Chapter Twenty Nine

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This morning I woke up and didn't see Laurent, but the bedroom door was open so I figured that he was out in the living room or outside. I turn to the spot he was laying in and softly rub it as I smiled. Last night was everything I could've imagined and more.. his patience, his desire for my happiness.. everything. As I laid here thinking about him the door came fully open and he came into the room with a big tray. I sat up and placed the cover over me. He sat the tray full of food in my lap and gave me a kiss.

Laurent-Goodmorning baby.

Me-Goodmorning, did you cook this?

Laurent-No ma'am, I had Deno come early this morning to cook. I had him wait until I heard you moving around  so everything could still be pretty fresh. I didn't want to wake you so I also waited so that we could eat together.

I'm living a dream.. a perfect dream. He sat next to me and we enjoyed breakfast together.

Me-How'd you sleep?

Laurent-Better than ever.

He said with a smile.


Me-It was great and so peaceful.

Laurent-I'm glad that you're well rested because we have a full day ahead of us.

I could only imagine what he had planned.


Surprisingly, the house hasn't went crazy since LO is gone. I just hope that the both of them are enjoying themselves and relaxation. I've been making it my top priority to check on Jasmine multiple times a day to make sure that there's no funny business going on. Speaking of, I'm walking in now, and it's a little too quiet in here. Normally around this time she'd be in the living room but she's not. Then I hear noise upstairs, so I go up there and she's in Alexandria's room.

Me-Why are you in here?

Jasmine-Umm it's my sisters room.. plus I was just about to wash this basket of clothes.

Me- If she wanted it washed she would've had it outside of the door. Also, That's my job, and when Alexandria isn't here no one is allowed in her room.


Me-She doesn't want to be called that so respect it.

Jasmine-Look..I get that you just met her and your trying to what, fill in my spot. But I'm back in her life and I will call her by who I know her as.

Me-You don't know her..

Jasmine-Continue to think that.

She smiled and walked out leaving me annoyed and wanting to give her so many words. I have a strong hate for this woman and I barely know her, but I know that she's a bitch. After I check the room to make sure that she didn't go through anything I go to the front house to Larry. I walk into his work space but he's not in there.

Me-Where's Larry?

I ask his people. "He's in LO's office", one of them states. I walked to the other side of the house to LO's office and Larry was sitting at the desk on the computer.

Me-I hate her

Larry-What happened?

Me-She's just such a bitch.. what are you doing?

Larry-I seen her outside on the phone last night. I've been trying to get into her call log for fifteen minutes.

He said with frustration.

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