Chapter Twenty

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While Laurent has been out, on my spare time I've been practicing on the piano. With everything he has taught me I am finally able to play a song; well half of a song.

Lynn- Good evening Alexandria.

She said as she walked into the room.

Me-Good evening Lynn, where were you earlier?

Lynn-Larry had me organizing his closet.. you sound good.

Me-Oh thank you, I plan on playing it for Laurent.. ummm c-cause he's been teaching me.

Lynn-Alexandria, I know.

Me-You do?

Last I knew the only people that knew was Bobo and Larry.

Lynn- Yes, you can't hide it with the way you two look at eachother.

I started to blush as I think about him.

Lynn-You're in love.

Me-I am..

Lynn-I can tell.. are you going to be in here the rest of the day?

Me-No, I was just about to leave out.

Lynn- Ok, heads up Mrs. Bourgeois is back.


I've tried talking to Mrs.Bourgeois but she just ignores me. Whenever she's around I feel unwanted and just very uncomfortable. I know she makes me feel that way on purpose.  Once I closed the room up I walked to the living room and the first person I see is Mrs.Bourgeois, so I decide to greet her.

Me- Good evening, Mrs.Bourgeois.

She looks at me and keeps walking. Honestly, I've worked here long enough and I feel that I should get treated like everyone else, like an actual worker and not some unknown person.

Me-...Mrs.Bourgeois I have something to say.

She turned to me and I instantly get nervous.

Mrs.Bourgeois- That is?

Me- I feel like you should treat me better than what you do. I understand that I'm just a maid, but I have been around you long enough to where I shouldn't feel the need to be on edge everytime I see you. I've felt like you have disliked me since I first sat in your office.

Mrs.Bourgeois- Because I have.. since you have came into our lives everything has gone wrong. You expect us to fill in and replace the family that you don't have, and that's never going to happen. Because of you, my family has broken apart-

Me-I'm sorry but I don't expect that from you and I didn't break your family-

Mrs.Bourgeois- You did! You ruined everything!

She went from irritated to very angry. She walked closer to me.

Mrs.Bourgeois-I just want you to know.. it is a fact that you're not wanted here.. and I see how you look at Laurent, he will never love you, your own father didn't so don't expect another man to. You're a pest that my needy sons just can't get rid of-

Larry- Mère ! (Mother !)

He yelled as he came into the living room. With tears covering my face I quickly walk out and go to the back house.. There, I just cried.. Her words hurt me, I didn't expect for her to respond to me like that.


Walking in to my mother talking to Alexandria like that irritated me so bad. If it was Laurent to be the one to walk in, who knows exactly what would've happened.

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