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Sophie was sitting on the couch next to Langdon, and she had tea and cake.
I felt at once the food and caffeine that her body desperately needed, and Sir Lei-Tying was peculiarly moving in and out in front of the burning fire.
And his leg bands cracking on the stony fireplace.
I'm afraid that's a bad situation for people who usually don't like to be cared for.
This is a question that I may never have the opportunity to answer." And then she looked right into Sophie's eyes. The most important question, however, is this: What is the cup being measured? Sophie now felt the academic excitement that dominated her two teenage daughters.
In order to understand the grill, follow Tin, we must understand the Gospel first. How long?
Your knowledge of the New Testament?
She shook Sophie's vomit. "I was raised by a man who worshipped.
Leonardo d 'avci.
Ting seemed amazed and pleased with her speech at the same time. A free soul, excellent! If, they must.
To be aware that Leonardo was one of the protectors of the sacrament of the Holy Grail, and he hid a symbolic instrument that "leads to the alluvial in his art." Yes, Robert told me of such things
"Do you know Da Vinci's view of the New Testament?
Tilly, I have an idea.
Tig's eyes gleamed funny pointing at the bookshelf on the other side of the room.
Robert, would you get that book? In the bottom shelf, the story of Leonardo Langdon went to the end, found big books about the art, brought him to Ting and then
Put it on the table between them. Ting pushed the book so that Sophie could see it clearly and then open the cover of the gossip and pointed to a group of clues inside the hidden cover, from Da Vinci's memoirs on dialectical theology and meditations, "Ting said, referring to one of the specific clues. I think you'll find this witness very relevant to our conversation.
Sophie read the lyrics.
Many have taken on illusions, false miracles and the deception of humans as their trade.
Leonardo da Vinci
Malek said, Tepping said, referring to another saying. Ignorance blinds the blatant and misleads us! Mortality, make your eyes open to Leonardo da Vinci.
"Sophie felt a chill running through her body. "Was Da Vinci talking about the Bible?
Oma Tying with his head. Da Vincis feelings for the Bible are directly related to the lime
I will show you the Holy Grail in moments, but we must speak of the Gospel first. And Ting smiled. Everything you need to know about the Bible, you will find summed up by the hand of the great priest, Dr. Martin Percy, Ting stepped down and said, "The Gospel has not been faxed from heaven."
The Bible is a book written by men, my dear. He was still inspired by God. And he didn't.
Landing miraculously from clouds in the sky. He was the creator of man, who was composed to record the historical events of those times, which were printed by disputes and sedition, and was developed and distorted through countless translations and additions and revisions, with the result that there is no specific copy."
Jesus Christ was a stunningly influential historical figure, perhaps the most mysterious leader."
And inspired to know the world. Jesus, who was a descendant of King Solomon and King David, had a legitimate claim to the throne of the king of the Jews. Because of all this, his life was honored by thousands of his fangs all over the earth." Ting stopped talking for a moment to sip his tea and then put his cup back on the mantelpiece. More than eighty generations were affected by the New Testament form, but only a few were finally chosen: Matthew's Gospel, Luke's discotheque."
"Who decided which Gospel to choose to use the New Testament?
Aha "exploded showing copper, this is the exact ironic politic of
Christian! The Gospel, as we know it today, was collected by the heathen emperor Constantine."
I thought Constantine was a Christian, Sophie said.
Ting's hardly sarcastic. He was a heathen his whole life, and he was only baptized on a bed.
Death, where he was too weak to object. In the time of Constantine, Rome's official religion was the cult of the sun, or more accurately the cult of the sun which is not famous, and Constantine was its chief priest. Unfortunately for him, there was a growing religious ferment engulfing Rome. It was the last time I saw you.
The followers of Christ multiplied dramatically, after three centuries of crucification, when the Christians and the Houthis began to fight, and the conflict between them escalated to a point where they were killed.
The class threatened to split Rome in two. Constantine believed that a decisive decision must be made.
"Special. In 325, he decided to unify Rome under a single religion, the Christian Mystic. But why would a pagan emperor choose Christianity as a religion
Official for his empress?
