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Sightings all of a sudden? Sal Langdon, looking at Sophie, who was on the other side.
From the cabin.
"Took a cat out," she said. And the poem... I don't know.
Langdon felt the same way. It was the sound of the engines and the vibrations of the plane
Ma excitates that his man is still spinning from the damage he received from the monk. Ting is still at the back of the fray, and Farad does not feed by using his absence and being alone with Sophie to tell her something he has been thinking about. I thought I knew part of why your grandfather brought us together. I used to think he wanted me to explain why the history of the Holy Same and the Magic Mary wasn't enough? There's one more thing to do. Langdon did not know how to proceed. Something about the rift you two had. INSCRIBING
Who did you obey him for ten years. It was my hope that somehow I could correct that, that I could explain to you the incident that had led to this deep rift between the two of you, that confuse Sophie and she moved so tightly in her seat. But I never told you the truth.
"Led to that rupture.
"Langdon looked down on her Pope. You've witnessed sexual intercourse, haven't you?
Sophie retreated in amazement. And how did you know that?
Sophie, you told me that you witnessed Shana making you realize that your grandfather was a member of an association.
Secret. And whatever it was you saw must have influenced you to the point of interrupting your grandfather from that day on, and since I know so much about secret societies, I don't need to be smart.
"Davashi, guess what I just wanted.
Sophie stared away.
Was that in the spring? Langdon asked her. Time for the vernal equinox? In the middle of the night.
Sophie looked out the window. It was spring break, when I got back.
Home from college a few days before I was due.
Do you want to tell me what happened?
I do not want to." Suddenly it came to Langdon and meant to hurl soles. I know what
Were there women and men?"
Sophie wavered for a second, and then she waved her head.
"Did they wear black and white?" I wiped her wool and then he died.
Ready to talk.
The women used to wear white, delicate dresses. And golden bows. And they were carrying golden balls.
The men wore long black robes with a belt at the waist... And black shoes.
Lagdon tried to keep his temper in check, but he couldn't believe it was him.
Sufi Nu unwittingly witnessed an international protest once every two millennia. Were they wearing masks? Langdon disliked it as he tried to keep his voice down. The same virility for males and females?
Yes. Everyone had the same mask on their faces, but the women were white.
"Men are black.
Langfon had read about the protest and fully understood its religious magic.
It's called Pyrus Gamus." He said nicely. This fraudulent weather dates back more than two thousand years. Egyptian priestesses and priests regularly wanted him to be arrested for the fertility of the Athi."
Langdon just shut up a little bit and lean over to her, and if you witness this weather unprepared
I think it might shock you. She didn't wear Sophie's lip.
It was the Greek term for "holy marriage", "marriage in the sense of union, Sophie", and not sex.
No, she said Sophie, and in her eyes she challenged.
Back off, Landon. Yes, in a way, but not as we understand it today. Explain to her that
His passing may have been fairy tales, but Elyros Gamos was not associated with sexual passion. It was a purely religious and spiritual act, for in the past sexual intercourse was the sole in which a male and a woman approached the Lord. The Adamons believed that the male would be religious inferiority to obtain sexual knowledge from the measured female organism. So the physical union with the Inche remained the only means by which the male could complete his access to the regional spiritual knowledge, or the knowledge of God.
Since Yisis, sexual rituals have been the only bridge that takes people from
Earth to the stump. And by reuniting with a woman, Lagoon said, A man can arrive at a moment where everything is erased in his brain and only then can he see God. Sophie seemed in trouble. You mean an orgasm is like a prayer?
He shook Langdon as his pious, although Sophie was right in principle. Except that
In physiological terms, the orgasm of a male is accompanied by a complete mental vacuum that lasts for a fraction of a second. It is an absolute moment of clarity of mind that the Lord can perceive. And meditation teachers have been able to come up with slanted states of complete mental void without sex. They described Nirvana as a spiritual bribe that does not distract Sophie, Langdon calmly said, "You have to deny that the ancient view of sex
It was completely different than I looked at him today. Sex leads to a new life and is the greatest miracle of all, and miracles are performed only by God. Thus, a woman's ability to bring new life out of her womb made her a measured goddess. Sexual practice was the sacred union of the two halves of the female spirit-male and female-through which the male could attain spiritual perfection and union with the Lord. The ritual I saw was, not sex, but a purely spiritual and religious ritual. Valeros Gamos is not a form." Sexual perversion, it is an extremely sacrosanct detention whose words seemed to strike a chord. Sophie's been holding it together all along.
Remarkably, Langdon now saw for the first time the Atran halo that surrounded her. He was admitting that the idea of sex was a way of getting close to God.
AT FIRST, IT WAS A TERRIFYING, DISGUSTING IDEA. Langdon remembers his Howard students who were stunned.
When he first told them that the first Jewish tradition involved sex as a ritual.
That was even done at the temple? Because the bloody Jews believed that a priest
The sacraments in Solomon's temple were not only a house of God but also a house of the wife of our check. Men who were in search of spiritual perfection would come to the temple to visit priests or temple servants and have sex with them to communicate with the Lord through physical union. The Jewish YHWH, the sacred name of God, consists of four letters of Jehovah.
