, he adjusted his crutches, stood up and scratched
Dress it up. "Simon, did you win the police lottery while you were away, and he seemed overwhelmed and worried."
But there was a fuel leak and your pilot said he was going to stop the plane at the entrance to the port."
Yeah, yeah, Hannah I told him to stop it here. Im late. Im paying. Im paying.
So much to stop my plane in this raid. This sounded nonsense about a fuel leak." It sounded like Zand was overly cautious and unnecessary. I am sorry, but your arrival today has taken us by surprise, Sir
I know, this trip was not planned, and I, between you and me, am not well.
My new medication is causing me some problems. So I thought I'd come here and have a checkup.
The cops all exchanged meaningful looks, Edwards took a step back.
All right, Sir.
Sir, the chief investigator at Shirtal Kent said he has moved forward. I have to go to the bathroom.
I'm asking you to stay off the plane for about a half an hour or more, and you seemed to be hazing when you were still barely on the stairs, I'm sorry, but that's not possible. I have to go to the bathroom.
"A date with the good guy." It's not the top of the earth. The only way I could miss the appointment was for the Chief Inspector to stand in the way of Ting to prevent him from moving further away from
The plane, ordered by the Parisian Space Police, which buoys you, carries fugitives from justice aboard this plane.
Tying stared at the instructor's head for a long moment and then burst out laughing. Is that one of those things?
". Screw-camera software? The trick is so elaborate that it did not blink the chief investigator's eye for a moment. "Yin, this is serious, Sir, and the police
The president also claims you're holding a hostage on the plane.
Ting's valet Remy appeared at the entrance of the battery at the top of the ladder. I feel held hostage by judgment.
He is a prisoner of mine in tea, but he keeps telling me that I am free to go when Remi looks at his watch. Too late, Sir." He pointed at the limo jaguar standing in the handheld corner of the lighthouse. The large car was black, its tyre covers were also white, and the Windows were smoky, so the interior could not be seen. I'll get the car. Remy started to take the stairs.
I'm sorry, but we can't let you go, the Chief Inspector said, "If you go back to the plane,
"Excuse me, Second Twin, and soon to arrive full of the French police, Thing is now looking at Simon Alwardes. Saimon, come on, this is really ridiculous, not...
There's anyone here who can help us. There's nobody but me and Remi and the pilot, so maybe you can broker." Inwards realizes that Ting has surrounded him and cannot refuse. Yes, Sir, I can.
Take a look.
No, you won't?" He was opposed by the chief investigator, who seems to know men's airports.
The works were well known, and he suspected that Simon Epwards would lie about the people on the plane and that to make sure that Bigging Hill's most important olive oil would survive. I 'il join myself
Because you know, switch, this is private and you're gonna stay out of my plane.
Until you're in the dark, I'm offering you unreasonable, Mr. Elwards can search the plane."
"Macalla, that's not possible.
Tinker responded. Inspector, I don't have time to waste on you. I'm stalled.
Leavi is so important to you, you just have to shoot me. Then Tubinach and Remy walked around the chief investigator and moved forward to the limo.
Kent's chief constable felt disgusted by that guy with a limp.
In front of him with a challenge.
You robots, men with special privileges, they always feel above the law, but they're not. The district chief turned and pointed his gun at Ting's back. Stand up
"Your place or I shoot.
Do it, "said Tig without even bothering to stand up or meet
My lawyers will cut you to pieces if you get on my Dawn plane.
"A note from the police, they're eating your liver for breakfast.
Tipping's words didn't affect the conjure boss, who was used to dealing with these
The consciousness of people. But Tying was right. The police need a warrant to get on his plane, but since the plane is coming from France and the superiority of Bizu Fash's influence in the case is all over it, the chief police officer of Kent felt it would be professionally better for him to know what was on the plane calling for. Tine insists on hiding him."
The men ran towards them, drew their pistols, aimed at them and blocked the road
With their bodies, Ting and his servant were denied access to the scales when Ting died. Inspector, I'm warning you one last time, don't even think about going up.
"On that plane, you'll last a lot longer than I did.
Ignoring the threat, the chief investigator grabbed his gun, advanced up the flight ladder and climbed. Then throw it away.
Look inside and the moment he entered the cabin. Oh, my God, what is this? The plane was completely empty except for the pilot in the cockpit. Why
There was anyone at all, the inspector rushed through the bathroom, the seats, the luggage area... But he didn't find anyone hiding there.
What have you gotten me into, Bizu Fash? Lai Ting was telling the truth.
The police chief detective stood alone in the empty cabin and felt a lump in.
Shave it, dammit. An infuriated face, he backed back to the opening of the flying door and looked at the back of the Hungar where Lai Ting and his servant were standing by the limousine with guns pointed at them. Let them go their own way." The vengeance thing. Tell me the information
It's not true.
Tepna's eyes were a threat that the inspector was able to see even from this far
Tienich was standing. Expect a lawyer to call you soon. And FYI, the French police can't be trusted."
As a result, Tying's servant opened the back door of the limo and helped his paralyzed master
Get in the car, walk forward, get in the car, sit behind the wheel and turn around. Engine. The police spotted away the car that was going on its way out of Hangar playing nice legs, laughing Ting who was sitting in the backseat.
She's completely comfortable as the limo speeds up as she leaves the airport. Convert his eyes now." To the wide frontal area. Is everyone comfortable? And what was Langdon, he and Sophie were still on the ground beside the leper
The cuff.
A few moments ago, while the plane was shaking in an empty hangar, the pilot took down the ladder
When the plane was time and temporary before it could complete its rotation within the Hangar, and before the police were closing in on them, Lagdon and Sufis cooperated in dragging the monk down the stairs to the ground and hid behind the limousine. And then the jet engines buzzed again and spun the plane. Completely when the trolleys stormed the hangars, and now, as the limousine sped towards Kent, Langdon and Soph crawled.
Hard to get to the back of the limo, leaving behind the tight-knit monk lying on the floor of the car, and then hiding in the bench to meet Tippeg A cunning smile was sprayed on the British man's face as he opened his little hatchet
On top of the bar. Can I offer you a slurry? And some of that stuff. Or nuts? Langdon and Sophie shook Ralima via.
... Closing and closing the bar. Well, now let's talk about the grave of that Horseman.

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