Chapter Three

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I woke up very early this morning so that I could make sure that I had everything I needed. I found a few dollars around the house so I brought them to the coffee shop so i could get a little energy.

Jane- Hey Alex, we missed you yesterday.

Me- I know, I was lucky enough to get this maid job.

Jane- Really that's good, where?

Me- For this couple Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeios

Her smile dropped.

Jane- Wait is that why you were talking to them the other day?

Me- Yes, what's wrong?

Jane- haven't heard about them?

Me- Umm no..

Jane- They're dangerous.. their entire family, especially their sons, the twins.

Me- Dangerous? How?

Jane- They-

"Jane", her manager called from the other side of the counter.

Jane- Just please be very careful ok? And try not to get on their bad side.

She walked away with a concerned expression, I am now even more nervous and confused. My thoughts are everywhere right now and I don't know if I should go or not. Well it's honestly too late to even think that.. I leave the coffee shop and make it quicker than I expected, maybe because of how anxious I am. Once I got past the security guards, I instantly became on edge. Walking inside the house I meet Mrs. Bourgeios at the front staircase.

Mrs. Bourgeios- Goodmorning Alexandria

Me- Goodmorning Mrs. Bourgeios

Mrs. Bourgeios- So there's been a change in plans.

A change in plans? What plans? God, what am I doing?

Me- A change?

Mrs. Bourgeios- Yes.. walk with me.

As we walk, there's men everywhere, boxes, suitcases, all types of containers. I have so many questions but I want to see if she's going to answer them before I ask.

Mrs. Bourgeios- Remember we said that my boys were coming next week?

Me- Yes ma'am.

Mrs. Bourgeios- Well there's business that needs to be handled, so they have to come tomorrow. Therefore, I need you and our other maid to clean every room top to bottom. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be able to live like this, so we have to keep it together to show our appreciation. Also, tomorrow I need you here at 9 am.

So it's the sons that are able to afford this, well what do they do?

Me- Yes ma'am.

A lady in a black and white skirt uniform walked up with an obviously fake smile. I'm assuming that this is the other maid.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Bourgeios", she said as she slightly tilted her head down.

Mrs. Bourgeios- Goodmorning Lynn, this is Alexandria, your new partner. Could you take her to the third floor and you ladies start there?

Lynn- Yes ma'am..

This lady is acting very strange, maybe it's just me. Mrs. Bourgeios handed me a uniform and I followed Lynn up the stairs and went into this room that seems to be already clean.

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