Jah and avah for "D 'A'" and "Cariah hovah."
For the old church, "Langdon, nicely articulated, was the idea of practice
Man to sex as a direct way of communicating with God poses a threat to the base of Catholic power, so that it diminishes the importance of the self-proclaimed Church as the only way to God, and for those obvious reasons the Church has worked hard to despise sex "and make it a demonic act and a disgusting sin. Other major religions followed suit. Sophie was silent, but Langdon felt she was beginning to understand her grandfather better
The interesting thing is that Langdon made this point in a lecture last semester. Don't you find it tempting to disagree about sex? He asked his disciples, The Ancient Civilizational Paradise and Vata tell us that sex is a natural passage and a standardized path leading to absolute spiritual happiness, and even though this is like, religion has recently described it as shameful and despotic." It teaches us to fear our sexual desires as the devil's hand that wants to brutalize us
A secret society in the world, the most influential of which, still practises the ritual of sacred sex meeting this ancient observance alive, discovered the character played by Tom Cruise in the film Staring Eyes Blinded, a hard experience when he infiltrated an elite Manhattan meeting and found himself witnessing the Eros Gamus. Although the film's producers appeared cloaked in detail, the basic idea was found in the film, which depicted a secret society whose members meet to capture the magic of the sexual union Professor Langon?" One student raised his hand while wobbling. Are you saying we should...
"Snooping more instead of going to church? Langdon, who would not have taken the bait, laughed and answered such a rigged question. What he heard.
About the parties that were being held here at Harvard, made him know that these guys were
They have too much sex.
Gentlemen, tell Langdon, knowing he was in the afterland, I would like to offer a rest.
It's addressed to everyone here, without being rude and encouraging to have premarital sex or being naive to think that you are pure angels. I'm going to give you this little advice about your sex life."
All the men in the audience came forward and listened with great interest.
When you are going to be with a woman after this lecture, search your heart and try to see if."
You couldn't look at sex as a mystical, spiritual ritual, and challenge yourself to find that measured perfection that a man could only undo by uniting with a moth.
.. The women in the room had meaningful tattoos agreeing with him
Men exchange jokes and laughs.
The Ingons... College guys. They're just toddlers.
Sophie's forehead was so cold, I stuck it to the window and I stared straight into the space.
Trying to comprehend what Langdon Lowe told her. She felt deep remorse. Ten Years. She kept reminiscent of her grandfather's mounds of letters, which had no cost.
Even the hassle of opening it.
I'll tell Robert everything. Sophie began to speak quietly and in fear without being discarded
She looked out the window.
As she began to recount what had happened that night, she felt she had completely returned to me
The past... When she got out of her car in the woods outside her grandfather's mansion in Normandy... I searched the empty house confused and confused. And then I heard voices coming from underneath... When she found the Secret Door, she opened it and went down the stone ladder one step down to find herself in a cellar carved into a rock, and she lived on her nose with wet breeding. It was March. She watched the first of you strangers, from her dark brain, on the staircase, squirming and chanting, churning and gleaming orange.
A dream. He said that he was a pussy. Is it really not you?
And I twisted the luminous spiral of compassion when they shoved the balls with the right hand and shouted in one voice: I was with you from the beginning, at the dawn of all that is holy and your campaign in
"My uterus before time began.
I rigged the silhouettes, wanting to bring our brother to mammoths, to slippers, like they would in.
Unfeeling euphoria. They were bowing out of respect for something in the center of the circle, what were they looking at?
The sounds have accelerated. And I got higher. And hurry.
The woman you're looking at right now is love.
". The man replied, "Her dwelling in eternal time has returned to the praise that has become constant once again, and it has accelerated its pace, it has shrunk."
The sounds are as loud as thunder. The participants then took a step forward
And knelt down.
It was only at that moment that Sophie could finally see what everyone was watching.
At the center of the circle, there was a man on a decoration altar. It was that guy who got killed.
He was naked and lying on his back with a black mask on his face. Sophie knew that body right away and the birthmark on him too. She was about to go out on a limb. That picture alone would have shocked Sophie, but it was... There's more.
Her grandfather was a sprawler with his legs and a naked woman wearing a white mask and her silver hair on top of him.
The dune is streaming from behind the canopy. She was a chubby woman with a flabby body, and she was moving over Sophie's grandfather in a monotonous fashion Sophie would turn her face around and run away from this place, but she couldn't. Lost
The stone walls of the cave were curtailed and curtailed as the voices began to rise. Chinas were scrambling, and they began to sound with ferocious violence.
The participants investigating her grandfather looked like they were singing now, and the sound was gradually louder
It took the form of a hysterical seizure. All of a sudden, everyone shouted a scream as if they were having orgasm. And Sophie couldn't take a breath. She was crying but was not aware of it. She turned around and shook up silently, with her legs powerless to carry her, left the house, trembling and drove back to Paris.

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