chapter 54

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Sophie felt her muscles were relaxing as they drove their armored truck towards
The house was along a special spiral road lined with poplar trees on both sides. She was relieved when they finally got out of the way, and she thought that this private palace with a huge gate that had beer was a fortified stronghold of a nice foreigner, a good fellow, was the best place to go
On the right side of the road is the Vellette Palace. THE PALACE WAS GOING UP
Three floors, sixty meters long. The facade of the palace was coarse grey stone with exterior flashlights. Its standing right next to the beautiful gardens and ponds of pure water
And the interior lights of the palace had just come on.
Langdon parked the truck out of sight, among the rising green trees instead.
Than to be stopped at the front door of the mansion. There's no need to take the risk of leaving the car under the eyes of pedestrians on a public road or to get Tying to wonder why he had a broken armored truck." He said
The Angdon.
Oomat Sufi. What are we gonna do with the Kritx? Maybe we shouldn't leave him alone, but...
"The problem is, uh, if we have his brother with us, Tipping will see him and he will lose what's inside of him. Langdon said he took off his coat as he got out of the car. Wolf.
The box is in the woolly coat and holds it like a baby in his arms." Sophie seemed wily to her.
Tyson never opens the door to his palace himself. I'll find a place.
What's inside, he hid it before he went in and saw it. Silence Langdon for a moment. IN FACT, I THINK I SHOULD WARN YOU BEFORE YOU THROW IT OFF, SIR Lei-TIPING HAS A SENSE OF JOKE. MOST PEOPLE WOULD FIND IT A LITTLE TEMPERATUDE
Sophie suspected there was anything that could possibly have hit her with his stranger.
Oak wood and cherry and its brass quark were the size of a large pomegranate. And before Sophie knocked on the door, he opened from the inside.
An elegant servant stood before them, stuttering his lips as he made the final alterations to a tie.
His white neck and black daughter, which he apparently just wore. And Du was in about 50 Nu. Soft, sweaty face pronounces a clear Ivory Banz from their presence here. Sir Leigh will come down to meet you, with a little French accent. Coffee.
He's wearing a lizard. Because he doesn't want to throw his guests in his nightgowns. Will you hand me your coat?" I have a vision of the woolly coat that Langdon had pinned and held in his arms. Thank you. I'd rather have him with me.
Whatever you want, follow me, please.
The server walked in front of them through a luxurious, no, marble floor lobby to a reception room
Exquisite design and decorations. The hall was lit by dim Victorian lamps decorated with curly tassels. The atmosphere inside the room was fraught with a fragrance of stalk, with traces of gluon followed, tea leaves and Spanish enigma, along with the ground fragrance of the stone architecture. And on the wall at the end of the room, between two sets of entire civilian shields, the servant walked towards the stove, bent over, and ignited a bridgehead in a preprepared piece of poplar, which had been poured with flammable material, the fire ignited in just. Seconds
After setting fire to the fireplace and adjusting his jacket, the valet stood in front of them. "My master is asking
"You must act freely as if you were in your house, and Sophie tolerated any artifact near the fireplace that was supposed to be.
Langdon unravels his coat, takes the latex, walks on the sofa, slips the box.
The wooden underneath it is completely out of sight. And he took off his coat and put it on again after he touched his collar, smiled at Sophie and sat right on top of his hidden couch. Good choice. I thought, Sophie. And I sat next to him.
As Sophie gazed at the burning fire for warmth, she had a strong feeling that
Her grandfather would have loved this room, which had the walls covered in the plywood that you see paintings.
An original artifact known to Sophie was Gan Busan, who was her grandfather's second best painter. And on the shelf above the fireplace was an alabaster bust of Isis overlooking the room.
Beneath the statue of the Egyptian gods and inside the fireplace were two unsightly kurgel freestyle statues.
She was used as a stove post to keep these hideous creatures from scaring Sophie when she was a little girl.
Her grandfather cured that fear when he took her to Notre Dame during a rainstorm. Almirti, the gaze on these absurd creatures, "told her her grandfather, referring to the meazib kurghel that the water was pouring out of her mouth. "Do you hear that funny sound coming out of my throat? Sophie hurled at her head and smiled upon hearing her throat burp, "her grandfather told her. And that's where her ridiculous name comes from. Sophie is no longer afraid of a ball after that day This cherished memory aroused pain and sadness and was struck by the harsh reality of her grandfather's stronghold and returned
Her heart is squeezed again. My grandfather had died, Sophie had in her mind the latex under the sofa and wondered if Lai Ting had any idea how to open it. Or whether we should even ask him. Her grandfather's last words were to find Robert Langdon, and he told her nothing about hiring anyone else. But we needed a place to hide, I thought, Sophie, she has decided to rule Sir Robert Langdon! A voice neighbors me from somewhere behind them. I see you're traveling with a virgin.
