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The tree-covered park known as the Boulogne Forest was called
Many, but the Parisian authorities knew him of the garden of worldly pleasures, which was an attribute which, although flattering, was in fact the exact opposite. In the opinion of Bush's print of the same name, he can understand that stab. It was like a park, a creepy, perverted, freaky, gay paradise.
And when night fell, the winding forest passages were filled with gleaming, ready bodies.
To Use. Earthly pleasures... Satisfying one's deepest desires, whether man or... A woman or anything between the sexes.
As Langdon gathered his thoughts to talk to Sophie about Sion, their car passed.
The wooden entrance to the park and Akhenet headed west on the gravel road, Langdon had a hard time concentrating as some of the park's nightly residents, scattered here and there, gleaned from the darkness among the trees, showcasing their wares beautifully to the car's headlights.
Forward, two topless teenagers threw fiery glances into the car and out
A young black man with a shining oil met them, whose dress was restricted to a narrow rope covering his pubic area, and he tightened his buttocks in a manner of exhibitionism. And next to him I raised a gorgeous blonde... Her short torment to reveal that she is not really a woman at all.
"Even about the fraternity of scion," Sophie said.
Oma Langdon was amazed by the incompatibility between outside shit and the great myth.
That he was about to talk about. He wondered where it started. The history of the fraternity spans more than a thousand years... A fascinating history of secrets, blackmail, betrayal, even violent torment at the hands of an angry Papa.
His talk, Ast in Jerusalem, was started in 1099 by a French king named Sion.
Godefroid de Boeun, right after he took the city.
Ummat and Sophie have her eyes fixed on him, following with interest.
It is said that King Godefroid kept a great secret, one that had been in his family since the time of Christ
Fearing that this secret would be lost after his death, he founded the Secret Society of Sion and assigned its members to protect it by transmitting it from generation to generation. Throughout their years in Jerusalem, members of the fraternity heard of secret documents buried under the temple of Herodotus, which in turn was built on the ruins of Solomon's temple. They believed that these documents revealed the great mystery of Khudodefroid. And she was so dangerous in her content that the church was ready.
"Do anything at all to get her.
Sophie seemed suspicious.
The Brotherhood members vowed to obtain these documents under
Sooner or later, the temple stones will preserve and protect them forever, so that the ancient Ida will not die.
In order to achieve this goal, the Brotherhood members created a military band, a group consisting of
The nine knights they called the "Order of Christ and the Poor Temple of Solomon" were silent. Langdon for a moment. More commonly known as the Knights Templar, I gleamed Sophie's eyes with a look of interest and astonishment at once.
Langdon has lectured so many on the Templars that he is certain that everyone
For scientists and academics, the history of the Hulk was a doubtful world where
Facts, customs, traditions, and misinformation became intertwined so that the conclusion of the original truth was almost unavoidable. Nowadays, they would not even hesitate to deny the Knights Templar during his lectures because this would lead Danma to a barrage of complex questions ending in a range of conspiracy theories. "Are you saying that Sion's fraternity
I thought the Knights Templar were created to protect the Holy Land. And the idea of protecting the pilgrims was the cover under which the knights worked to do
Their mission. The purpose of their presence in the Holy Land was to retrieve documents from beneath."
And did they find them?
Langdon smiled. "No one knows for sure, but there's only one thing to know.
The Musketeers were satisfied beneath that threshold. Shea has made them rich and dead.
Langdon quickly gave her the overall picture of the history of the Knights of the Palm.
They told King Baldwin II that they were there to protect the pilgrims on the way; although the knights did not receive any money for the task in fulfilment of their oath to remain poor, they told the king of their desire for a primitive place to sleep at night and asked for permission to dwell in the stables beneath the temple. The king hiccups. The soldiers call, and the cavalry make their home under the rubble of a ruined place. Langdon continued, and of course, their bizarre choice of residence was not at all random
The knights were confident that their desired oaths were buried deep under the crossroads in a room under the Most Holy where the Lord himself was believed to reside. This room was literally the center of the Jewish religion. The nine Musketeers lived there for about a decade digging the deaf rock in complete secrecy." And you said they found Sheena?