Tying made a faint laugh. "Constantine was a brilliant businessman. He was able to
Seeing that the star of Christianity was on the rise, he simply decided to bet on the horse. Historians today lament Constantine's intelligence in the way he converted heathens from the worship of the sun to Christianity. He created a hybrid religion that was accepted by both parties through the incorporation of heathen symbols, dates, and rituals into traditions and customs.
"A mutilated form," said Langdon, "Aakhtar of the pagan religion in Christian symbols."
Is clearly and undeniably intense. The Egyptian sun's disks became the halos surrounding the heads of the Catolecan saints, the pictorial symbols of Isis embracing and nursing her child, the miracle of Horus became the basis of our modern images of the Virgin Mary embracing the infant Christ, all the elements of Catholic rituals such as the bishop's crown, the grant, praise and communion, and the ritual "food of the Lord", all taken directly from an ancient, mysterious pagan Ian who hath tieng mocking Langdon. Don't even think about asking a symbolic scientist about ICONS.
Christianity. There is nothing original in the Christian religion, such as the pre-Christian Persian deity, also called Son of God and Light of the World, was born on December # he was buried in a stone grave and revived after three
Days, and incidentally, the 25th of December is also the birthday of Loziris, Adonis and Dionyzos, and baby Krishna is adorned with gold, Palmer perfume and incense. Even." Christian weekends were stolen from the heathen sunworshipers." What do you mean?"
At first, Langdon said, "Christians worshiped God on the same day as the Jews February
Or Saturday, but Constantine changed it to coincide with the day on which the Sun is worshiped by the heathen. "Day of mass, without any idea that there was a day the heathen held in the sun..." or the Sunday Sunday of the Holy
My head was starting to turn. Does this all have to do with Pakas?
Of course, Ting said. Concentrate with me, during this merging of religions, Constantine needed
Consolidate the new Christian teachings, and held the famous ecumenical meeting that
"In the synagogue after the city of Niki.
Sophie's knowledge of this city was nothing more than the place where law was born.
Christian faith.
At this meeting, Ting said, many aspects of Christianity and voting were discussed
Ordinary - the day of the Passover festival and the role of bishops and the Orders of the Sacraments. The priest told the Divine of Jesus Christ. I didn't understand what had happened. Did you say the Divine Christ?
"Dear, say Ting Bang, meet that moment in human history. Jesus was to me."
"I follow him as a prophet... A big, powerful man, but, uh, he was a man... A mortal man." Isn't he the Son of God?
That's right, Ting said, "The idea of the Son of God was officially proposed and voted."
On her by the Niigawa Council.
"Slow down. You're saying the goddess of Christ was a vote?
By the way, the difference in votes was almost negligible, Ting added. "But the intriguing idea
The divinity Christ was so necessary to consolidate unity in the Roman Empire and to establish the new base of Vatican power, and through the official endorsement of Christ as the Son of God, he transformed Constantine Christ into a god superior to the human world... This has not only put an end to the challenges of the Lutherans to Christianity, it will not.
Followers of Christ can now be freed from sin except through a serious holy path, the Roman Catholic Broom.
Sophie looked at Fuma's curse with his head gently, indicating that he and Tinker believed that the whole matter was a matter of power and influence, Tying followed. "Christ as the Savior
It was necessary to take up the function of church and state. Many scholars claim that the early church literally stole Christ from his original followers by confiscating his human mission and burying it in an impenetrable cloak of the goddess Alcania, which they used to expand their influence. I've written a few books about it.
Can I imagine every day you get thousands of messages from religious people telling you...
It's about how much they hate you.
And they didn't? The great forest of upstanding Christians knows.
Christ was a truly great and mighty man. The cunning political maneuvers that cotton had done, never diminish the prestige of the life of Christ. No one ever said that Christ was an imposter or denied that Christ was Maud and had the Mayans and named them into a better life. All we're saying is that Constantine absorbed the enormous influence of Crocs and its great importance in the world, and that's what the face of Christianity as we know it now is.
With the Holy Grail.
