Chapter One

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Growing up I never thought that I would be in the position that I am in today.. I use to always say how by the age 25 I was going to be happy and have a big family. I guess I thought wrong, seeing that here I am at age 30 living in a studio apartment on the rough side of town in New York, working at hotel making minimun wage that just barely pays my rent. Oh, not to mention in my 30 years of living I have never had a boyfriend, never even been on a date, best of it all... I'm a virgin. As much as I would like to have a family, I've really given up hope on the dream. I've been looking for a new job because the hotel has cut my hours, so paying the bills and trying to provide food for myself has became one of many struggles since. As I get ready for work I think hard on rather I should call out or not. This job has been the worst so far, I get no break, my coworkers and managers are rude, and of course the pay is horrible. On that note, I think I will call out and maybe go to the library to look for another job, hopefully something just magically gets thrown at me. I know that things will get better, I will be able to live comfortably and happy for the first time in my life soon. Once I got done getting myself together, I came to the library and while I wait on a computer to free up I walk over to the attached coffee shop. I always love to come here because the cashier, Jane, is so sweet and it's always good to have a conversation with her.

Jane- Goodmorning Alexandria.

Me-Goodmorning love.

Jane-The usual?

Me-Yes please.

Jane-Ok, right on it.

I reach in my purse grabbing the five dollar bill and hand it to her.

Me-Here you go

Jane-It's on us

Me-Oh no here.. it was on you guys last time.

Jane- No ma'am

She refused, but I don't feel right letting them keep paying for my coffee. Once she made it, I handed her the bill again as she gave me my coffee as a tip since she wouldn't let me pay.

Jane- You know I can't take this


No matter what my situation is I always tip people, you never know someone could be in a worse situation than you. As she took a deep breath she grabbed the bills.

Jane- Thank you

Me- No, thank you

I started walking towards the exit until I overheard this couple talking. "Bébé, comment allons-nous trouver quelqu'un comme elle ?"("Babe, how are we going to find someone like her?"), the lady with this beautiful, sky blue dress that came to her knees on said to the guy sitting across from her. "Ne stresse pas mon amour, nous trouverons une autre servante" ("Don't stress love, we will find another maid"), the guy across from her replied. A maid? They're looking for someone to work for them? This is my chance, I can clean like never before and I can speak French. I know that they'll pay good just by looking at how they're dressed. I look like a whole bum right now, will they even take me serious? I mean it doesn't hurt to try, right? I need a job and they're obviously looking for someone. I fix my shirt to make myself look at least half decent, then I approach them.

Me- Um, excuse me..

Soon as they looked up at me I got so nervous, to the point that I'm almost breaking sweat. I then remember that they were speaking French, so maybe they don't know much English.

Me- Je ne veux pas vous déranger, mais je vous ai entendu parler et je comprends que vous cherchez une femme de ménage ? (I don't mean to bother you, but I overheard you talking and I undertsand that you're looking for a maid?)

"Oui, en connaissez-vous un ?" ("Yes, do you know of one?") she asked.

Me- Moi-même madame.. (Myself ma'am..)

"Toi?" (You?) she replied with a questioning look.

Me- Oui madame... Je peux nettoyer, je peux cuisiner, tout ce dont vous avez besoin... Je peux le faire. (Yes ma'am... I can clean, I can cook, anything you need.. I can do.)

"Are you French? I hear you speak english when you first approach us." The gentleman the she was sitting with stated.

Me- No sir, but I taught myself the language because i always admired it.

"So your first language is English?" he asked.

Me- Correct

"Good, cause if we do hire you our son needs a few lessons. He'll be coming to stay with us for a while and his english isn't too good. He goes from country to country a lot so he hasn't had time to actually learn the language." he replies. I'm totally fine with teaching someone English, I personally think it's cool to be bilingual like myself.

Me- No problem, I'd be glad to help. Like I said, anything you need I got it without a doubt.

"How soon could you start, like for a trail?" He asked.

Me-Today, tomorrow, whenever you need me sir.

They lady looked at him with yet another questioning look.

"What's your name darling?" she asked.

Me-Alexandria ma'am, Alexandria Asú.

The guy stood up, walked around the table to her side pulling her chair out allowing her to stand up.

"Alexandria, we are Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeios" he said as he held his hand out and I shook it.

Me- Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois.

Mr.Bourgeois- You as well.. how about we get you to come tomorrow?

Me-Yes of course, what time?

Mr.Bourgeios- Say 9 am?

Me-Yes, yes I can

Mr.Bourgeios- Sounds great, this is the address..

He writes it on a napkin, holds it up as i read it, then three seconds later rips it up. That is very strange.

Mr.Bourgeios- Do you remember it?

Me- Um yes 117-

Mr. Bourgeios- Ah ah ah.. keep it in your head.

Me-Oh um yes sir..

Mr. Bourgeios- Good, now you can pull straight to the back, there will be two security guards next to the gate. I'll give them your name, so you just tell them who you are and they'll let you through.

Me-Yes sir, thank you so much

Mr. Bourgeios- See you tomorrow.

Me- See you tomorrow.

They left out and I seen that they had like four huge body guard men with them, but I could no longer hide my happiness.

Me- Yes!

I did a small happy dance and immediately got embarrassed once i noticed some people looking at me, some of them even looked concerned. Grabbing my coffee, I run out and start heading to the front door. I'm so happy I don't even know what to do with myself.. I just hope that the first day goes well and that they decide to keep me. This is it, this is my start to a new journey...

-First chapter, I hope you all stick around❤️❤️

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