chapter 97

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There were over three thousand graves and mausoleum in Westminster Abbey. It was the crest.
The vast stone interior of the church is littered with the remains of Kings, statesmen, scholars, poets and musicians. Their tombs, crammed into every noose and gaping hole in the building, were of the grandeur and grandeur of royal mausoleum - like that of Queen Elizabeth I, which was destroyed by a huge canopy of stone nus with its own boy-shaped sanctuary - and descended to the most humble of which was a pit with a slab inscribed with the name of the deceased, worn out and erased from the multitude of feet she had inhabited over the centuries, leaving the name of the person whose remains lie underground for panders to imagine
Westminster Abbey was modeled after the great cathedrals of Amiens
Charter and Canterbury, however, are not considered a cathedral or diocese but rather a monarchical title to the throne. Ever since she embraced the coronation of William the Conqueror on the anniversary of the birth of Christ in 1066, the remarkable Church has experienced successive royal detentions and international events from King Edward's proclamation as a saint to the wedding of Prince Adro and Sarah. Ferguson and the funeral of Henry V, Queen Elizabeth I, and Princess Diana. However, Robert is now not interested in any of the church's historical events
Except for one event, the funeral of Sir Isaac Newton, the British knight.
In London lies a knight buried by a father.
Langdon and Sophie hurriedly entered through the baptised hallway in the bag's north wing.
There were guards who took them in and politely asked them to go through a fluorescence detector, which is the last addition to the iron, and which now exists in most of the ancient buildings in London. The second passed unwhistled and proceeded to the entrance of the church. When Langdon stepped over the threshold of Westminster Abbey, he suddenly felt that the outside world had
It evaporated around it. The noise of the cars, the sound of the rain, and the silence. Deafening, echoing echoes throughout the building, as if to himself, Langdon and Sophie immediately turned their eyes up, as all the visitors
The Church's roof was as high as it lay to an infinite sky. As was the case in the first place.
The gray stone poured high up like the trunks of a tall, mighty tree, then bowed gracefully over wide areas and then returned to lace the floor with freedom. Forward was a mold. The wide north wing stretches like a deep valley surrounded by bright glass slopes
The lights, yet today's rain and order filled the church's enormous void with a dreadful scourge... "Tucks. The fact of the place where death and graves were so empty," Sophie whispered
Langdon felt very hopeful, hoping that there would be more people. To be the first to know.
The place is enormous, Landon would not have wanted to repeat his experience at the abandoned Temple Church, and he felt a bit safe going to a popular tourist destination. But his memories of noisy crowds in a magnificent church were etched in his mind during the bustling summer of tourists. But in this rainy day of April, all that was before Langdon's eyes were vast, deserted, desolate Spaces and empty niches instead of jealous crowds. And shiny, stained glass.
We went through the metal detector, "said Sophie, who seemed worried
Langdon's tendon. If any of our opponents were in this place, they wouldn't be armed, and Oma Langdon would agree, but in the resolution, he wanted to bring in a police officer.
We're here, but Sophie's concerns, because she doesn't know yet who might be involved in this operation, have blocked Langdon's doors in case he thinks to contact any government agencies.
We should be able to talk about this. It's the key to every
And she was right, of course.
It is the key to finding measured lime.
And the key to finding out who's behind all this.
... Unfortunately, it looks like the Oracle Seasons of Restore Cricks were here and now.
At Isaac Newton's grave. The person who holds the Critex must visit the grave to decode the last clue. Langdon and Sophie intended to get in the way of Olink
The people who didn't come and go.
Langdon and Sophie walked wide in line towards the left wall, a little further away from Awn
The guards then progressed into a dark side suite behind a row of columns. Langdon could not get away from a picture of what he was abducting, who might now be chained up and thrown in Sarah's limousine - if not worse, a person who had ordered the top members of Seon would not hesitate to get rid of anyone who got in his way
Ironically, Thing, a contemporary British knight, was held as a second hostage
The search for his native Sir Isaac Newton.
Which way should we go? I asked Sophie and she was waiting around.
A graveyard. Langdon had no idea. We should look for evidence and his offspring.
Langdon knew it was never wise to wander around aimlessly in this place.
Westminster Abbey was packed with stone shelters, shrines and burial chambers. And she was...
The Calgand Gallery in the Louvre is equipped with an entry point and only a unit, which is the door they just entered into.
Which makes entry easy but exit impossible, a trap set up for tourists. As one of Langdon's wacko colleagues once said, the church design followed the traditional church design of a massive cross. However, its entrance, unlike most priesthood, was in the culprit's section of the church rather than the restraining brooch which is usually in the back section via the passage under the church plate. In addition, the church was characterized by a series of arcades, the length of the recess to be right. A visitor could take a single step toward the wrong arcade. He would be lost in a maze of outer passages surrounded by high walls in the arcades.