And here's the crux of the matter, Tippeg said, he's speeding up now, since Constantine has
He elevated the status of Christ some four centuries after his death; there are thousands of documents that record his life as that of a mortal man. Constantine knew that in order to rewrite history, he needed a stunt blow. Hence, the most important moment of Christian history passed. Ting silenced a little and looked at Sophie staring. Constantine ordered and financed a new Bible. In it, he rejected the Gospels that spoke of the human attributes of Christ and Zen that were such." The first generation was denied and collected and burned with interesting observation." Langdon added. All those in favor of the forbidden Bibles
On Constantine's version, it is accused of heresy and the word heretic dates back to that historical moment. And if it means "choice," then those who chose the Latin Calm haereticus, Heritecus. The original history of Christ was the first (mertgots) of history Fortunately for the historian, Tying said, some of the Gossips that Constantine tried to erase
The Dead Sea documents were found in 1950 hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Negev desert. Coptic documents were also found in 1945 at the Oasis of Hammadi. These documents spoke of the priesthood of Christ in strictly human terms and also told the true story of the grill. The vanilla, as always, was relentless in obscuring the truth and misleading humans, and tried to prevent the documents from being published. Why doesn't he? Whereas the bonds shed light on flagrant historical contrasts and clues that strongly confirm that the modern Gospel was collected and refined by the men of Nui with political aims that manifest themselves as spreading lies about the divine Jesus of Christ and using his influence to strengthen their power base, Langon, however, it is important to deny that the modern Church
By preventing the publication of these bonds, I reproached from their faithful faith in their steadfast vision of all Christ.
"Contrary to what they know, they can only be false testimonies. You see, our professor
Here he has more tender feelings for Rome than I do. He is, however, correct with regard to the contemporary clergy, as they do believe that these opposing documents are overwhelming evidence. This is understandable since the Gospel of Constantine is the only truth they have known for ages. No one is more introspective."
What Langdon means, he said, is that we worship our Father's gods.
What I mean, Tying opposed, is that all our fathers taught me about Jesus is a sin.
For the most part. And those stories about the Holy Grail.
Sophie looked back at Da Vinci's statement in the book in front of her. Ignorance blinds
Our eyes and misguided mortals! Open your eyes. Tiig took the books and dumbled the pages halfway. And finally, before I show you
I want you to take a quick look at this and open the book to a page that had painted painted, take up two full pages of the book, "I think." You know this mural?
He's kidding, right? Sophie was staring at the most famous mural in history
The Last Supper - the legendary Da Vinci painting on the wall of the church of Sata Maria Della Grazzi in Milan. The ancient mural depicts Jesus and his apostles at the moment he announces: "Someone is going to betray him. Yeah, I know this mural.
Then will you step back and accept this simple game with me? Close your eyes if
"I allowed.
Where is the fence sitting? Tienich asked her." In the middle
Sana, what does he and his messengers eat? "Absolutely." Excellent. What do they drink? "You waste it, they're drinking wine.
Very great. And a final question now, how many wine cups are on the table?"
Sophie's silence for a moment, for she knew that was a trick question, and after dinner, he drank a glass of wine with his apostles. One slop, Sophie said. "Chalice of the Creek". Measured lime. Jesus has passed one cup of wine, as he does.
"The Messiah today is a mango.
Ting sighed. Now open your eyes.
And I did. Tying laughed slyly. And when Sophie looked at the painting in front of her, she was amazed
To see everyone on the table with a glass of wine in front of them, including tourists. Thirteen cups Furthermore, the glasses were small and had no leg and were made of glass. There is no divine Lux shining for us. You don't think that's a little weird? Considering that the Bible
The familiar myth of the Holy Grail both glorify that moment as the defining moment for the Holy Grail to emerge. Strangely enough, Da Vinci seems to have forgotten to draw the cup of Jesus.
Surely people in art have noticed.
It's shocking to know how many anomalies there are in here that either haven't
Or they simply decided on it. Indeed, this mural is the key to unraveling the mystery of the Holy Grail. Fleonardo has exposed everything on file.
The Last Supper.
Sophie looked at the painting with great interest. "Does this painting tell us what lime is?
The real size?
It won't tell us what it is, "Ting whispered. It's about who she is. The Holy Grail is nothing.
Materially, it's really... A certain person.

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