Langdon stood up to greet him. And Sophie jumped out of her place, too. The sound came from above.
A spiral staircase that curled up to the second floor. At the top of the stairs, a ghost moved. A man with no visible signs moved in the dark." Good evening, Langdon said, Sir Leigh, let me make you Sophie Novo.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
She says Sophie, and now she sees that the man was not at his feet.
And he used a crutch to walk. The peace came down step by step. I know it's too late.
It's too late, honey. Rather, it is righteous." And Tig asked her in French."
If you're not American?
"Sophie shook her head Fi, I'm Parisian.
You speak so eloquently and wonderfully.
Er, sugar. I studied at Royal Holloway.
That explains it." Teague continued down the stairs limping from the dark. Maybe.
Langfon told you that I studied at a university near yours, Oxford. "Tipping focused his attention on Landon and Pachyt, but naturally I applied to study at Harvard as well in
If I'm not said in Oxford.
He seemed to be a host for Sophie, and he was down the stairs, as far away from the Musketeers as possible.
Elton John Doe is more of a knight than he is. A walker for any Ting had a fat, ruby face and hair. A red thick-skinned eye that sparkles every time he spoke. He wore jersey trousers and a loose silk shirt under a paisley bra
Despite the ammonium hoops that surrounded his legs, he was walking tall and upright. He proudly raised his head, which seemed to be due more to the Nile's origin than to deliberate effort." Ting finally arrived and reached out to shake hands with Langdon, Trobert had lost some weight
Langdon smiled, and I found him.
Tipping laughed from his heart, nurtured on the full sprinkle. "I've been hit. It seems my worldly pleasures
These days she insists on the year "and then she meets Sophie, and he gently takes her hand, bows his head a little, and gently breathes on her fingers and then looks directly into her eyes. City Sophie looked at Langdon, not sure if she went back in time or
She's in a neurological hospital.
The servant who had just opened the door came in, carrying the tea set, and arranged it on the table
Against the stove.
"This is Remy Le Galluddick," Tig said, "My servant."
The skinny servant greeted them with a rough nod and then suffocated again.
Remi is from Leon." Whispering tingling as if it was a sad sickness. But he promised.
"Very good sauces.
I thought you might bring an English butler.
God, no way! I would not wish anyone to eat from the hand of an English chef but a coward.
The French Curiosity. And he looked at Sophie. Excuse me, Miss Novo. But I'm afraid my hatred of the French only affects politicians and the French national football team. Your government is robbing me and your soccer team.
"The foot has rubbed manta into a modern earth.
Sophie smiled at him with relief.
Tingling gazed into her eyes for a moment and then turned his gaze to Langdon. Something happened between us last night.
"The two boys seem nervous and fearful.
There's no doubt about it. You came in without warning in the middle of the night and talked about the rake.
Believe me, did you actually come here about the grill or did you just say so because you knew, "That's the only thing that would get me out of bed at this time of night? It was said of both. Sophie ran away, and she imagined the Cricks hidden under the couch
"Lay, Langdon said, we'd like to talk to you about the Sisterhood of Seon.
Ting raised his thick eyebrows westbound, the protectors, so it's really about the RIGS. I'm saving you.
You come up with new information, Robert?
Arima, we're not sure yet. We might know more if we can get some.
Information about it from you first.
... You shake a finger, you change. We both look at the American hill, one by one
Very well. I'm in your tent. What can I tell you? Lost Langdon. I was hoping you'd be nice and short for Miss Noses, the true nature of pussy.
Tipping seemed distraught. She does not know? Lagoon shook his head.
The smile on Ting's face then looked like a dirty blackout.
". Robert, are you a virgin?"
Langdon, feeling embarrassed, looked at my mysticism. "Virgin is a figure of speech he uses.
"The seeker describes anyone who has never heard the true story of the seeker.
Sophie briefly explained to him what Langdon had told her about Sion and the Knights.
The Hulk and the Segregal and the Measured Lex, which many claim are not just cups.. It's something much more important and powerful than that.
This is everything I have. Langdon's gaze has been harshly blamed. "Robert, I thought you were a man.
"Noble! You took her from the climax.
I know but I knew I could... "John Lagdon suddenly noticed.
Metaphor had reached unacceptable heights, to which Ting had attached Sophie to his eyes gazing with interest. You're a virgin.
Grill, my dear, but you'll never forget your first experience with him.

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