Chapter Thirty Four

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I stayed up pretty much the entire night. Alexandria was in and out, but everytime she woke up, she would just cry. I'm confused on what I should do, but I know that I need to be here for her. She's been sleep for a little over two hours now, which is longer than the last few times she fell back asleep. Slowly I lift her off my chest and place a pillow under her head, kiss her forehead, then I go downstairs just to see Larry and Lynn in the kitchen.

Lynn-GoodMorning sir..

Larry-GoodMorning my brother.

Me-Why are you two in here?

Lynn-Larry said that I should make breakfast for you guys so I am.

Larry-How are you feeling?

Me-I'm fine..

Lynn- Alexandria?..

Me-.... Elle n'a pas beaucoup dormi... elle a mal... Chaque fois qu'elle se réveille, elle pleure pour se rendormir... c'est tellement foutu. J'ai tellement essayé de la rendre heureuse... de rendre sa vie meilleure... la seule chose que j'ai faite, c'est de rendre les choses pires. (She didn't sleep much... she's hurting.. Everytime she wakes up she would cry herself back to sleep.. it's so fucked up. I tried so hard to just make her happy... to make her life better.. the only thing I've done is make it worse.)

Lynn- Laurent, you can't think like that.

Me-It's not a thought Lynn,it's reality. I fuck up everything. She just killed her fucking sister because of me-

Larry-Jasmine brought that upon herself.

Me-I brought her here Larry... everytime..every single time I think I can fix shit, it just breaks even more... mother was right-

Larry-Non, ce n'était pas le cas, elle n'a raison sur rien. Laurent, je te le promets, tu as rendu Alexandria plus heureuse. Vous avez réparé plus que vous ne le pensez. (No she wasn't, she isn't right about anything. Laurent, I promise you, you have made Alexandria happier. You have fixed more than you know.)

Me-... ça ne semble pas être le cas... Je ne veux pas continuer à lui faire du mal... peut-être... peut-être que ce sera mieux si je la laisse partir. ( doesn't seem like it.. I don't want to continue hurting her.. maybe.. maybe it'll be best if I just let her go.)

Alexandria- No.

She came into the kitchen, her face covered with tears.


I felt when Laurent got out of bed, but at the time, I didn't feel like opening my eyes. I have a horrible migraine from all the crying, what's making it worse is that as I lay here everything just replays over and over in my head.. so I need to force myself to get up and move around. When I finally get up, I go downstairs to see if Laurent was down here or outside. Before I could make it into the living room, I hear him, Larry, and Lynn talking. It makes me even more sad to hear Laurent blame himself and Larry is right, Laurent has fixed more than he knows. I was going to let them talk and go back upstairs, but then I heard Laurent say something about letting me go. I'm not about to let him do that, so I step into the kitchen to interrupt.


He looked at me and stood up.


Me-I don't want to go..

He walked closer to me.

Laurent-The longer you're here, the more I hurt you..

Me-I'm happy more than I'm hurting... laurent don't do this.

Laurent- It's not fair to you Alexandria, you've lost everything.

Me-Exactly, I've lost everything.. so you're going to force me to lose you too? If...

This lump started to form in my throat. I can't be out there alone again... without him. I know that he'll have someone to take care of me but he doesn't understand how much he means to me.

Me-If I lose you... I have nothing.. please don't do this to me.. I need you...... Laurent I need you more than anything right now.


Watching Alexandria cry and hearing her tell Laurent how she's feeling is making my eyes start to burn. Once the first tear fell I just let them keep falling. I wipe them away and Larry grabs my hand. As her voice cracked, my heart broke for her.  When Alexandria first came here, I did question her. But, I've grown to care for and love her as if I've known her forever. So if Laurent was to let her go, I would be upset myself. I know that he would be too because out of the time I've known him, he's only shed tears twice and they've both been with her.. he took her upstairs and Larry and I were just left hoping that he would keep her here.

Larry-You ok?

Me-Yes..that was pretty intense.

Larry-It was... it still surprises me exactly how much he loves her.


Ever since we've came up to the room there's been nothing but silence. Laurent is really beating himself up about this whole situation.. all he wanted to do was help Jasmine and I reconnect. It's not his fault that she became a totally different person.



I sat up and held his hand.

Me-I want you to know that I love you so much.. lastnight.. I made that decision on my own. None of this is your fault... except for you getting shot because I was right there to take it.

Laurent-You really think I was about to let you get shot? I'm sorry for pushing you so hard but I wasn't about to let that happen.

Me-... why didn't you fight back?

Laurent-She's your sister... no matter how much anger I had towards her in that moment.. I couldn't force myself to hurt her, all I could think about was you.. Alex I'm s-


Laurent-I just ruined your life.

Me-You didn't, stop saying that.. Laurent you healed me. Because of you the real person that ruined my life is gone and the person that was close to ruining it more is as well.. if Jasmine was able to take me with her, who knows how fucked up my life would've been.. believe it or not Laurent.. you saved me from everything that has hurt me or was bound to hurt me.

Laurent-Yet you still got hurt in the process..

Me-Laurent stop.

I'm trying not to get upset with him, but it's hard, because he's still telling himself that he's hurting me. I just need him to stop. I leaned down to give him a kiss and laid right back into his arms.

Me-I love you.

Laurent-I love you too..



Although my stories aren't finished, this will more than likely be my last time updating them. I somewhat don't know what point I'm trying to get to with these stories. I have drafts but I just feel like they don't make sense. I have been very unmotivated and just ready to take them all down. But, I do want to thank everyone that has read and engaged in my stories. Hopefully one day I gain back motivation or something..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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