Chapter Four

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When I got home yesterday I had another note on my door, another late rent notice. There's nothing I can do but try to keep this job so I can pay my bills. But of course something has to get in the way of that.. I'm running behind this morning because my car wouldn't start. Now that I think about it, I probably should've called to inform them about my tardiness. Hopefully they'll be understanding and I won't have any "consequences" to face. I was saving to get a new car but my savings has gone to shit, from owing the state to falling behind on my rent, the little money that I did have is gone.. As I finally pull into their house I see that There's a few extra security guards. There's a lot of cars out here as well, which has caused me to become a little more nervous. I shuffle around as I grab my things and exit the car. I noticed the guards staring at me as I was walking up, so I avoided eye contact by looking down. They let me in and quickly I go to look for Mrs. Bourgeois.


My mother and father have done well with keeping this house together. I've missed them a lot and I really didn't want to come here on these conditions, but with my job I have to always be on my toes and always be prepared to move in any way that I need to. As I'm waiting on my father to come back into the living room, a girl I've never seen speed walk past me. With confusion I follow her, she stops in the first hall right infront of my mother. "Mrs.Bourgeios please forgive me I'm so sorry. My car wouldn't start and I was in such a rush I forgot to call" she said in a panic. My mom looked disappointed but she caught eye contact with me then looked back at the girl.

Mrs.Bourgeois - Don't let it happen again

"Yes ma'am" she replied.

Mrs.Bourgeois - I need you to get with Lynn and start setting breakfast asap.

"Yes ma'am" she says. She turns around and I almost couldn't stop staring at her. She looked to the ground as she walked away, but I was still able to see her. "This girl is beautiful", I thought to myself.

Me- Qui est-ce? (Who is that?)

Mrs.Bourgeois - La nouvelle servante  (The new maid)

Me- Elle a de la famille ?(She has family?)

Mrs.Bourgeois-Non... pas d'enfants, pas de mari ( kids, no husband)

My brother walks up and joins in our conversation.

Larry-Ah, alors, sur qui complotez-vous maintenant ?(Ah, so who are you guys plotting on now?)

Me-Personne... j'apprends juste de nouveaux visages(No one...just learning new faces)

Maybe it's a good thing that I've came back at this time. As we walk into the dining room everyone stands and greets us. I forgot that I was waiting on my father in the living room, but he has made his way in here so we'll talk later. Everyone continued standing as both my mother and father stood at the end of the table.

Mrs. Bourgeios- Je tiens à remercier tout le monde de s'être réunis avec nous aujourd'hui. Même si nous aurions aimé que cela soit une visite volontaire. (I would like to thank everyone for gathering with us today. Even though we wish that this could've been a willing visit.)

Me- Mère.. (Mother..)

She looks at me and takes a deep breath.

Mr. Bourgeios- What my wife is saying, is that we appreciate you all for coming. As we celebrate a not so celebrating welcome to our boys.

Larry- Everyone here knows that when we are here, it's not for a good reason

Me- Mais nous allons utiliser ce temps pour donner plus de travail à mon frère. alors, pour l'instant, profitons de ce délicieux petit-déjeuner. (But, we're going to use this time to get more work out for my brother. So, for now let's enjoy this delicious looking breakfast.)

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