Langdon explained how it took nine years, but the Musketeers in
At the end they found what they had been looking for so long. Then they took the Katz from the temple and traveled to Europe. Their vandalism became so vast overnight that no one knew for sure whether the Knights had exfiltrated the Vatican or whether the church
They bought their silence, but the most auspicious thing was that Pope Innocent II immediately, in an unprecedented move, issued a solemn papal order granting the knights unlimited power and declared that they had their own laws and were an independent military force. They extended loans and interest to bankrupt monarchs, increasing their wealth and influence even more Thoughtful they were the core of the modern banking system By 1300, the Law of the Vanikans had enabled the Templars to mobilize power
So great that Pope Clement V decided they should have an end. And he got up.
In concert with King Philip IV of France, he planned a brilliant operation to crush the Knights Templar and seize their treasure. So the Church can get their hands on the secrets long hidden from the Vatican.
With a military maneuver worthy of U.S. intelligence, the Pope issued sealed secret orders.
Joude will open it at the same time across Europe on Friday the 13th of October, in 1307.
At dawn on the thirteenth day, the bonds were opened and their dreadful contents revealed. Just pretend.
Clement writes that the Lord had visited him in a dream and warned him that the Templars were heretical, demon-worshipping criminals, pedophiles, disdain for the cross, gays, and other ungodly behavior. And the Lord asked Pope Clement to cleanse the earth by arresting them, and she meant for them to confess their crimes against God. On that day, countless people were captured.
The knights were ruthlessly transgressed and finally burned on poles as heretics and witches. Eechoes of this tragedy reflect the day in modern civilization when Friday, the 13th, is considered a bad day
The confusion started on Sophie. "Did the Templars all go down?
"There are sororities for the Templars even today?
That's right, they exist today, but under names that are obsolete, so despite the charges."
The phony that Clement placed on them and his strenuous efforts to eliminate them, there were powerful Allies who were able to help some of the Knights and others who escaped from the Vatican
Clement's real target was the Great Treasure of the Templars
The documents were in the custody of the mysterious architects of the Knights Templar, Fraternite Sion, whose members were surrounded by complete secrecy that made them safe from the Vatican massacre and when the Vatican cloaked down on the Knights Templar, members of the Order smuggled documents. Surftly under the cover of night from the Knights' headquarters in Paris on their ships in La Rochelle. Where did the documents go?
Langdon shook his shoulders. "The answer to this mysterious question is known only to the fraternity of Sion.
Such documents have been the subject of continuous investigation and, to date, endless speculationMoved and hidden several times. Recent speculation restricts the documents from being in place somewhere." In the UK. Sophie felt nervous
Over the course of a thousand years, Langdon followed, myths about this secret and a group of
Because of their power and the secrets they reveal, it is now known as the only word that has been lost from books, and which was Sangreal Sangrial.
Which - Sangre or Spanish Sang Sangraal? Does that word have anything to do with the French word?"
You mean Adam?
Oma Langdon. Blood is the backbone of a sangrial, but not in the sense that maybe.
Sophie imagined it. "The myth is complex, but the important thing to bear in mind is that the brotherhood guards the evidence and claims to consider the timing in history to reveal the truth."
Right mechanism? What secret could be so powerful?
Langdon took a deep breath and looked outward where the fate of Paris looked askance.
From the shadows. TYPE, SANGRYAL IS AN ANCIENT WORD, BUT IT EVOLVED THROUGH THE AGES INTO ANOTHER TERM... "A More Modern Name ". And shut up for a second. "When I tell you what it's called to talk, you'll realize you know a lot about it, and indeed every man on earth raised by it.
He's heard the story of the Sangial.
Sophie seemed skeptical. I never heard of her before.
I think you know her very well." And Langdon smiled. "Your accent used to hear it.
In its other name is the Holy Grail.

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