He looked indirectly through a turbo-shaped mantle to the dimension end of the gateway, and saw several private crawling on either one of them and on their leg. It is not unusual in this place, and it is quite cruel of what is actually the case. It was just a bunch of tourists doodling graves, no more.
"I see no evidence here, Sophie said. We may be able to find the tomb on our own.
Without a word being uttered, several steps forward were taken towards the centre
The church and referred to Yemen.
I betrayed Sophie in a deep sense, and I took a moment to stunned the extension of the church plate, and I got killed.
The immense size and breadth of the church. "Oh my God, I said, Sophie, let 's find evidence to guide us to the shrine
And at that moment, a hundred yards south of the church plate, he went out of sight.
Behind the Margaritans' Choir, there was only one gilt in Sir Isaac Neon's magnificent mausoleum. For ten minutes now, the teacher has stood meditating on magnificent chalk Newton's mausoleum consisted of stone nawls, composed of black marble with my statue on them.
Sir Isaac Neon, dressed in classics, proudly tucked on a stack of his books, with the tablet, the cornology, the optics, and the natural philosophies of the Math Padate, and at the feet of Newton stood two winged boys holding a manuscript. Behind Newton's body lying on the ground lay a simple pyramid. AS STRANGE AS THIS HULK PYRAMID EXISTS, IT WAS THE HUGE SHAPE, WHICH WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PYRAMID THAT TOOK THE TEACHER UP. ITS A ROYAL BALL
Teacher thought of Sauniere's bitter riddle. You're looking for the royal ball that should have
You're on his grave. The huge ball that stood out from the front of the pyramid was etched in the style of Paso Relevo, with its shapes almost invisible to the background, depicting all kinds of celestial bodies: planets, towers, planetariums, and stars. Above it is the image of the astronomy machine, under a host of stars
....  Countless balls
Teacher was on the bottom that once he found the mausoleum, it would be a flood for him to
He discerns the missing ball, but he is now unsure of it, contemplating a complex map of the heavens. Was that a missing planet in your collection? Did one of the objects in the group purposely neglect? This is something he did not know, yet the teacher said that the solution is very clear and simple - a Persia Dafa Baba - what ball should I look for? Surely a thorough knowledge of jaw wasn't a requirement to pry on measured limestone, was it?
It tells the story of a pink body and a womb that carried a spirit in his heart. His line of thought was cut as he came close.
Tourists, the Kretex went back to his pocket and watched the visitors stay where they went to a village table, then put some money in the donation cup, and were again equipped with gravescratching tools offered by the free broom, and then beat them from the ballpoint pen to the front section.
To the synagogue where poets visited the tomb of Jose, Tennyson, and Dickens to sweep their villages with all their might.
When the teacher was once again alone, he approached the mausoleum and carefully inspected it from
The tip of its head, to the point of sucking on its top, lost from the parched canopy of the stars, through the huge ball of the planet and the constellations of the constellations, the pyramid and the China carrying the mathematical manuscript, to Newton's books on science, and to Newton's claw feet beneath the stone sarcophagus.
And what kind of a ball should have been here... But she doesn't exist? Teacher touched the Kretics in J as if he were trying to draw the answer to this question from the Sunyer marble cylinder. With only five letters from the grail, the teacher now steps toward the corner of the chorus screen, takes a deep breath, and looks across a plate.
The church to the main altar far away. His eyes turned from the invulnerable sect, where he was caught in the gleaming robe of a church revelator called by two people whom the Master knew best, Langdon and Novo.
And the teacher takes two steps back to hide behind the chorus screen. That was a lot of fun.
After all, he expected Langdon and Sophia to dislodge the blade of the trap and return it to Newton's grave, the Anemas were faster than he thought. The teacher took a deep pulse and studied the possibilities. In front of him now, he is accustomed to surprises. The Kretics are in my hands
He reached out to his forehead and felt the other thing he had given himself, a gun.
The Medusa. As the teacher had predicted, the pouch device sounded when he was passing through it and the pistol was in his pocket. When the teacher gazed angrily at them, noticing his personal tour, they retreated. His official role was to earn the respect that Danma deserved.
Even though science hoped... the Cretaceous were left alone to avoid any complications
Happened, but now he felt that coming to Don and Sophie was a delightful development. The peal look encountered on the theme "The D Ball is now able to extract them, and if Langdon could have decoded the poem for the location of the shrine, there is a good chance that he also knew the password and could extract it by applying a little pressure on it
.. This is not going to be done.
This must be in a closed place, out of sight, the teacher remembers he had seen a sign on his way to the cyst. He immediately knew the place
To act to trap them.
But the most important question right now is... What bait does he have to use?

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